"I can't believe him!"

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Ashley's POV

I just woke up in Harrys arms, at first i smiled then remembered what had happened i flinched then he woke with a start, "uh sorry, last night you wanted me to stay with you" he said then walked out of the room and closed the door. What the hell happened last night? OMG thats right, i had a few drinks then got drunk, that all i can remember. "mummy?" i heard my baby girl say from my door, "yes baby im here" i said back then i heard her tiny footsteps then she jumped straight onto my stomach, "ohff" i huffed as she jumped onto me. "morning baby" i cooed at her, "mornin mumma" she giggled back. "baby, your going to uncle Louis' house today!" i said to her, she giggled then ran to her room. I got out of bed and pulled on one of Harry's over-sized ramones t-shirts, then went into the lounge room to find Harry watching some TV while eating some cereal. "morning" he said quietly, "morning" i said back. Well this was certainly awkward! 


Someone was at the door, so i got up and opened it to find Louis standing there. "morning Lou" i said then gave him a hug, "how are you feeling this morning? miss i want to get drunk" he said, "don't even start Louis Tomlinson" i said while glaring at him. "whoa sorry" he said jokingly. "uncle Louis!!" Roxy yelled running to him. "hey baby girl!" he yelled back then picked her up and swung her around. I giggled and then went and sat next to Harry again.

Harry's POV

I got up and put my bowl in the sink then my phone started to ring.


(H=Harry) (M=Managment)

H: hello?

M:yes Harry it's Managment, you are going to date Caroline ok

H: What! No! i can't. I won't!

M: sorry Harry, it is for the good of the band


M: you don't have a choice, come to the studio in 10 minutes.

H:damn you!



How could managment do this again! but its for the good of the band. So i got up and left for the studio.

Ashley's POV

Harry left two days ago and i hav'ent seen him since. "hey Ash, your magaziene has arrived" Liam said as he came over to me. "thanks Li" i opened the packet and on the cover, Harry had his toungue down Caroline's throat! I immediatly burst into tears. "Ash, whats wrong?" Liam asked me coming over to me and pulling me into his lap. i passed him the magaziene and he just shook his head. "Liam, you were right, i don't want Harry ever again" i cried into his shoulder. "babe?" he asked, "yeah Li, can we be together and stay together?" i sobbed. He nodded and hugged me tighter. "mumma, why are you cwien?" Roxy asked from the entrance to the loungeroom. Liam unwrapped himself from me and Roxy came running over to us. "Baby, daddy hurt me and now uncle Liam is going to look after us ok" i said to her, she nodded and climbed in between us, we had a family cuddle when Louis opened the door and came in. "Ashy-poo, whats wrong?" he said running over to me. I passed him the magaziene and his mouth formed an 'O' shape, then he joined the cuddle. "Rox, can you go and put your PJ's on please" i told Roxy, she got up and ran into her room. Liam tilted my head up to look at him then he smashed his lips against mine, "whoa whoa, whats going on here?" Louis asked, "Ash and i are dating and she does'nt want to go back to Harry so hopefully i will be her long term boyfriend" Liam stated whilst still looking at me, i smiled and nodded.

Harry's POV

"hey babe, where should i put these?" Caroline asked me, "uh second room on the right" i replied. Im such an idiot, i cheated on Ash and left her with my baby girl, but i bet Liam has swooped in and picked up her broken heart pieces. "hey, i need to go to an interview bye" she said rudley then left without another word. That's it, im going to Ash.

Ashley's POV

"Liam!" i yelled down the hall, "what is it babes?" he yelled back, "Mummy!" Roxy yelled as she ran down the stairs towards me, but when she was about to get off the last step, she slipped and fell straight on her face. "Liam!" I screamed louder and then ran to Roxy, She was crying and screaming. I picked her up and her nose was bleeding and she had her hand over her left eye. "Ash, what is it?" Liam asked coming out of our bedroom, shirtless and sweaty, he looked hot. No Ashley, don't think like that right now. "can you get a wet towel please?" i asked him, he nodded then ran to the bathroom and came back with the towel. I cleaned Roxy up then put her down for a nap. "Babe, are you ok?" Liam asked from behind me. "uh yeah im fine" but then i felt something wet on my chest, i was crying. Whenever Roxy gets hurt, i cry because i feel her pain. " ohh babe, come here" Liam said pulling me in for a backwards hug. Our cuddle got broken up by someone banging on the front door. "Ash! please talk to me, it was managment not me!" OMG it was Harry! "Liam" i said worriedly, "it's ok babe" he said then we both walked into the lounge. Liam opened the door and then Harry pushed him over. "Ash!" Harry yelled then ran over to me. "let me talk" He asked me, "Harry, you have nothing to say, you broke Roxy's heart and mine, im sorry but leave" i said crying and pointing to the door. "Mummy?" Roxy's little voice said from Liams side. "Roxy!" Harry yelled walking over to her, "Daddy, you left me" she said starting to cry also, "no no baby girl, ill never leave you" he siad trying to touch her. She yanked her arm away from him and tugged on the bottem of Liams pants, he picked her up she snuggled into his chest. Harry broke down after that, "Ash, im sorry. You know i would never do that to you and Rox, i feel terrible, my baby girl won't even let me hug her or talk to her, and neither will the love of my life" he sobbed then he apologised again and walked out of the door. I ran upstairs and collapsed on my bed.

Harry's POV

When Roxy, my life, my everything did'nt even let me touch her. It completly broke my heart. when Ash did'nt even want to see me, that's it, im getting my girl and daughter back and not letting them go. No matter what Managment says, im not doing anything they say.

Ashleys POV

I was sobbing into my pillow making it wet with my tears. "Babe?" I heard Liam say from the door. "yeah" i said back, "mummy?" I heard my angels litle voice say, it actually hurt me to see Roxy flinch away from Harry and then to see Harry start crying, it broke my heart, no make that shattered my heart. "come here Rox" i said wiping my face, she climbed on the bed and st beside me. "Roxy, daddy did'nt leave you, he wil never stop loving you baby, he loves to much to leave you. Me on the other hand, Daddy hurt me ok baby, but that does'nt need to break your relationship with Daddy up" i said, She nodded, "Mummy, i wanna stay at daddy's house tonight" she said with hope in her eyes, I looked at Liam and he nodded, "Sure baby, ill... call him"

Harry's POV

When i got home Caroline was sitting on the couch, "OHH, Harry Styles! Where the hell did you go, i was worried sick! Check your phone!" she yelled at me standing up, I got out my phone and saw 56 missed calls all from Caroline and 106 text messages again all from Caroline, i deleted them all and then my phone started ringing, I looked at the caller I.D and i could'nt believe my eyes.

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