Chapter 7

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The two girls were now back in Mystic Falls Elena was sleep when Hayley had pulled up at the Mikaelson manor. She got out the car and walked inside she seen the siblings and Cami drinking and talking."Poor babysitting."

"She's sleep i needed a drink after someone called me about something happening in New Orleans" Rebekah said.

"What call" Hayley asked.

"Oh do you know a girl name Davina she keeps trying to talk to me and i don't know her" Cami said.

"When we know for a fact her knew her" Klaus said,

"You threaten a girls baby 3 times she's not gonna be nice. It was either that or she kill Davina. Hormones are a bitch you should know after everything i did" Hayley said.

"Speaking of the girl where is she" Cami asked.

"Oh yeah Kol can you go grab her she's sleep i'm scared to wake her up" Hayley said.

"I got her" He went outside to Hayley's car.Kol carried Elena inside and took her to her room. He put her under the cover and went back downstairs to join his siblings.

"She had fallen asleep about an hour ago. She stayed up with me for most of the drive. Unlike when we were on our way there and she slept most of the drive." Hayley said.

"Well be happy she's sleeping. When she first got here she did not want to go to sleep at all" Freya said.

"So when did you take off the magic Bracelet" Cami asked.

"What" Everyone except Hayley and Freya screamed

"Her magic has been gone 8 months because of the no magic bracelet he put on her.  He put it on her before taking her and made it so only a really powerful witch could take it off there was nothing she or anyone with no magic could do" Freya said.

"Well side note dont piss her off. She is scary" Hayley said

"How scary can she possibly be" Klaus asked.

"She rose Marcel in the air without moving a muscle." Hayley said.

"Ok i am offically terriffied." Cami said.


Caroline was sitting with Stefan at the grill."You said you wanted to talk." Caroline was looking at her hands she knew what he wanted to talk about.

"Caroline i don't think we can be together anymore." Stefan said.

"What" Caroline asked.  She turned to look at him."Why."

"You still want to be in Elena's life. You still want to be there for her. And with us divided. That means your team Mikaelson. We can't." Stefan said.

"She was there with us through everything. She was there when no one else was. She always believed in you even after you left with Klaus. She beliieved in Bonnie. Who went off and started sleeping with her boyfriend. She believed in Damon who went off and started sleeping with her best friend. She believed in me after i turned. She saved y'all to many times to count and this is how you repay her. By leaving her side when she needs us the most. Who cares that she is now apart of the Mikaelson family. At least that means that she won't lose anything else. I hate you so much. You wanna be the hero. But lets face it you never got over the fact that she left you for Damon. Now he lost her to Kol. Come on the way they were yesterday. You could tell there in love. How they were looking at eachother but your to caught in yourself to care." Caroline got up and left leaving Stefan alone.

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