Chapter 12

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Kol was taking her out. She had on a blindfold and she hated it. She couldn't see "Where are we."

"I'm not telling you Elena."

He was holding her hand guiding her so that she wouldn't fall. They arrived he led her inside and took off the blinds fold. She noticed that she was in the caves. But she had never seen this part of the caves before. She noticed there were carvings everywhere."Were in the caves i've never seen this part of them before."

He smiled and nodded."There is a lot of parts in the cave that have yet to be discovered yet. Yet to be found. When we were kids we used to go through these all the time seeing the different parts. I used to come down here to practice my magic. I wrote my name on this wall like my siblings did on the other."

She looked on the wall and seen all the drawings and writing. She turned to look at him and raised her eyebrow."This was all you."

"Yeah i was the wild card the one that found the thrill in magic and then found a different thrill in being a vampire."

"The physco one you didn't care who got hurt unless it wasn't you. You forget your sister talks an awful lot. What changed?" She wanted to know but at the same time she wanted to know.

"I died. Watched how Nik Elijah and Rebekah changed. Once again with there stupid always and forever pact. How they protected each other. How they protected Hayley and soon Freya and Hope. Got locked up by a crazy witch." He turned towards her."Why'd you help me you didn't have to."

"I also killed you believe it or not i felt bad for killing you. I was scared you were going to try to kill me and or my brother. i seen how your siblings changed after you died. They was angry they wanted me dead. They hated that you had died. They did feel remorse but they had to decide between getting there revenge and facing more troubles. Or not getting revenge and letting you down. They were set on bringing you back. But you knew how your siblings are."

"I know." Kol shrugged.

"I'm sorry."

He took her hand and took her to one of the walls."I'll live." He put her hand on the wall."Can you read these."

"A little. Alaric taught me. But you can you till translate it there is a good chance that i might get it wrong."  Elena asked. She didn't want to mistranslate something it would be rude.

"Back then i was  known as the wild child i was trying to rind the rush. Basically translates to the things i did. My life the time that i trained with Ayanna me and Finna training. I wasn't the favorite by far."

Elena touched some of the carvings that were farther right on the wall."Whats this."

"I made this after i became a vampire. I came down here one last time before i left. I never planned on returning home. It was hard at first. They made the always and forever pack. Then they made me and Finn go with them. They made us stay that got mad when i left. They said they wanted to be a family but i was never really included in it now." He had never really told anyone about how he felt. He preffered to keep everything to himself. He didn't think anyone else would understand where he was coming from. But it felt good to talk about it with her. To finally open up to someone.

She looked at him. And squeazed his hand slightly. Giving him a sense of reasurrance. She understood how she felt. She wished that she didn't but she knew that it came from years of his siblings treating him like that."Your not alone Kol. I'm here to stay me and our daughter are going to be here. We are not going anywhere. Because whether either of us likes it this is going to be always and forever. I finally choose her name.

He smiled. He knew that he was right things were changing now. He needed that reasuurance. He really did."What did you choose?"

"Riley Jenna- Freya Mikaelson." She loved the name. So much.

"I didn't think you'd give her my last name."  He didn't think that she wanted their daughter to have his last name.

"Your her father. And i think i'd rather people know her as Mikaelson then Gilbert and run in fear being scared of who her relatives are. And your family does care about you. They just are really bad at showing it. Look at Klaus Hayley and Hope. Hayley wanted to terminate her pregnancy her and Klaus hated eachother he wanted both of them gone. Now he would do anything for both of them. Sometimes it just takes a big or small change for something else to happen"

"Thanks Elena."

She nodded they both stared at the walls in a comforbale silence. Kol's phone started to ring. He took it out and answred."We need you two to come home we got a surprise."

"Were on our way."

So should i bring Alaric back and just Alaric or someone else.

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