PLEASE forgive me!

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Harry's POV

when i knocked the door opened and ... Liam punched me in the face, on the jaw to be exact. "WHAT THE HECK LIAM!" i yelled at him not noticing Ash sitting up in his bed.

Ashley's POV

I heard the door open and heard Harry yelling at Liam. I sat up and watched Liam punch Harry in the face, "LIAM!" i yelled, " what babe, he hurt you, now im going to hurt him" i jumped out of bed and ran infront of Liam, "no LiLi, he is'nt worth you getting in trouble, go and put a shirt on and calm down" i said calmly, so he did then Harry grabbed me and ran into Louis room and locked the door, "HARRY" i yelled at him, 'BANG BANG BANG' "HARRY LET ME IN" i heard Liam pounding on the door and yelling at Harry, Harry just stood there staring into my eyes, DAMN, he knows i can't resist his beautiful green orbs, "haz, please down look at me like that" i pleaded, "please, just let me explain" he begged, he sounded really sad. "fine Styles you have two minutes" "ok thanks babe, so i was waiting for you when some random chick walked up to me and jumped on me and kisse me just as yuo walked out i managed to push her off and glare at her, then i saw you crying and it broke my heart, i was trying to call you to explain this but you just kept running" after he had finished saying all of this he was bawling his eyes out and Liam was still banging on the door and Haz had blood dripping of his face, i was feeling sorry for MY Haz, yes i said My Haz, so i ran up to him and engulphed him in a rib breaking hug.

Harry's POV

When Ashley ran up to me and hugged me i felt so relieved and so happy, i pulled out of our hug and kissed her lustfully, she kissed me back so i guessed we were back on but i asked her just in case, "so babe are we back on?" i asked hopefully, "yeah baby, we are" she said before kissing me again. "babe what are we going to do about Liam" i asked Ash, because Liam was still violently banging on the door.

 Ashley's POV

"babe what are we going to do about Liam" when Haz asked me that, i stood there for a second to think about it. "Hazza, ill go out to Liam, he will not hurt me, but he will more than likely hurt you, ok. stay here" wow i thought of that fast. I walked out of my room and saw Liam standing there, full of rage, steam wast practicly coming out of his ears. "Ash are you ok?" he asked sounding concearned "yes Li im fine" i said calmly, "im going to smash Harry" he said very enraged, " LIam NO!" i shouted as loud as i could but he was to strong, he pushed pass me and went into the room with Haz and locked the door. "Liam! open up, don't hurt him" i shouted through the door but Liam would not listen to me. I heard loud bangs then a stone cold silence. I fell against the door and cryed, i ran down to the lounge to see Louis lying on the couch, so i ran up to him and jumped onto him. "Louis, Liam is beating Harry up, and now there's only silence in there room!" Louis face went from a sympathetic look to a worried look, he jumped up and ran to his bedroom, he knocked on the door and know one answered so he walked backwards a few steps then ran forward and busted open the door, he ran over to Liam and grabbed him then took him downstairs, i ran over to Harry and his face was bleeding and he was knocked out on the floor."Harry!" i cried "please wake up"i cried some more, i went and got a glass of water and poured it over his head he woke up with a start and looked around. "Harry are you ok?" i said very concearned, " ahh i think so, i just have a very sore head, hey why are you crying? he asked, "Haz your face is bleeding, Liam is very angry and, im worried"i am truly worried. "babe dont be worried, please just get me a cold towel and please do not go down to Liam" so i got up and went ot get the towel, once i had got it and it was on Harry's face, he fell asleep and i could'nt help myself, it was getting late and i wanted to talk with Liam. I went downstairs and saw no body there, so i went to Liams room and knocked on the door, "who is it!" i heard him  yell, " it's just me" i yelled back, "ok come in" he said, so i walked into his room and looked in his bed, he was not there, i looked around but Liam was no where to be seen. I felt someone grab me around my waist and pull me back wards so i was sitting on someones lap, " Liam?" i asked, "yes Ash it's me" i heard a very amazing voice, thats something i like about Liam his voice his face and his personality, he is just so amazing, no stop Ashley Harry's your boyfriend you can't think about LIam like that. Yes i know you've liked him ever since you met him and he would never hurt you, Gosh Ashley, you need to stop talking to yourself it's wierd. "babe, im sorry i should'nt of hit Harry i feel so bad" oh i think i like him.

Liam's POV

I did feel so bad it's not funny anymore, so i told Ash that. I held on to her and rolled backwards into my bed and layed there cuddling her and surprisingly she cuddled me back. We fell asleep in each others arms. In thew morning when i woke up Ash was no longer in my arms and she was'ent in my room so i went downstairs and saw...

Hey guys, so i wanna thank you for reading my book and i want some suggestions, should i bring Cody back in or not, im CONFUZZLED!

P.S Confuzzled

confused + puzzled = confuzzled.

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