chapter 2

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Haley and Freya walked back downstairs where the 4 originals were.

"She's sleep she doesn't want to be but she is" Haley said. She felt bad for Elena."Hope is with it she got her to calm down."

"So" Kol asked.

"The baby is yours she had magic running through her more than normal and more than anyone else could give that is Mikaelson magic." Freya said.

"What the hell happened in there" Klaus said.

"I don't know Nik I blacked out i don't know how but i did" Kol said.

"Did he dry you out your only stuck in a room with her i've heard of her took the cure used to be a vampire she no longer has the cure in her system he siphoned it out of her and it must have hurt then i'm guessing dried you out and got into both of y'all heads with experience its not hard" Freya said,

"He's a siphoner how did he gain the energy for that" Rebekah asked.

"He has the doppelganger her blood is magic all he needed was a bag or two to compelete that spell" Elijah said.

"Somethings not right what does he gain by all of this" Klaus asked.

"Turning everyone against everyone else turning the most powerful witch against the originals" Kol said.

"Kol you got to go to New Orleans i'll watch her but if you don't talk to Davina and fast were going to be facing serious trouble" Haley said.

"I'll go tonight" Kol said

"I won't attempt to kill her why your gone" Rebekah said,

"I am going to bite you if you even scare her" Haley threatened

"She stabbed me with a dagger" Rebekah said,

"She also has no family left except her brother and her life just came crumbling down cause of a witch that has a grudge against her because of someone else and she was trying to save her friends when she daggered you" Haley said

"And i wanted to be her friend" Rebekah said.

"Your brother killed her" Haley said,

"How do you know all this" Kol asked.

"Caroline and Tyler" Haley said.


Elena woke up to the little girl next to her. She sat up and looked around. She was confused then the memories came rushing back.She unconciously rubbed her stomach."You ok" She seen Kol standing at the door.

"Is that really a question before you got there i was in there for five months getting tourtured everyday for five months i'm not going to be ok for a while" Elena wished that she would be but she knew that she wouldn't."What's wrong"

"I got to go to new orleans for a few days before everything goes to hell Nik and Elijah are going with me Freya, Haley, Hope. and Rebekah are staying here  with you" Kol said.

"When do you leave" Elena asked.

"In a few hours night is the best time to travel" Kol said.

"If i take Haley with me can i go see my friends tomorrow" Elena asked


"Haley and Freya" Elena bargined she really didn't want to be with Rebekah.


"Fine Haley Freya and Rebekah then can i go no on is that crazy to try to hurt a witch a hyrbid and an original or i can sneak out the house and we all know i can or Rebekah wouldn't have made sure that Freya spelled the window shut" Elena said. She really wanted to go see them.

"Ok fine deal all three" Kol said.

"Deal" Elena said. There was no way that she was giving up on getting to see her friends.


Elena Hope and Haley were sitting in the living room. The guys had left a few hours ago.

Rebekah and Freya walked in. Then Rebekah asked."So you and Kol what happened in there."

"I was in there five months before he got there being tourtured everyday for 5 months he siphoned a lot out of me i forgot that i had the cure in me i had cuts all over me by the time your brother got in there when he got there Kai dried him out 1 month 1 year 10 years 50 98 i forced him to drink my blood i watched Stefan go through beng dried out he gave me some of his so i could heal then we both blacked out woke up confused as hell 2 days ago i felt sick to my stomach and Kai game to gloat." Elena said.

"It couldn't have been that bad" Rebekah said.

"My first thought was that i was going to die that someone was going to try and kill me" Elena said,

"No one is going to hurt you not if i have anything to say about it." Haley said.

"So Kol said that he wants us to go with you to see your friends tomorrow are you worried" Freya asked

"Yes" Elena said.

"It can't be that bad" Hayley said.

"Well there is always the Bonnie had a crush n my brohter the Salvatores and there obsession with her, Carolinr and her temper. Her brother and step-father are vampire hunters, Not to mention only reason she turned Human was so she could have a family with Damon Salvatore not a Mikaelson" Rebekah said.

"And that is exactly why i am worried" Elena said.

"Will be fine" Freya said.

The four continued to talk for the rest of the night before calling it quits.

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