My first day with my baby

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Harry's POV

Why was Ash calling me? "Well im glad to no it's working" Caroline snapped, I answered the phone then walked into the bedroom.


H=Harry   A=Ashley

H: Hello?

A: Hey Harry,

H:uhh Ash i though you hated me

A: ill be at your place in 10 minutes with Rox ok, she wants to stay at yours tonight

H: o.....


end of phonecall

Ash had hung up on me. "Caroline!" i yelled walking back into the loungeroom, "yes babe" she said, "Roxy is staying with us tonight" i said back walking into Roxy's room i made her. "What!, not another kid!" she said walking into the room im in. "yes, but this one is my little baby girl ok" i snapped, "wow someones on their man period" she said before leaving the room, i rolled my eyes and continued to make up Roxys mini bed.


Oh, that'll be Ash, "Ill get it!" i yelled, i jogged to the door and opened it to find a cheerful Roxy in Ash's arms, "Down?" she asked Ash, so she put her down then she came running towards me but she stopped in her tracks and her smiled faded, she was looking behind me. She turned around and ran back to Ash, "Who dat?" she mumbled into Ash's legs, "uh baby, this is my......girl...friend" that was the hardest thing to say, I saw Ash's eyes start to build tears, she was trying so hard not to let one fall but she did let one slip, she immediatly wiped it away. "Now, go on Roxy, you need to stay with Daddy ok" she said, she picked her up then gave her to me. Roxy started screaming and crying, Ash turned around and walked away back to her car. "shhhhh, Rox Daddys here" i tried to stop her screaming, "I want mumma!" she screamed. "Give her to me" Caroline said walking over to us. Roxy's screaming got louder the closer she came, she snatched her out of my arms and Roxy went crazy, she kicked around and screamed louder. Before i new it, Caroline dropped Rox and straight on her face at that. "Stupid child!" Caroline screamed at her then she stormed off. "ROXY!!!" i  screamed trying so hard not to burst into tears myself, i picked her up and her nose was bleeding. Hard. That was the last straw, i grabbed a cold towel and told Rox to hold it on her nose then i grabbed her stuff and left.

Ashley's POV

I was sitting on Liams lap, watching a movie when i heard a loud bang on the door. i got up but Liam pulled me back down and then kissed my check, i finally got up and opened the door to see a distraught Harry and a crying Roxy with a towel stained with red on her nose, "Harry! what happened!" i yelled grabbing Roxy, Harry started to cry but Liam got up, "Babe, go and sort out Roxy and ill sort out the mess on our doorstep ok" he whispered in my ear. I nodded and took Rox to her room.

Harry's POV

I could'nt hold it any longer, i just started crying, "Ok, what happened" Liam asked me ushering me to the couch. "Caroline, she did'nt want Rox then she would'nt stop crying so Caroline took her off me and was trying to calm her down but she dropped her straight on her face, so i picked everything up and came here" i sobbed. "Ok, well do you want to stay here a while?" Did, Liam, Just ask, me to, stay? "uhh yes please, i don't want to see Caroline" I said, he nodded. "Well, me and Ash can sleep together and you can have my bed ok" Liam said to me, i immediatly felt sad, i wanted to be the one saying that i would sleep with her. Ash came back into the room without Rox, "She's asleep" she said walking over and leaning into Liams chest, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. I looked at the floor and then back at Ash, "Hey babe, Harry is staying with us tonight ok, Caroline is driving him crazy" Liam said, Ash graoned and went back into her room. "i can go home if you want" i said, "no its ok, she'll warm up to the idea, Harry you really love her don't you" Liam said looking me directly in the eyes. I nodded and looked at the ground.

Ashley's POV

I want Harry. Its clear to me now. I thought i did'nt, but i do. I've been sitting on my bed for a while, just thinking. "Hey, what are you thinking about so hard?" Liam asked "ohh babe, what wrong" he said, then i noticed i was crying. "im sorry Li" i sobbed into his bare chest. "Why?" He asked, "It's Harry, he's my one and only" i said, the light left Liam's eyes and he just nodded then got up and left the room. I felt so bad, I started crying really hard, and really loud. My door opened and a shirtless Harry came in, "Ash, whats wrong" he asked rushing to my side, I did'nt answer, i just kissed him. "uhh, what?" Harry said after we pulled away for air. "I love you" i said. His eyes light up and he kissed me again, " MUMMY!!!" i heard Roxy yell from her room. "ill be back in a second" i said to Harry, he pouted and then i went to Roxy's room. I walked inside and saw her drapped over Liams shoulder asleep. "Liam im sorry, but i have someone who you'll love" i said, "look Rose, i dont want..." i interuppted him by saying "Please give her a chance", "fine" he huffed, "cool, her names Jasmin, she's a big fan of you in particular, be at the appartment at 6:00pm tomorrow night, she'll be here waiting" i said, then i went back to Harry. "ohhh i missed you so much" Harry said as he pulled me down beside him, i cuddled into his sexy bare chest and fell asleep.


"Morning Angel" Harry said, as he pecked my lips. "What time is it" i said sitting up immediatly. Harry sat up also and straddled me, with his legs either side of my waist. "Harry..." i trailed on, "yes" he said smirking, "you better not be" i siad, "you better believe it" he said smiliing cheekily, "Harry! put it away!!" i yelled jumping away from him, "babe, you know how i like to sleep naked" he said. "You don't have to touch me with it!" i squeled, "it's been more then touched you, we have a baby love" He is so cheeky and rude, "anyway i have to go and cal Jas about tonight" i said getting up, Harry just layed there still butt naked and smirking. I rolled my eyes and went into the kitchen. "morning" Liam greeted me then took a sip of his tea. "morning" i said then i grabbed the phone.


A=Ashley   J=Jasmin

J: hello?

A: hey Jas, it's Ash

J: OMG i hav'ent seen you in like forever!

A: yeah well i have a surprise for you, Tonight you are going on a date with... Liam Payne!

J: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Liam frekin Payne!!!!!!

A: i thought you'd be happy, anyway 6:00 pm at my appartment tonight ok, wear something nice

J: yeah ok

A: oh and don't freak him out by fan-girling ok

J: ok, ohhh im excited

A:seya tonight



Oh mu gosh, i really hope she does'nt freak him out. "do you want one?" Liam asked me motioning to his tea, "uh no thanks, i need to go and get Roxy" i siad but just after i said it Rox grabbed hold of my legs, "morning mumma" she said, with a big smile on her face, I giggled. "Roxy!!" Harry yelled as he came out of my bedroom,"Dadda!" she squeled back running over to him. He picked her up then swung her round, "Harry, be careful she does'nt..." i began to say but then Roxy vomited all over Harry, "oppsy" she said, did, my baby just blush! "Liam" i said, "on it, come here Rox" he said then he took her to clean him up. "Harry just stood ther not moving, "go stop dirtying my carpet" i said jokingly, I followed him into the bathroom, "Strip" i siad, He smirked before slowly taking his shirt off, "Harry, you know what i mean" i sia drolling my eyes, I was'ent surprised when he stripped down into nothing. "AHH!" i squeled, "shower now!" thankgod he did as he was told, he hopped in the shower as i ran out of the room.

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