Chapter 6

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They had just arrived in New Orleans. Elena had woken up 30 minutes prior. Turns out leaving at night was the best idea yet. Elena slept almost the whole way. Hayley had just finished telling Elena Davina's backstory,"Yours is sill worse then hers but she's been through a lot and she just turned 18"

"Wow i guess there's always a girl with the scary story." Elena said,

The two arrived at the compound they got out the car and walked in. Davina was sitting at a table with Marcel.

"Witch bitch were here" Hayley said.

Davina got up and walked towards them. Marcel followed behind her."So your the girl carrying the baby."

"That would be me but i prefer if you call me Elena."

"I'll call you whatever i want to call you. You stole my boyfriend and ruined my life." Davina said.

"It is not my fault i didn't do anything. I got kidnapped by a physco witch. And was getting tourtured for five months before he got there. I am scared for me and my daughters life. I had my own life before this happened. I had a boyfriend i was in love with. I had friends i just got two step sisters. I had 2 brothers who are going off and having an amazing life. Then this happened and i am now bonded to the people i hate. The people that have tried to kill me so don't play the victum. Don't lable me as a villian when i didn't do anything," Elena said.

"You have no idea what i've been through and i finally get something good and its taken from me" Davina said.

"Please Hayley told me Father gave you up and forced your mother to keep you. She put you in a sacrafice you had your neck sliced. Witches hate you ancestors punished you. Whatelse am i missing. Died came back to life. Made the sole power of the coven got banished got tricked a few other things not that important. And i've been through worse" Elena said.

"How" Davina asked.

"I watched my adopted parents drown and die, I almost died that night. Watched my birth mother burn to death because she took of off her necklace. I watched my aunt get staked and die. I was in a sacrafice i got drained of blood by Klaus. After watching my aunt die. My biological father sacraficed himself so that i could live. My brother died and came back because my best friend sacraficed her life to save him for me after losing my father figure, Then the guy i loved died with my best friend who came back. To save all of us. Tourtured five months. Then someone controlled my mind and made me sleep with the guy i helped kill. Not to mention all the people that came and threatened my life." Elena said.

"What the hell" Marcel said.

"I know it sucks but your little witch ain't been through nothing compared to what i went through. We woke 3 2000 year old people 2 of which were immortal and one was a very powerful witch with a jealousy problem. Esther Mikael Finn before they came here they were messing with us. . I was linked to my father figure so that when i died and turned into a vampire he died. Then an evil bitch killed my brother"

"If your life is so horrible why are you here" Marcel said.

"Cause this little bitch threatened my daughter" Elena said.

"I see Cami was right about that attitude" Davina said.

"Am i not supposed to have an attitude. Here's a little warning you ever threaten my baby girl again. I'll make sure that its your last threat ever. And no this is not a threat its a promise. My daughter has nothing to do with this and no one is gonna act like she's some devil that just ruined there life." Elena said.

"Who do you think your talking to" Davina asked.

"The kid witch that thinks she's badass and broken cause her life suck wanna know a little secret." Marcel started to rise in the air."Ever threaten me again i'll come for him before you understand,"

"Ok" Davina said.

Marcel was put back on the ground,"You may think your strong but magic is running through my veins. Before Isobel Flemming was a vampire she was a witch. Just like my friends grandmother. Stay hidden I am a petrova doppelganger since my moms father had magic i got it and with my heritage i am way stronger then you will ever be."

"If your so strong why were you stuck in a room with my boyfriend" Davina asked.

"Cause witches aren't dumb" Hayley said."She had Freya take a bracelet off of her that was blocking her magic. It basically rendered her human again. "

"My magic is just now coming back in. That happened because i was angry. What if i really tried my magic" Elena said.

"You stole my boyfriend and now your threatening me." Davina said.

"Oh please i don't even remember sleeping with him. I am not the reason you two broke up. I did not say that he had to choose he did it himself. He realized he didn't want an evil bitch in his daughters life. I don't blame him. You think just because you have magic and this and that happened that your life sucks. Worst stuff happens in Mystic Falls every other week. Your magic is linked here. Mine is not its the linked to actual nature."Elena said,

"Your still threatening me does this looks like Mystic Falls to you. This is New Orleans my town i am head witch here and if you don't watch your tounge your gonna be leaving here without your little devil baby" Davina said.

Elena raised her hand and Marcel rose in the air. She twisted her hand and he started to scream."Do you think i'm playing with you."

"You hurt him i hurt you" Davina said.

"You won't get the chance little girl" Elena said.

"Well this went south real fast" Hayley said."Davina you might want to listen."

"I'm not scared of her" Davina said.

Elena did a spell and Marcel went unconcious."He won't remember you. All he will remember is Hope Hayley the Mikaelson's Cami and that he wants to take over New Orleans but he'll fail everytime. All because you threatened my daughter after i warned you."

"What" Davina said.

"Damn ok" Hayley said."I'm gonna take her maturnity shopping before we have to go back i'm gonna let you think about what happened."

Elena and Hayley walked out leaving Davina alone with Unconcious Marcel.

"How the hell did you do that" Hayley asked.

"Practice. Lots of it, Thanks to the sacrafice i was in my magic unlocked. And stayed when i turned" Elena said,

"Wow" Hayley gasoed.

"I know"

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