3 Years Later

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Ashley's POV

"Harry" i whispered shaking my HUSBAND awake. "noo" he groaned quietly, "Harold get up, or else ill go and make Roxy wake you up" i threatened. He shot up, "im up" he said sounding like he had been awake for hours. "good, im going to go and get baby curly, you can go and get Rox" i said getting up. As i got up i felt Harry playfully tap my butt. I turned around a shot him daggers. he just smirked.

I walked into our little boys room, "baby curls" i whispered into his room. "mumma?" he asked, "yes baby now come on daddy wants to see you" i said picking him up. He smiled happily, we walked back into Harrys and mine's room and put baby curls on the bed. His real name is DJ but we call him baby curly or baby curls because of his curls that look the same as his dads, and he has them swept to one side like his dad too.

"Daddy!" he shouted as i put him on the bed, Harry was still shirtless and looking like he never got up from that spot. "Harold, i told you to go and get Rox" i said to him angrily, "its ok" he said, "Roxy!" he screamed, she walked in, she was 8 years old now, it's wierd because it feels like only yesterday that i was leaving Harry with only the pictures of Rox in my tummy. "Harold, no kisses or hugs or...." i said to him.

"dad, please stop yelling, its to early" she said walking over to me, Harry and i looked at each other then burst out laughing. "She reminds me of you when you were 18" Harry said, "shut up Harry, at least i have a daughter who will know right from wrong quickly and will not make mistakes" i said grinning, "oh thats it, you asked for it" he jumped out of bed and picked me up. "Harold Edwards Styles! put me down!" i screamed then i relised he was taking me towards the pool. "Harold, dont you dare" i said.

"love you baby" he said before he threw me into the icy cold water. I quickly got out and ran back inside leaving Harry there. "baby, come on, come here" he said wrapping his arms around my waist. "No Harry, i warned you no signs of affection" i said boldly. "you dont mean that" he said faking hurt.

"try me" i said. His smile dissapeared and he let go off me, he walked back into our room and got back in bed. I felt so bad, and i really wanted his to hold me and kiss me and....other things. I ran back into the room and jumped on him, "sorry Curly, i love you" i said, he nodded and turned over to i was straddling him. "i love you too" he said before he started rubbing my thighs. "no Curly, we can't the babies are up" i said before getting off him, he pouted but then got up and procceded to go and make breakfast.

I have the best life, i love my babies and my sexy husband. I would'nt change a thing. ;)

The End

hey, there is a sequel, its called trust

love Rose xx ;)

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