The Club

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Ashley's POV

"Harry, do i look ok" i asked him, "Yes, Ash you look beautiful" he said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind, I was wearing a short black dress that came up to mid thigh and showed alot of clevage, Harry picked it out "Now come on lets go" he said, "fine" i groaned then left with Harry. "Are we meeting the boys there?" i asked, "yeah" he said, It did'nt take long to arrive at the club. "We're here" he said showing me his amazing smile, i smiled back then followed him out of the car and into the club.

"Hey there they are!" i shouted over the noise pointing to the V.I.P section, We walked over to them, 'Ashy poo!" Louis yelled running over, "Pregnant!" i yelled, which stopped him engulphed me in a massive hug, "What!" he yelled, i nodded then smiled at him. He jumped up and down like a little kid. "omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg!" Louis screamed, "its a little Styles" i said, "louis stopped jumping and wrapped me in a tiny hug.

"Baby Styles! don't let him out on his own near girls or else it owuld end badly" Louis said pointing at me. Harry tackled him to couch. "OHHH BROMANCE" i yelled, "hey" i heard Jas say from behind me, "Jas!" i yelled, "how are you, you look a little sick" i said, she was looking a bit pale. "uh yeah, well, uh can you come home with me, i need your help with something" she said, "um ok, ill just go and tell Harry" i said, i walked over to Harry and sat on Louis considering he was still lying on the couch. "babe, im going home with Jas, we need to have girl tlak ok" i said he nodded, and kissed me.

"Harry, we have been here 5 minutes and your already tipsy" i said, "nooo, im just tipsy on love" he said then he fell off the couch. "bloody hell Styles" i said, "Liam" i yelled, Liam walked over, "hey can you keep an eye on Curly please?" i asked, "sure" he said then Jas and i left for the hotel.

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