running away

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Ashley's POV

I had Roxy a week ago and Harry is due to come home either today or tomorrow, I can not stand to look at him. I packed up all of my stuff and all of Roxy's stuff, and was about to leave when Liam stopped me, "babe, where are you going to go?" he asked, "i don't know Liam, somewhere, that Harry won't find us, im going to live in london so, Louis is coming with me and you can too if you want," i said, he nodded, "give your address and ill pack myself up and then come to you," he said, "ok, well here's my address" i said as i handed him a piece of paper, "but Liam, Louis will be waiting for me so i got to get going" i said, Liam hugged me, "oh and Liam, can you please put this on Harry's bed" was the last thing i said, i handed Liam a little note that had to Harry, written on the front. I turned around and got in the car and left for Louis'.

Next day

I arrived back home and saw no car in the drive and the place looked unaccompanied, I got out of the car and ran inside, there was no sign of anybody in the house, I ran up to my room and found a note on my bed. 

To Harry,

I have left to find a better life, i don't want you to hurt my baby girl, her name is Roxy but these pictures are the only time you will get to see her. We gave it another go Harry, but you broke your promise again, you cheated on me and the way i found out was on the cover of the magizienes, you have hurt me to many times for another chance. Im sorry but i can't live like this anymore, so i have moved away with Louis, Liam and Roxy.

Im sorry but i did'nt want to see you. 

Love Ash.

By the time i had finished reading the letter, i was bawling my eyes out. I looked at the pictures of the little fetus that was in Ash's tummy, I was so stupid to listen to managment again, now ive lost her for good. I have lost Louis and Liam aswell, I need to find her.

Ashley's POV

Three years later

It has been three years since i had Roxy and she is a healthy young girl. I still hav'ent seen Harry in three yers either but ive got Louis and Liam to help me. "Mumma" Roxy yelled as she ran from her room to me, "morning Rox" i cooed at her, "mumma, am i going to uncle Louis' house today?" she asked, "yeah baby, go and get dressed then come back" i told her, she nodded and ran into her bedroom, i went and got dressed then came back into the lounge to find Roxy sitting on the couch all dressed ready to go to Lou's place. "Ready to go baby?" i asked her, "weh mumma" she replyed, so we left our apartment and drove to Louis' apartment. We were just at the door about to go in when i heard yelling, "Louis!! where is Ashley!!!" OMG it was Harry!! "mumma..." Roxy was about to say but i shushed her, "Harry!! she does'nt want to see you!!!" Louis yelled back. Roxy reached forward and knocked on the door, i tried to grab her bag as i had dropped it when i went to try and stop her knocking, but as i was bent down, the door opened and Louis opened the door. "Ash, uh Harry's here babe" he whispered in my ear, "Ashley?" i heard Harry say from behind Louis, "ill take her to Liam's place today ok Lou" i said completly ignoring Harry, he nodded and i turned around and was begining to leave when i felt someone wrap their arms around my waist, "ekkk!" i let out a small screech, then the person started to kiss my neck, "HARRY!!!!" i yelled as loud as i could, Louis came around and took Roxy out of my arms and took her inside then closed the door. "Harry!! what the hell!!!" i yelled again, "Ash, im so so so so sorry, it was all management, it was'ent me, i hate her, i love you and Roxy" he said, i turned around and looked him straight in the eye's, all of my feeling came back to me, no Ashley this guy cheated on you and broke your heart into 1 million pieces, but you still LIKE him, "Harry!! no, im going to Liam's let me go" i yelled then stomped of towards my car.

Liam's POV

I was making myself some lunch when i heard someone knocking on my door, "coming!" i yelled into the door, as soon as i opened it, Ash came in and sat on the couch bawling her eye's out. "Ash babe, whats wrong?" i asked her. "Li, Harry was at Louis' when i went to drop of Rox, and i think he followed me here" and right on cue, someone knocked on the door, "Ash, please!" it was Harry, i went over to the door and opened it only a crack, "go away Harry," i said but he pushed past me and ran to Ash, "LIAM!!!" she screamed at me, now crying extremly hard, "HARRY!!!!" i yelled as i ran infront of him and grabbed Ash, "Liam move" he said, "no you hurt her" i said back, "i know but with you standing there i can't exactly fix it can i" he said in a duh tone, "Harry, go away" i said before pushing him out the door. As soon as i closed it, i turned around and ran over to Ash, "Liam!" she screamed into my chest, "shhhh babe, it's ok" i shushed her, she looked up at me and at the same time we both leant in and shashed out lips against each others. Our lips were moving in sync, but as we pulled away for a breath, i pulled her in for a hug. 



"please be my girlfriend?"

after i asked this, i was saying my head, please say yes, please say yes, "yes boyfriend" she responded, i kissed her again. We went and watched a movie for a few hours and now it was time to go and pick up Roxy. Ash had fallen asleep on my lap, "Ash, we need to go and pick up Rox" i said, she stirred and then burried her head further into my lap. "aghhhh" she groaned then got up and went to get her jumper. She came back out of her room and then we left for Louis' place.

Ashley's POV

I am soo happy, i was hoping Liam would ask me to be his girlfriend, i really like him. We had just arrived at Louis' apartment door, KNOCK KNOCK, Liam knocked on the door and it opened to Louis standing there with Harry crying hard on the couch, "Uh hey Ash, can i talk to you for a second?" he asked me, i nodded and told Liam to go and occupy Roxy in her room. Louis and i walked into his bedroom, "Ash Harry is so distraught from you not talking to him and keeping him away from his daughter. He won't even talk to me, and im his best-friend!" Louis said,  "i know Lou, but im with Liam now and i can't just bail out on him, but i think i love Harry, i have missed him." i said back, Louis nodded and pulled me in for a hug. "babe the weird thing is, you guys are step-siblings, don't you ever think that your dad and Harry's mum are going to want you guys back living with them again, they have been contacting me about you two going back to live with them." Louis said, "Louis, i still want Harry and i think im going to get back together for Roxys sake not mine" i said, "ok babe, if it is what you want" he said, i walked out to find Harry sitting on the couch, his back facing me so i went up behind him and put my hands over his eyes then climbed onto his lap then kissed him. He was very surprised but then pulled away, "Ash?" he said puzzled, "im only doing this for Roxy's sake, she needs a dad in her life" i said to her but before i could say anything else he smashed his lips against mine, i pulled away, "no Harry you only get one, im only doing this for Roxys sake ok!" i yelled at him, he nodded. "babe?" he asked, "please don't call me babe, only for Roxy" i said again. "ok, well can i earn your trust back?" he asked, i thought about it and then nodded and got up and walked to Liam, "uh Liam i can't" i said, "what?" he asked. "I can't, Roxy needs a father figure, and Harry is that, im going back with him ONLY for Roxy's sake" i said, i enphisised the word only.

Liam's POV

I can' believe she's going back to the boy who hurt her this much but i understand about Rox, so im ok with it. "ok babe, for Roxy" i whispered then pulled her over for a hug. "ok well ill take Roxy out" she said then she picked Roxy up then walked out to Harry.

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