Chapter 17

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Elena screamed it hurt so bad. Bonnie ran in the room."How did you get out the cuffs."


"No your supposed to have another three days."

"Apparently things changed. Can you help me i'm kind of giving birth over here." She was trying to stay calm but it wasn't an easy task.
Hayley and Freya finally tracked the place."I don't hear anything"

"Is that bad or good." Caroline asked. She was so ready to rip Caroline's heart from her chest and watch as the life drained out of her. Bonnie had been her best friend but she couldn't be friends with someone who would do something as bad as this.


Freya blasted the door down. She didn't hear anything.  They walked in and seen a whole lot of witches."I don't see Davina or Bonnie."

Everyone flashed around to check. But they couldn't find them or Elena. Kol seen something in one of the witches chest."I know who has her." He grabbed the Devil's star."Familiar Hayley."

Half of them were confused. Then Rebekah's phone started ringing."It's him." She put it to her ear. She was kind of glad that he had the memory back but upset that he had Elena."Marcel where are you?"

"I'm not gonna hurt her those witches are powerful. She had the baby but the witch snapped her neck i got there right after."

"What? I'm gonna kill her."

"Like Hayley."

"She's an unsired vampire, where are you. "

"I'm by a church. In the woods."

Jeremy and Caroline looked at eachother."Fells church."

Caroline looked at the Phone."Back away from the church. Y'all think y'all can follow."  She grabbed Jeremy and flashed out.  When they got to Fell's chuch Rebekah seen Marcel who was arguing with the two girls but also was holding Riley. Elena was passed out behind him.

"Just give us the girl and the baby and we won'tkill you." Bonnie smirked.


Caroline turned towards Jeremy."Lets see if you still no how to work a crossbow."

"As long as you can kill her." Jeremy loaded his cross bow and shot Bonnie in the arm.

"You missed." The girls turned to them.

"No i was just making it known were gonna kill you. Well Caroline is."

"Get Elena and Cami out of here. Bekah Elijah take them."

Elijah grabbed Cami and Rebekah flashed to Elena and flashed off.

"Guess i'm killing the baby." Bonnie smirked.

"Over my dead body."

"That can be arranged your on my territory my family line."

Kol stepped foward with a smirk."You mean how your ancestor Ayanna who burried on this very ground. Guess what she will always prefer me to you. See she taught me everything i know including how to do this." He snapped his finger and a rock rose and then exploded.

Freya stepped up."I think he's trying to say game on witch bitch. Are magic out does yours. I'm a first born. "

"So are some of them you think we are alone as if." Davina scolded she whistled and witches came from everywhere.

Freya looked at her brother."Get Riley and get out of here understand me. Jenna go make sure Elena feeds."

Jenna flashed off as everyone else stepped up."Let the games begin."

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