chapter 11

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Elena was in the kitchen it had been 2 months things were slowly getting to a normal. Cami walked in. She took the cup of Coffee from Elena."No coffee your pregnant."

Elena turned and glared at her cousin."Give me the Coffee. I haven't left my room in two months. I'm allowed 1 cup."

Rebekah walked in with Elijah."Oh your finally out of your room."

"Oh shut it Elijah." Elena scolded. She turned  back to her cousin."Give it to me."

"Hayley" Rebekah  shouted.

Hayley flashed in."What."

"Tell Cami pregnant women can have one cup of Coffee." Elena was already having a bad month and this was just seeming to make it worse. One cup of Caffine wasn't abd and it might help her to stay awake but who know.

Klaus Caroline and Kol walked in next,"What the hell is going on in here."

"I'm going to murder Cami." Elena said.

Freya walked into the kitchen,"Cami she's right 1 cup is allowed and its not like this baby is a regular human, A cup will not kill her. And she might actually kill you soon."

"Caffine is bad for pregnant women," Caroline said.

"No its not. 1 cup is fine." Rebekah said

"Are you trying to kill my daughter." Kol asked.

"It took me half an hour to figure out how to work this coffee Machine Cami if you don't hand me the Coffee you'll passed out for the next 12 hours."


Elena put her hand out making Cami Freeze. She took her Coffee and food and went to her room. Cami unfroze when they heard the door close. Hayley shook her head and said."You should have just gave her the Coffee."

"Is she alright." Freya asked.

"She's six months pregnant. Only family she has is Cami. And oh i dont know hormones are a bitch." Hayley said.

"She was crying all night." Kol wished that there was something that he could do but knew that there wasn't.

"We just got to be there." Rebekah sighed. They had to be there for her there was nothing else that they could do."We have to help her she's six months pregnant and been through more crap then anyone in this room."

"Thats about all we can do for her. I wish we could do more but there isn't." Hayley said.


Kol walked back int her room. She was eating Ice Cream."Where did you get ice cream from."

Elena looked up at him. And glared her mood swings were scaying everyone."Same way i should have gotten that Coffee this morning. I'm craving Ice Cream and Fries." She picked up the  container of Fries that was besides her.

Kol put his hands in surrender."If i sit next to you are going to hurt me."

"No." Elena pulled the cover up. For him to sit.

He went and sit next to her."Are you ok?"

"He's dead. Jeremy Alaric Tyler Matt. Because they wanted to get back at me. I have to live with that now. My brother won't to get to meet his niece. Lizzie and Josie lost the last biological parent they had."

He felt as if it was his fault. He wished that there was something he could do. He would besure to talk to Freya about it,"I'm sorry Elena."

"You didn't do anything wrong this time." She side eyed him."Did you."

"No i didn't" Kol said.

"See you didn't do anything." Elena waved her hand and the food disapeared. It had been a month and she was getting better but not really. She turned on a movie and layed on his chest."Your comfy and my pillow is not."

Freya was sitting with the others."Eating, Crying, Locking herself in her room, and sleeping isn't healthy."

Hayley sighed. She knew that it wasn't healthy but there wasn't a lot that they could do about it. As bad as it was there was nothing they could do about it."It might not be healthy but its all she's got right now. Everytime she tries to leave the house she's reminded that someone is gone and she can't take it."

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