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Ashley's POV

It was....  Cody, he was sitting on our couch talking to Louis, " Louis what is he doing here?" i asked Louis who immediately ran up to me and gave me a big bear hug, "ASHLEY" he yelled as he hugged me " it's been so long!"

Cody's POV

When I saw Ashley walk in the room looking fine might i add, a smirk appeared on my face, when i saw Louis jump up and hug her, I sensed this wasn't going to end well.

Louis POV

While i was still hugging Ashy poo, (sorry, that is what i call her) she whispered something into my ear "Louis, today in class he tried to 'do me', if you get what im saying" was what she whispered, as soon as I heard her say that he had tried to hurt her I let go of her and glared at Cody who was no longer on the couch but was sneaking up on Ashley, Harry was no longer behind her, he was at the fridge getting something to eat. "CODY" i yelled at him but it was to late, he grabbed her and was draging her out ot his car, his hand over her mouth." HARRY, help me," he turned around and saw Ashley being dragged out into Cody's car, He dropped his sandwhich and ran after her but he was too late, Cody had driven off with my Ashy poo in his car.

Harry''s POV

I watched Ash being driven away against her will, tears streaming down her face while she watched me as she got taken away from me. I grabbed Louis arm and pulled him nto my car, then we followed Cody all the way to back to his apartment. He parked his car and ran inside his apartment still holding onto my baby, just now he had hold of her around her waist so she could not escape his grasp,we followed so he could not see us, once he was inside he shut the door but me and Louis did not hear the door lock, so i ran up to the door and opened it, I saw Ash huddled in a corner crying.When i opened the door i motioned her to come so she got up and ran towards me, i grabbed her and shut the door then ran with Louis at our side. When we got home Ash went straight to bed and started reading a book. " hey Lou, im going to go to bed with Ash ok, ill see you in the morning." i said to Louis as i walked into my bedroom. When i walked into my room, i went into the bathroom had a quick shower and came out into my room with only a towel around my waist.

Ashley's POV

I looked up from my book and saw my gorgeous boyfriend walk out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist and some of his wet curls hung over his face, he looked sexy. He grabbed his boxers and went back into the bathroom and in one more minute came out only in his boxers, he walked over to the bed, I just layed there pretending that i did'nt notice him only in boxers. I kept reading my book until i felt a hand around me and Harry pulled me into his body, i put my book down  gave him a kiss and fell asleep in his arms.

Harry's POV

When i woke up, I looked down at my sleeping angel in my arms, i unwrapped my arms from around her and put some pants on and went out to the lounge, i was surprised when my mother and Ashleys   father were hugging on the couch. "hey mum, why are you hugging Ashley's dad?" i asked her, "how do you know Ashley, oh well, Peter and I have just got married!" she said as she got up and hugged me, "yay!" i said before casually walking back into my room, "Ash, Ash" i said until she woke up, "what" she groaned "shhhhhh" i shushed her, "Ash my mum just married your dad, Babe we are step-siblings" I said a bit disappointed, 

Ashley POV

When I heard Harry say we are step-siblings, i almost screamed i was so upset, because if we are step-siblings, we cant be together, we will be bro and sis, not cool, "what" I whispered so our parents did'nt hear me, because they don't know me and Harry are together, "Babe i don't want you to leave me, "Harry, darling are you ok!," I heard Harry's mum yell from the lounge. " yeah fine mum, just getting changed" Harry yelled back. He walked to his dresser and got changed, I heard Harry's mum say we were all moving in together. I got dressed and climbed out Harry's window and ran to my apartment, when i got in side for about five minutes, i heard a knock at the door. I ran and opened it to find my dad, Harry's mum and Harry standing at the door with all of their belongings, "c'mon sweetie, we are all moving in together, into a three story house!" my dad said sounding very excited, "yay!" i said trying to sound convincing. So i packed my stuff and left with them.

Harry's POV

When we arrived at the new house, i could'nt believe what i was seeing because, i had only lived in an apartment before, the houe was three stories high and was on 6 acres of land, the land was half open fields and half forests, when we got inside, my mum showed me to my room and showed Ashley to her room which happened to be right next to mine. I went into my room and put my stuff down, took of my shirt and flopped onto the bed, I closed my eyes and lay there for a bit then i heard my door open and shut again, then i felt someone land on top of me and i knew exactly who it was. I rolled onto top of the person and kissed her neck then her lips,I heard her squeal, but i just continued " it's a shame, we're step-siblings, I was really getting to like you" Ash said jokingly, " oh really well i thought we could, keep trying, just not let out parents see us."

Ashley's POV

When i was shown my room and Harry went into his room, i dropped my bags and put on my Pjs, which were little shorts with kissy lips on them and a long sleeve blue t shirt which was very light and flowing, and a bit to big for me so it hung off one of my shoulders. Then tip toed into Harry's room and saw him shirtless flopped on his bed, so i ran up to him and jumped onto his bare chest, he almost immediately grabbed me and rolled over on top of me, i squealed and then said "it's a shame we're step-siblings, i was really getting to like you" he replyed with "oh really, well i thought we could keep trying, just not let our parents see us." He said between breaths while kissing my lips. " I can live with that " i said pretending to sound dissapointed.

Peter's POV

I walked up to Ashley's room and knocked on the door, but got no response so i walked over to Harry's room and right before i knocked i heard giggles and talking, so as i knocked i heard someone run into the bathroom im guessing due to a door being shut. As i walked in i saw Harry lying on his bed, shirtless i might add, "Harry, do you have a girl over?" I said trying to sound casual.

Harry's POV

I was still giggling with Ash when i heard a knock at my door, Ash quickly jumped off me and ran into my bathroom and shut the door, Peter walked into my room and asked if i had a girl over, "no, why?" I said, "well i heard a female giggling in your room" He said sounding aa bit suspicious, I quickly thought up a story, that in my mind sounded convincing, " ohh Ashley came into my room and was talking about school stuff and i made a joke about my teacher, which was the giggling and then as you knocked she said she had to go to the bathroom, so she just used mine." I crossed my fingers and hoped he would buy it. " ok well, tell her to use her own bathroom and i want to talk to her" he said that to me before leaving and shutting my door, i heard the bathroom door open and Ash walked up to me and as i pulled her onto me again she said " no Hazza, i need to go and see what daddy needs ok" "ohhh but ill miss you" i whined and pouted a bit trying to be cute, "ohh my little Hazza going to be sad" she said in a baby voice, " weh"  said in a baby voice as she got off me and went out my door. I missed her already.

Ashley's POV

As i left Hazza's room i wondered what daddy could want that made me break up my make out session with my Haz. When i got downstairs i saw dad whtching TV, " daddy, Haz... uh i mean Harry said you wanted to talk to me?" opps i hop he did'nt notice my muck up, " yes, darling, i wanted to tell you to stay out of Harry's room," did daddy actually just say that to me "why daddy, he's my step-brother" i said acting like i always did around daddy, i soundd like daddy's little girl, his little angel, "because he is a rather hansom boy and i don't want anything to happen between you two" OMG daddy actually is talking about me and Hazza's relationship. "Daddy, you silly fool" I said while smiling and giggling before walking back upstairs. When i got out of sight of daddy, i ran into Hazza's room and relised he was no longer on his bed, i opened the bathroom door and looked inside but he was'ent there either, all of a sudden i felt someones arms slither around my waist and pull me into them, i looked backwads and saw Hazza behind me, " hey baby, miss me much" i said flurtasiatsly "yeah alot" he said back with lust in his eye's. He slowly pulled me over to the bed but as he dropped me onto his bed i got up and ducked under his arms and left his room, as i left his room i turned around and winked at him then went into my room.

Harry's POV

I saw Ash looking into the bathroom and i went up behind her and pulled her into me, "hey baby miss me much" she said so sexily i could'nt help but get turned on, "yeah alot," i replyed as i pulled her over to my bed and put her onto it before crawling over her, she was to quick and she slipped under my arms and winked at me before leaving my room. God, why did i have to have such a good-looking girlfriend, why did she have to tease me like she did, she knows how it makes me feel, she is such a tease"

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