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Ashley's POV

I woke up in the morning with Harry sitting up rubing his temples. I sat up and wrapped my arms around his waist. "morning" I said, he groaned, "a bit hungover are we darling" i said, "shut up" he said jokingly, "ill go and get you some Advil and water" i said giggling, I got up and got him the pills and water. " here you go 'mr tipsy on love'" i teased. "Ash, thin ice" he teased back. "take, drink sleep" i instructed, "fine" he groaned before taking the pills and lying down. "goodnight curly" i said before walking out. I was so tired myself so i decided to go to sleep myself. I went into the room and layed down next to Harry. "Babe, i love you" he mumbled into my back, "i..i love you to Harry" i said back. "Marry me Ash, please Ash, be my wife" he said turning me over. I smiled, "yes Harry, ill marry you!" i squeled, he smiled and kissed me.

A/N Hey sorry its short, like really short xx

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