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Ashley's POV

Jas and i took a cab home. "Jas what is it?" i asked when we went inside, "uh well i've been having morning sickness and..." she said trailing off. My eyes went wide and my jaw practicly hit the floor. "you think your pregnant, with Liam Payne''s frekin baby!" i shouted, she blushed and looked at the floor. "Tests?" she nodded, ive taken them, i did them before we left, i just hav'ent checked the results" she said. "go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go!" i yelled shooing her towards the tests. Her face drained, SHIT "Ash..." she trailed off, "im pregnant, with Liams baby" she said, then she fainted. again SHIT. I ran to the phone.




A:Liam, get your arse home right now!

L: Ash whats wrong, are you ok?

A: Bring curly home and... oh just bring everybody home, drop them at there place then bring curly to my place jas is here and she's...ah... just hurry up!

L:ok im coming


Since i was pregnant also, i did'nt have the strength to carry Jas to a bed or anything so i sorta just dragged her onto smone carpet where it would be softer.


About and hour later, Liam opened the door with a passed out Harry hanging over his shoulder. "Holy crap! what happened?" he asked dropping Harry and running over. "Liam, that was'ent very nice, he'll already have a headache in the morning, he won't need you adding to it" i said, "Ash, what the hell happened!" he screamed, "Liam, you did it!" i screamed back. "hey baby" Harry slurred. "What, i did nothing!" he screamed back. "you knocked her up dickhead!" i yelled, he went quiet and i burst into tears. I ran to my room and jumped on my bed. I heard someone come into the room.

"Ash, im sorry for yelling at you, but are you saying that she's.... pregnant.... with my" he asked, "yes Liam thats exactly what im saying. Pick her up, take her home while i sort the curly mess that you dropped on my floor" i said before getting up and walking over to Harry. "Harry!" i shouted in his ear, no reply. "Harry, im getting naked" i said calmly, his head shot up and he stood up. "well go on then" he slurred, "go to bed Curly" i said, he groaned then slumped off to bed.

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