The Date

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Jasmin's POV

"ok, calm down" i gave myself a little pep talk, i examined myself in the mirror, i was wearing a silky Blue dress with purple high heels on, i was short compared to Liam. I finally tore my gaze away from the mirror and i headed for Ash's place.

Ashley's POV

"you look fine!" i yelled at Liam, "are you sure, first impressions always..."

"yeah yeah, always last. stop being daddy direction for the night ok and enjoy yourself"


"that'll be her" i said then i ran to the door. "Ash!" she yelled, "Jassy!"  i yelled back, we hugged then i led her towards the loungeroom.

Liam's POV

Ash was leading a absoulutly stunning girl into the room, she was beautiful girl with her brown silky hair flowing down to her butt. She smiled at me and i smiled back, "Liam, this is Jasmin, Jas this is... oh you know who he is" Ash introduced us. "hey" i managed to stumble out. "hi" she said, "well off you go you two, have fun"Ash said shoing us out of the appartment. she sorta sounded like a mother whose daughter is going on her first date.

Ashley's POV

"so the appartment is all to ourselves then" Harry said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. "hmm" i hummed. We went into the bedroom... The rest you can figure out yourselves.

~~~~~~3 hours later~~~~~~

I heard a door open, i opened my eyes and saw a naked Harry lying beside me, I got up and put my dressing gown on then peeked my head out the door, to see Liam and Jas rushing up stairs shoeless and with their hair all ruffled. "I dont even wanna know" I said to myself, "The kids home then yes?" harry said from the bed. Still naked. "i wont tell you again Styles, next time ill rip it off" i said, he covered up like a child does. "come here" he said, i got into bed with my dressing gown still on, Harry looked at me like i was stupid, "uhh fine" i groaned taking it off then lying down and falling into a dreamless sleep.


I sat up and stretched out yawning, Harry still had his arm clamped firmly over my waist. I went to get up but Harry pulled me back down, "No, stay with me" he groaned, "no, Harry unless you want me to pee in the bed then let me go" i said, He immediatly let go then let me get up. I got up and picked up the closest peice of clothing. Of course it had to be Harry's clothes. I put on his t-shirt and boxers then left the room. When i was getting dressed i felt Harry's eyes glued to my naked body. Perv.

I went into the kitchen and again found Liam having tea. How much tea does he drink. "Liam" Jas said coming out of Liams bedroom. Oh God, please. "oh, morning Ash" Jas said, I saw what she was wearing, Liams T-shirt and little pink panties. "Jas?" i said motioning her to follow me, i walked into the loungeroom. "Jas, did you..." i asked. "maybe, it looks like we both got some action" she said winking then walking back to Liam. I rolled my eyes and went back to my bedroom. I walked in and could'nt see Harry anywhere. "Harry" i said, "yes" he said from right behind me, I turned around and saw Harry was, yup you guessed it, he was naked. AGAIN!. "you came in at the wrong time ok" he said holding his hands up in defence, I rolled my eyes,

"so Liam and Jas had FUN last night" i said using my hands to enphisise the word 'fun'. "Ha, i don't wanna know" he said laughing, i giggled, he pulled me in for a hug,"NO! clothes!" i screamed, he laughed then went and pulled some boxers on, "Happ?" he said smirking, he pulled me in for another hug and i returned it. "Mummy?" i heard Roxy's little voice say. I pulled away from Harry and turned to her, "morning baby" i cooed at her, she smiled then ran up to me, i picked her up and turned around only to bump into Harrys chest.

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