Chapter 14

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A week later

Elena was standing in the nursery that Rebekah Hayley and Caroline had made.

Her name is like this

But this is the nursery

Jenna walked in."You ok?"

Elena turned towards her."I'm fine."

"Are you sure cause you seem to be angry with him."

"Which is nothing new. Wouldn't be the first time me and him were fighting." She was still mad he hadn't told her about getting his magic back. He opened up to her in the caves then shut himself out again and she hated it. She meant what she said she wasn't going anywhere.

"Well no one knows why." Jenna said.

"I'm not going to tell you. I honestly don't want to talk about it." Elena said.

"Your doing it again Elena."

Elena turned towards her aunt."Doing what?"

"What you did when your parents died when Isobel died when I died when John died. When Alaric died when Jeremy died. You shut yourself out. And ignore everyone you pick fights for no reason cause your scared to lose anyone else.  You yell you fight you try to handle everything by yourself but then you break in the end. Its a repeating cycle when your parents died after me and John died. When Alaric and Jeremy died you broke. You wouldn't talk to anyone Elena after the accident you shut your self out and pretended like everything was ok."

"Someone i knew all my life hates me and called me selfish because i got kidnapped. Someone i once trusted with my life killed my brother and Alaric and two of my best friends. I'm pregnant and i'm emotional. Y'all are back but last time someone was back they turned around and died again." Elena hated that this was how she felt but it was she didn't want to lose anyone else she couldn't.

"Yeah i know that but Elena. You've been through a lot this town has been through a lot and i know its hard for you but i'll be here. If no one else is i'll be here as long as i can. I see the way the Mikaelsons are with you how they are with Hayley with Caroline. Your part of the family. Y'all proved that they do have heart. You've taken every hit you got since the crash and you've gone forward but you are not alone Elena you need to remember that you have friends you have family and we don't plan on going anywhere else."


Everyone else was pretty much outside. Rebekah looked at her older brother. "Ok so what did you do this time to piss her off. Finally you two got to a good point and now she's ignoring you again."

"Again." Alaric asked. He was confused.

"Oh yeah except last time it was much worse. He needs to learn to control his temper." Freya said.

"So what was it last time." Jeremy asked,

"Long story she won in the end. Now she's just mad at me so she's ignoring me." Kol said.

"Let me guess she found out last she's pissed." Cami asked.

"Precisley." Kol said.

"But thats fair." Hayley said.

"I know." Kol sighed they weren't wrong. He couldn't be mad that she was angry with him.

Caroline groaned."Do i have to spell it out for you. Try talking to her. Or i don't know maybe apologize to her for telling her last. She's pregnant which means she's hormonal and under a lot of stress. People want her dead and everything she ever knew is changing. I found out about everything last and i was furious but she came and talked to me. I understand that y'all aren't used to apologizing or admiting when your wrong but that hurt. You two are having a kid and trust me i co-parent with Alaric its not going to work without trust and communication. Go before i start mentioning things you don't want me to."

Kol flashed upstairs Hayley and Rebekah chuckeled."Thank you Caroline there idiots."

"Well she did kill him and he died throw against a wall And they did fight a lot. But at least we know the love is real and not fake or because of a stupid sire bond. I swear i was convinced that Damon had something to do with that." Caroline said.

"He did." Jeremy said. Everyone looked at him,"You didn't know that."

"What are you talking about hunter." Klaus asked.

"Damon told her that her happy would make him happy and she was going to be her happiest with the cure. Wasn't that how it worked."

"How what worked."

They all jumped and looked at Jenna."Sire bond anyway yeah thats how it worked. You want to make the other person happy and if he implied any means nessacary."

Rebekah sighed."She didn't havea  choice. Them to need to communicate. Like what the hell. Anyway Caroline i got two months."

"No way i say 2 weeks after the baby's born. Hayley you in."

"I give it 3 months." Hayley sighed.

"Are y'all betting." Alaric asked.

"Yes. So winner what does the winner get oh i know. Winner has to admit one of the biggest secrets they have deal."


"Be prepared to lose forbes." Rebekah smirked.

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