Chapter 8

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3 weeks later

The Mikaelson siblings Cami and Hayley were watching Elena and Kol argue and it was hilaround.

"No No No i am not taking off the block. It can stay on or i can go kill her i'll let you choose" Elena said.

"She is blowing up my phone begging to get the block off of him" Kol said.

"I DON'T CARE" Elena shouted. She put her hand on her bump. She was showing more now."She threatened our baby. Remember this is our baby, So you can choose i can kill her or that block stays on. I am making her suffer i warned her "

"You can't win with her" Klaus said.

Hayley looked at Klaus."What is that supposed to mean."

"I think Hope is crying gotta go" Klaus flashed upstairs.

Hayley stood up."This is not over Mikaelson" She flashed upstairs.

"See i am not doing it and you can not make me. You will not win this." Elena turned around and walked out the room.

Rebekah and Cami started to chuckle."You won't win Kol."

Klaus flashed downstairs."I am going anywhere but here she wants to kill me." He flashed out as Hayley flashed downstairs,

"Where'd he go" Hayley asked.

"Don't know he said anywhere but here but i'd check the grill" Rebekah said.

"Elena you wanna come with me to chase him down. I am going to kill him." Hayley shouted.

Elena walked back in. "Sure i'm tired of being in this house."

"Cami Bekah Freya you coming" Hayley asked.

"Why not i'm bored" Rebekah got up and walked towards them.

"How about you three just go." Cami said.

"Yeah i have spells to go check and a brother to calm down before he goes and kills someone" Freya said,

"Freya" Kol scolded.

"Do we wanna talk about the argument last week. You have a thing about taking it off on the tourists." Freya said

"Not my fault he has a temper" Elena said.

"Lets go were bringing back takeout." Hayley said. The three left and cami couldn't help but start laughing,

"The mood swings have offically arrived have fun" Cami chuckled.

"Kol don't go kill someone we need to stay off the radar. And you killing someone everytime she yells at you is not helping anyone." Freya said.

"I don't care" Kol said.

"You should. Your gonna be a father in about 5 months, What if you kill someone that has a kid you have to start thinking more" Freya said.

" As an ex- therapist i can tell that your becoming attached to her. And being the wonderful person i am. What if you kill someone she cares about she'll hate you and it'll break you." Cami siad.

The three girls walked in to the grill. Elena went by Klaus who was sitting next to Alaric who was sitting by Damon."Hi Nik."

"You need something don't you" Klaus asked,

"Yea Rebekah left her card can i get yours" Elena asked.

Klaus took out his wallet and handed her the card."Why didn't you ask my brother."

"I'm ignoring him. And Elijah doesn't know how to keep a secret." Elena took the card and went over to Haykey and Rebekah

"He gave it to you" Hayley asked.

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