Chapter 13

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Elena and Kol went back to the mansion. Everyone was gathered around in the living room minus the twins who were sleep. Klaus was holding Hope and they were all crowded around eachother. Kol and Elena looked at everyone. Both of who were really confused on what were going"What's going on."

Hayley and Cami stood up."A few days ago we got a call about a witch preforming a ressurection spell." They knew that this was going to be great for Elena and Caroline. And they all couldn't wait to see her reaction. Except Kol who they didn't tell cause they didn't want him to go and tell her what they were planning.

"Ok." Elena asked. She didn't understand what the meant and who would do it. It kind of made her scared of who someone was trying to ressurect.

Hayley took a breath and continued to speak."In New Orleans." Elena and Kol knew who was doing the ressurection spell and knew that Davina was trying to get back at the family."She was gathering things to draw power off of so that she could bring Dahlia, Esther and Mikael back."

"Wait what." Kol asked."Why would anyone want Dahlia back."

"It was Davina. Why do you think or is that fact that you two broke up. And she absolultly hates Elena who is pregnant." Freya stood she looked at them. She would never let her family get hurt and wasn't letting them people come back"So instead of stopping her spell we just adjusted it."

"By doing a similar trick we already played her on." Hayley grinned. She knew that this was going to be just what they needed."And it worked."

Kol smiled knowing what they did but Elena looked at them confused."Still confused."

"So since she had 3 things of ashes we replaced it with our own three." Freya sighed.

"I was on watch." Cami said

"I switched the three things of ashes." Hayley said,

"And i made it seem like i wanted them back and make my necklace powersource magically appear." Freya said.

She whistled and Jeremy, Alaric and Jenna walked in."Hi Elena." She was in total shock she did not expect this but she couldn't back and prayed that this was real.

Jeremy walked over to his sister and gave her a hug."I missed you Elena how far are you."

"Almost 7 months." Elena smiled. And let go of her brother."I went through the box thanks."

"Ahh figured its the least i could do. I don't like seeing you sad."

Elena went and gave Alaric and Jenna a hug."I missed you Jenna." She felt slight tears coming down her face but once they were tears of joy and not sadness.

"Same. You'll be a great mother. And even though i still really hate those two." Motioning to Klaus and Elijah." And now need to learn to be a vampire but Ican get over it."

"Don't get lessons from any original unless you want to be killing people." Caroline smirked. She knew that if Jenna was anything like Elena she wouldn't like the idea of killing at first but eventually would get over it.

"HEY!" All the originals glared at her,

"I am not a bad teacher." Rebekah said.

"Let Caroline teach you." Elena smiled."She has freaky good control sometimes and its weird but its good."

"But i am still really confused and don't know anything that happened. So can i get a catch up." Jenna asked. Unlike most she didn't know what had really been going on the past few years.

"Ok short story since you died. Elena came back John died when she is mad keep her in your sight." Caroline warned.

"Hey!" Elena screamed.

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