Chapter 5

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Elena was in the grill playing pool with Haley when they seen the Kol walk in. Elena looked around and seen that everyone was still here. Tyler Jeremy and Matt were at a booth. Caroline and Bonnie were sitting at a different booth sulking and eating ice cream while she watched the twins. Alaric and Damon were at the bar.

Kol walked up to them."Are you ok."

"Elijah snitched" Elena groaned,"I've known him a good 5 years and after all this time he still  can't keep a secret good to know"

"Elena its your shot you get these last two in you win not i shoot the eight and i win." Haley said. She went over and stood by Kol."She does not want to meet Davina especially after what we had to say about her."

Elena went to the white Ball and shot the purple four into the middle corner"First i don't want to meet Davina. " Elena shot the eight ball into the left corner pocked."Secondly i'm fine i ran across a clear street me ignoring everyone is normal there just scared for there lives and i didn't faint the panic attack is going to keep happening whether anyone likes it or not i'm human again in a house full of vampires who are 1000 years old and again i never plan on meeting Davina. "But that is not what your here about" . She was not slow she knew there was something."Your back in 48 hours there has to be something."

"Close your eyes" Kol asked.

"Fine" Elena sat her pool stick on the table and covererd her eyes. She heard him walk away and two people come back.


Elena removed her hands from her eyes and seen Cami. "Cami"

"Long time no see so this is the famous Mystic Falls" Cami said.

Elena gave her cousin a hug. A few tears came down her face."I really missed you."

"Hey its ok no need to cry i missed you to" Elena let go of Cami and wiped the tears from her face.

"I'm emotional" Elena said.

"I heard about that congrats but we got to talk" Cami said.

"I know she wants to meet me but i don't want to" Elena said,

"She gave you an ultimatum if you don't meet her she comes for your daughter and she's really strong she said you can bring one person it just can;t be him" Cami said.

"Thats not fair" Haley said.

"It's Davina were talking about she ressurected Mikael once just to kill Klaus" Kol said.

"I want Haley" Elena said,

Haley turned towards Elena."Are you sure."

Elena nodded."There impulsive your not and if she's as strong as y'all say she is your my best bet"

"Impulsive really" Kol asked,

"I could have said dangerous deadly half of them wanted to kill me" Elena said.

"What" Haley asked.

"Wait no all of them after i tried to kill them Elijah kidnapped me thats why know i don't trust them" Elena said.

"Klaus succeded in killing her in that sacrafice to become a hybrid then needed her blood to make hybrids" Cami said.

"You actually read the letters i sent you" Elena asked,

"Yes although i didn't believe you until i asked my uncle and he insisted i wear the necklace you sent me" She pulled the necklace from under her shirt."No one ever knew. I am a really good actor."

"You were playing shrink you let Davina tourture you. You helped an evil witch. Rebekah tried to kill you" Haley said.

"Getting close to the enemy learn all his secrets" Kol said.

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