Chapter 10

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Its been a few hours since the explosions happened. Elena had fallen asleep on Kol. She was having a long day. Kol couldn't help but think about the fact that his siblings thought that he had his magic back. He hadn't had it in a thousand years there was no way that it was coming back. Or so he thought.

Caroline was still crying Klaus was holding her. She couldn't believe it. They were her kids but at the same time they weren't."Both of there parents are dead. There mother died there father. How am i going to explain that to them when there older." Caroline murmured. She started to fall asleep.

Elijah was holding his little sister. Trying to get her to calm down. He knew that this was hard for her. He knew Rebekah had a great heart and even though sometimes she didn't show it she was a very caring person. But she was also broken and just wanted a love. He wished that there was something he could do to ease her pain but there was nothing.

Elena had started to wake up. She sat up her face was red and puffy from the crying."I want to see him."


"No you said he's hear i want to see him." Elena said. She got up pulling him up."Come on i want to see him now." Her voice was cracking but she didn't care."Please."

"Ok" He stood up took her hand and guided her to the basement. As the two walked down the steps they heard coughing. When they got downstairs Damon was coughing as he was vervain and tied to the chair.

She walked over to him and slapped him. She put her hand over his head and he started to scream."They were your friends and y'all killed them."

Kol pulled her back."Calm down."

"I don't want to calm down he killed my brother." Elena cried.

Kol flashed to Damon and ripped his heart out. He turned to her."Come on lets go back upstairs."

She nodded and walked upstairs. Before he followed her he looked behind him he closed his eyes and mumbled and old spell he knew for turning someone to ash. When he opened his eyes there was nothing there. He couldn't believe it he followed her upstairs keeping calm. Not wanting to alarm her when she was already dealing with enough.

When they got to the top of the steps Elena looked around."What the hell happened."

"I don't know" Kol lied. She was about to walk back up to her room when she stopped. Freya and Hayley walked out of the room althought they didn't see them."Whats wrong"

She took his hand and put it on her stomach. As the baby kicked."She's kicking."

A smile appeared on his face. Freya and Hayley smiled and snuck back into the room as if they were never there.


Elena Caroline and Rebekah were sleep. Cami Hayley and Freya had put the three kids to sleep. Now them along with the three original brothers were in the living room.

"Its back" Everyone looked at Kol shocked and confused.

"I'm so confused" Cami said.

"Before Kol turned he was a witch. Quite powerful actually like Freya he possesses a large amount of power being from my mothers line. Like with Dahlia and Esther. Esther was almost as strong as Dahlia but not enough." Elijah said.

"So basically he's saying that as of right now i am the most powerful witch ever and Kol and Elena are tying for second" Freya said/

Kol waved his hand and things started to float."How."

"I say we do a seance." Freya said.Everyone looked at her."What there is nothing wrong with calling on the dead."

"There is everything wrong with that" Cami said.

"I say we do it." Hayley actually thought that it could be a good idea."We find out whats going on and will be prepared for anything to come. He has magic he is no longer bound by the dagger."

"Fine we do a seance but i don't think that its a good idea." Klaus said.

Freya and Kol prepared and they all joined the circle."If it goes wrong i'll take the blame. But they don't just give magic around."

They all got in the circle and joined hands. Freya did the spell and channeled the rest of the circle."Ayanna i know that your somehow involved in this."

Ayanna took the voice of Cami."Hello my dear its been to long."

"Hi Ayanna yes it has" Freya said.

"Hello children you've all grown so much" Ayanna said.

"Ayanna i have magic again how is that possible," Kol asked.

"You've grown the most. You don't think i watched my protige over the years" Ayanna said.

"You got trained by Ayanna" Freya asked.

"She was my mentor. I went to her instead of our devil of a mother." Kol said.

"Ayanna why does he have it back" Freya asked.

"The plan was always to return his magic to him but it had to have a few requirements like with your brothers werewolf side." Ayanna said/

"What were the requirements." Klaus asked.

"For your we soon learned that the why you were doing it.You wanted to be yourself. You felt alone. And we needed a way for the doppelganger to come back. Once we secured that it was alright." Ayanna said.

"What about me" Kol said.

"You changed you were always in favor of witches. And that is something that we always respected that before you got it back you still respected your fellow witches. You know how physco you can be i'm sure that isn't a surprise. We wanted to make sure before we made you more powerful that you had a calmer and you do best decision ever made letting that spell work so Elena would get pregnant. She will be an excellent mother and i have no doubt about that. But as she can anger you just by ignoring you she'll be the one to calm you down. Look at your brother. Hope and Hayley are one of the best things that have ever happened to him."

"She's not lying." Klaus said.

"You are powerful you are resourceful. And as a vampire and a witch your power will be great. Once she got pregnant all we needed was a way to get you your magic. When you let them sacrafice knowing that it was going to be bloody and that someone was going to die. It was them or the girls. You got why. When you went over to them. That was the connection we needed. When you picked up Lizzie to stop her from crying we were ablt to use her and her magic as a becon no one got hurt but we were able to return your magic."

"Thank you Ayanna." Kol said.

"She's waking up i best be going."

Freya looked at her little brother."Go will clean this up."

Kol flashed upstairs he walked into Elena's room and seen her tossing and turning."What's wrong."

She sat up and groaned."I'm uncomfortable and can't sleep. Can you lay with me."

He went and layed next to her. She layed against him drifting off. When she was sleep. He waved his hand over her head."You don't need no dreams tonight Darling." He didn't want her dreams to scare her. And no matter what she dreamed having a dreamless night wouldn't be so bad.

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