Liam or Harry

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Liam's POV

I went downstairs and saw... Ashley snogging Harry. " Ashley, what happened about last night?" I asked feeling hurt, she was cuddling with me and never left my chest last night and now i find her snogging with the guy that is always hurting her.

Harry's POV

When i saw Ash coming down stairs, i got confused because her room is downstairs, not upstairs. Infact the only room that is upstairs is Liams, that means she slept in Liams bed last night, after i told her not to go and see him. "morning Ash" "morning Hazza" she said nicley not grumpy at all. "where did you sleep last night?" i said suspiciously, "um well after you feel asleep i went ot see Liam and sorta kinda slept in his bed last night, and Haz i thought about what happened last night and i lied to you," after processing what she just said i managed to choke out " what do you mean, how did you lie?" "well Harry, a little birdy told me that you have basically cheated on every woman you have ever dated and i don't exactly want ot be hurt again Harry." WHAT, who told her that. Now from what i gathered from what she just said, she wants to break up with me, i bet Liam told her to break up with me, "Harry, are you ok?" a sad voice asked me, "Ash i don't want you to break up with me, please give me another chance." i pleaded with her. "fine one more chance" she said then i smashed my lips against hers.

Ashley's POV

When Harry kissed me, someone came down the stairs, that could only be one person,


"Ashley," when he started talking i broke apart from Harry and saw Liam standing there, surprised as ever, "Liam, im back with Harry, im sorry" after i said that i felt so bad, "i can see that i don't mean anything to you anymore" did my Li just say that he does'nt mean anything to me anymore, oh my gosh, thats no where near true. " no Li, you mean heaps to me, it's just that your my best friend." after i said that, Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me into his room and locked the door, "Harry what is it,?" "Ash, do you like Liam?" he asked seriously, "yeah of course i like LIam" i said back in a dah tone, "no as in like like him" as soon as he asked that my cheeks flushed red and i looked at the ground and asked myself, do i like Liam? unfortuantly i think i do! "Ash, answer me" Harry said getting a bit agitated, "I don't know".

Liam's POV

I have a real problem, im in love with Ashley, im in love with Harry's GIRLFRIEND! OMG im screwed. I just have to talk to her, but i bet Harry won't let me near her. I have to try.

Ashley's POV

After i had told Harry that i don't know how i felt towards Liam i left the room but i bumped into something hard, i looked up and i had walked into Liams chest. "oh im sorry" i stumbled those words out of my mouth, "wait Ash can i talk to you please?" oh no what does he want ot talk to me about? "yeah sure" so we walked into the lounge and sat on the couch, "Ash, im sorry but i love you, i always have and always will. ive tried controling my feelings but it does'nt work, i had to tell you" oh my gosh, Liam loves me, but im with Harry, i think i love them both.

Harry's pov

When Ashley left my room, my phone rung from beside my bed, on the front it said 'managment' oh exactly what i need. "Hello Harry speaking, yes, oh, yep i understand, ok bye" OMG managment said me, Louis and Niall are going to a special interview concerning my whole job!, this is not going to end well. Im guessing Louis and Niall have got the message, they'll be here in a few minutes.


yep there's my doorbell, so i got my lazy arse of my bed and went to the front door, "hello Louis, Hello Niall, got the message" i said sarcasticly, "oh yeah we got the message" Niall said, "gone for a whole two months without Ashy poo!" CRAP, Ash already is suspicious of me when im out, now im going to be gone two months. "Hey guys, i need to go... run some erands, be back later. When they arrived i was half changed so i only had pants on, no t-shirt, but i did'nt care so i just ran out of my apartment and got in my car, i drove very fast to my part-time home and ran straight upstairs, not even saying hi to my mum, "Ashley!" i yell from the outside of her room. Again CRAP, after leaving my room, i saw her go with Liam, she'll be back with him, so i ran back to the apartment and ran to Liams door, BANG BANG BANG, i knocked on the door as loud as i could, "LIAM,IS ASH THERE" as soon as i finished yelling through the door, it opened and out came Ash.

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