Chapter 9

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Few days later
Jeremy was in the back he has went through his parents old things and found somethings to give to his sister. When he got a message that said meet him at the boarding house.
Elena was sitting on her bed reading a book. She was still ignoring Kol. They hadn't told him about what happened at the grill. Klaus thought that it might be wise to keep that a secret.

"HE WHAT" Elena knew what that meant. He knew."I'll kill them."

"Before you decide that everyone deserves to die maybe you should think this through." Cami asked.

"NO I AM GOING TO KILL HIM." Kol said. She heard a door slam and knew that things were about to go down.

Elena walked downstairs. She seen a lot of broken things."Oh shit."

Hayley walked in with Caroline."Yeah we told him. He snapped started breaking stuff the yelling then we tried to stop him and he left." Hayley said.

Freya came in the room with Hope."Well we knew he would be mad. I expected him to do a lot worse actually."

Everyone looked at Elena."What are y'all looking at me for."

"Are you serious right now" Caroline asked.

"Its not my fault he can't control his temper." Elena said,

"Its because of you he can't control it" Rebekah said.

"Look at this place. If he didn't care about you then why did he destroy it." Cami asked.

"How am i the blame i haven't talked to him in four days." Elena said. They all looked at each other."What. If you have something to say just say it."

Caroline's phone dinged. She sighed and took it out. She looked at Elena."Your brother says your not answering meet him at the grill. He has something for you."


Damon and Stefan were sitting in the living room. Both of there hummanity's were off. Tyler was dead against the wall so was Matt. Alaric was sitting on the couch. He had nothing to defend himself with. Josie and Lizzie were in there carseats in the corner.

Jeremy walked in."What do y'all want i was busy preparing something for my sister."

Damon flashed and grabbed Jeremy pinning him to the wall. While Stefan did the same to Ric."What the hell are you two doing."

"She picked the Mikaelsons over us. We've always been there for her." Stefan Stuck his hand in Alaric's chest. While Damon did the same to Jeremy. The Salvatores took off the rings and threw them to the ground.

Kol flashed in."OH BLOODY HELL."

"Protect her" Jeremy said He knew if Kol tried anything One of them could die as could both twins.

Damon ripped out his heart and threw him to the ground. He flashed to Kol whol grabbed him and pinned him to the floor."I heard what you did. I came here to kill you looks like i'll be killing both of you."

He snapped Damon's neck and flashed to Alaric and Stefan."What you gonna do it would be so easy to rip out his heart."

Kol looked at Alaric who shook his head and mouthed."Protect my girls."

He pushed Stefan off of him ripping out his heart. Kol grabbed Stefan and flashed him against the wall. Lizzie and Josie started to cry. "You got a lot of nerves Salvatore." He broke a piece off the table and staked Stefan in the heart. He went over to the girls.


Elena arrived at the grill with Caroline and Rebekah, She went to the back where she seen the manager."Hey is Jeremy here he asked me to meet him."

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