Last Week of School!

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Ashleys POV

DING DING DING, OMG no it's school today, i really don't want ot  see Cody. I hope that broken nose of his stops  him coming to school today, if it does'nt, im not leaving Hazza's side. I heard my door open and someone walking towards me, "morning babe" my favourite husky voice said, "hey baby, sleep well" i replyed as he got into bed with me, "very well thanks, im still annoyed at you for last night" Hazza said jokingly, "ohh poor baby, can't handle being teased" i said in a baby voice. " come on, get up let's get ready to go" Hazza said that rather cherrily for a school day, " but i don't wanna" i whined. I felt Hazza's fingers creep onto my ribs, "AHHH Haz stop it tickles" i giggled, Haz new that i would do anything if he tickled me, so thats what he's doing. "ill only stop if you get up and get dressed" he said, "fine fine, just get off" i said still LMFAO.

Harry's POV

When she said she would get dressed, i got off her and went back into my room, man i love how ticklish she is, that is her main weakness. I got dressed into my skinny jeans and put on a white v-neck t-shirt and then went downstairs for breakfast. Mum and Peter are never up before we leave for school so i was allowed to eat what i wanted, PANCAKES!!. I am the pancake king! " oh are you going to make pancakes!" I heard my excited girlfriend say, " yeah i was going to" but now that i have to make them for you too, i might not" i said that with a smirk on my face. " oh please baby" HA i loved how she was willing to do anything for my pancakes, " ill make them if i get a kiss," as i said that she ran over and gave me a quick peck, "there happy, now make those pancakes" she said cheekily before going to get dressed. Once i had finished my breakfast, I grabbed my keys and yelled up the stairs "ASHLEY!! HURRY UP IM LEAVING!!", "OK IM COMING" i heard Ash yell back down to me, " SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!!" i heard Peter yell at us from their room. "SORRY" i yelled at him. Ashley jumped down the stairs and ran out to the car, " about time" i said to her, "hey, do you think im pretty" she asked, "yeah of course" i said "well it takes time to be this pretty honey" man she was cheeky.

Ashley's POV

When we pulled up to school, i got out and ran straight up to Hazza, i felt him grip my hand, like it was the last time he was ever going to see me again, "its ok, ill make sure Cody does'nt get to you" he said sounding concerned. "thanks" i said to Haz. When we got inside, i saw Cody sitting with his mates, "Harry, im scared" i said because truly i was, "it's ok babe"he said to me before giving Cody a death glare. "hey girl!" i heard Tiff yell, "hi Harry" she said rather loudly. "hey Tiff, how are you?" I said to her, "im good, but are you ok, Harry called Jake last night and told him what happened" man she was very concerned about what happened, " yeah well it was quite scary, but Haz followed me all the way to Cody's appartment, and thank goodness Louis was with him" OMG i just spoke about Louis, she is going to go fangirl, " OH MY GOSH, you were saved by Louis Tomlinson, Like THE LOUIS TOMLINSON!!" see how did i know, "yes Tiff, the Louis Tomlinson, he is practicly my brother, i have known him so long and he has always been there to help me, so i call him my brother, and if anyone asks, i am his sister, ok" wow, i sound like Haz when he wants me to go along with something.

 Harry's POV

As i walked into class, i glared at Cody but he just kept smirking, I saw Ash walking up to him, and I started panicing. I was surprised with what she did next, she kicked him straight in the balls!, man i am sooooo proud of her, she started walking over to me smiling, i engulphed her in a hug "Ash i am so proud of you!" i cooed at her, "Hazza, was it the right thing to do?" she asked sounding a bit scared, " babe, after what you just did he is never going to bother us again" i said rather cheerily. 'BRING!' we heard the bell ring for school to start so we went our seperate ways and met up again when we heard the end of school bell ring. 

Ashleys POV

When i went to Hazza's car i was about to run up to him, when i saw him kissing a fake blonde with to much fake tan and a make-up caked face. I imediatly burst into tears and as I saw Harry pull back from the dumb bitch and try to call me back but i just kept running until i found myself at Louis' door.

Louis' POV

I had just come out of the bathroom and i only had a towel around my waist, i was about to go and get dressed when i heard sobs and a heavy knock on my door, i yelled "HOLD ON" at the person at the door, "LOUIS please just let me in" i heard a females voice, i knew who it was, it was Ashy poo. So i walked towards the front door and opened it, to find my Ashy poo bawling her eyes out, on my front porch. As soon as i saw her crying i lunged forward and gave her a huge hug and bought her inside, i sat on the couch, still only in a towel, she snuggled into my chest, the relised what i was wearing, "oh gosh Louis, please go and put some clothes on, it's like seeing my big brother half naked, not a pretty sight" she managed to stutter out between sobs. "ok stay there, ill be back in a minute" i said quietly. then i got up and went into my room.

Ashley's POV

After Louis had left to get changed, i heard someone walk in, i did'nt look up to see who it was. "hey Ash, how are you" now i knew who it was, it was Liam, "LiLi, not good" i sobbed to him. He jogged over to me and sat own next to me, "talk to uncle Li" he said, "i found Haz, uh sorry, he does.nt deserve to be called Hazza by me anymore, so i caught HARRY kissing someone else, that is not me, his girlfriend. instead it was a stupid fake taned fake blonde girl who was caked with make up" i was bawling my eyes out again now so Liam pulled me into his chest, "shhhh, it's ok" he said quietly, trying to soothe me, which was working. Then i heard Louis walk in and sit down next to us, i kicked off my shoes and lifted my legs onto Louis' lap. Then I heard the front door open, " hey guys have ou seen A..." OMG it was Harry, i quickly got up and looked at him for half a second then ran into Liams bedroom and collapsed onto his bed. I fell asleep in my stale tears on his bed, then i heard the door open and close again and i felt someone get under the covers with me, i flinched thinking it was Harry but then i he said "shh it's ok Ash, it's me, Liam" as soon as he said that i turned over and snuggled into his chest and went back to sleep.

Liam's POV

When i saw Ash sitting on the couch crying i immediatly got upset and then ran over to her, after she told me what happened with Harry i automaticly felt anger towards him but i restrainted myself from showing it, tomorrow i am going to give him an earful, omg im getting really protective of her, i knew this would happen, im in love with Ash.

Harry's POV

when Ash and Liam went to bed Louis spoke to brake the silence, "Haz, how could you do that to Ashy poo" man that made me feel bad, "no Lou, i did'nt that girl jumped on me and i tried to pull away and when i did Ash was already standing there, crying, i tried to call her to tell her what happened but she ignored me." i sat there letting what i had said sink in, "Haz, she is really upset, she is up there with Liam now, " he said " Look Lou no matter what you say, i know in my heart, that i did not cheat on Ash, that bimbo blonde jumped on me and i pulled away, but if you dont believe me then fine but i know the truth." that was the last thing i said before walking up the stairs towards Liams room. When i got there i knocked on the door and...

Sorry guys cliffhanger, there is alot of drama coming up, who do you think Ashley should end up with? Harry or Liam? i love you all xx

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