Ashley PLEASE!!

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Liam's POV

As soon as i opened the door Harry steped forward and...    he hugged me? "im so so sorry Liam, i should'nt of hit you, mate your my best-friend, i don't want to fight with you" he was now crying into my shoulder, i hugged him back and appologised also. "Harry we will always be best-mates ok, but i still can't believe you did that to Ashley, she is so broken Harry." i told him, "i know, im going to talk to her, but i don't now where she is" he said, should i tell him that she's here? yeah do it, thats what best-mates do. "Haz, she's here in my room" i said, "uh well im going to talk to her" but before he could walk past me i stopped him, "Harry wait let me see if she is decent" i said, oh no, that sounds like i slept with her. Oh I wish, no no Liam PG rated thoughts. "what?" he asked sounding a bit aggitated, "no no Harry not that, it's just that she might of gone in to take a shower" i said making sure he understood, "oh ok" he replied, so i turned around and went into my room to see Ash standing there in only her bra and undies, "oh sorry Ash, i uh did'nt mean to..." but before i could continue Ash walked up to me and pulled me into a very passionate kiss, i was quite surprised at first but then i kissed her back.

Ashley's POV

When Liam walked into the room and tried appologise i grabbed him and kissed him. We were in the middle of a very heated kiss when Liam pulled away, "sorry Ash, but Harry is outside wanting to talk to you. get dressed and come out and meet him on the couch ok, " he said, i pouted and tried to kiss him again but he pulled away and walked away, but before he left he looked back and saw me standing there staring at him he smirked at me then left the room. I quickly got dressed then headed downstairs towards the livingroom, sure enough, Harry was sitting on the couch running his hand through his curls, he only does that when he's stressed. When he saw me he got up and started coming over to me, "no, stay away from me" i snapped, i was still absoulutly furious at him for breaking his promise and cheating on me. It makes me sick to just see his face. "Ashley PLEASE, forgive me, I LOVE you, please just listen to me believe me!" he was starting to get watery eyes, but i was not feeling sorry for him, i just can't believe him. "no Harry you broke your promises and cheated on me, and worst of all, AFTER YOU DO ALL OF THIS YOU SAY YOU STILL LOVE ME!!!" i shouted at him, tears were now pouring down my cheaks, Harry stood there looking at the ground not quite crying yet, so i just ran into the kitchen where Liam stood sipping his coffee.

Harry's POV

After Ash told me everything, i relised what i had done, i was a monster. If i was her i would'nt want to  be with me either, i understand how she is feeling. I wanted her to believe me, i wanted her to forgive me, so i got up and went into the kitchen where i found her crying hard into Liams shoulder. "shhhh babe, it's ok" he was whispering to her. When he saw me he said "babe, why don't you go upstairs, get into your PJ's and have a sleep, i will be up there soon" after he siad that she did'nt even look at me before running upstairs to Liams room. "Harry, what did you say to her?" Liam practicly growled at me, "i did'nt say anything! she told me everything i did then she burst into tears then ran to you!" i yelled back. "Harry, you have really hurt her" he said calmly, "i know Liam but i don't need you hitting on her while im trying to make it up to her" i snapped at him "well Harry, maybe try again tomorrow but i think you should go" he said calmly. "ok, im sorry Liam, ill see you at the club tonight alright" was the last thing i said before leaving his apartment.

Liams POV

After Harry left, i went upstairs to find Ash sprawled out on my bed only in her bra and undies again bawling her eyes out. "Ash, c'mon please, calm down babe you don't have to go back to Harry, if you don't want too. I walked over to her and crawled over top of her and gently layed on top of her. "Liam, i don't want to be hurt again" she cried into the pillow, "she babe, it will all turn out ok, now c'mon we need to get ready to go out to the club" she just groaned and turned over then said "no"  "yes!" she just slapped my stomach, then she just layed there face in the pillow.

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