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3 Months later


Hayley got up she walked out her room. She heard light crying noticing it wasn't coming from Hope's room then she heard a voice."Shh baby its alright."

She walked into Riley's nursery seein Elena was sitting in the rocking chair rocking slowly with Riley. Kol was standing behind her watching."Y'all are back?"

Elena nodded."Yeah I finished my vampire training again." She turned towards Hayley."This time i had a very distractive teacher."

Hayley didn't notice the way she said it to shocked that they were back."Are y'all staying here?"

"Yeah were moving back in. I heard Marcel decided to stay here with Rebekah. How is everyone."

"He did, Can i see her." Hayley asked. She was really happy that they decided that they wanted to come back. You never know how much you would miss someone until there gone and that was most definetly the case here.

Elena got up slowly walking towards Hayley."Riley this is your godmother Hayley."

"Hi Riley." She carefully picked her up."Your such a cutie. Aww I didn't get to see Hope for the first six months of her life this was killing me." She looked up at Elena."Wait me. I thought you would give that to Caroline."

"I wouldn't be here without you Hayley, you literally convinced me to come here and to stay. I could left with Jeremy and Alaric a long time ago you gave me some to trust them first few weeks i was here. Were here to stay. We shouldn't have just disapeared like that it wasn't fair to any of you."

"It's fine Elena. You needed space. I was a wreck for months when i had Hope but she had to leave. Sometimes things just take time i'm glad you three are back."

"I'm about to go wake up my brothers and sisters."


"Wait what did you mean distractive teacher."

"I should go let Jenna know i'm here. And my brother and Alaric." Elena flashed out.

"Finally." Hayley walked downstairs as everyone came down."Wait i'm dowe with you Gilbert how long."

"A month and a half ago." Kol smirked.

"Wait that means i won."'

"Damn it." Caroline and Rebekah cursed.

"What?" Elena looked at the three."You didn't."

"Rebekah started it. She said two months."

"I had two weeks after Riley was born Hayley had three months."

"So blondies what is your deepest secret."

"Go to hell." Rebekah sighed

"I'll go i think its about time i tell Caroline." Elena chuckled.

"Tell me what?" Caroline looked at Elena.

"Everything Klaus gave you i put in a storage locker cause i knew you would hate yourself later."

"You have it all. I wanted to show Hayley and i thought i threw it away thank you."

"Why would you-"

"I used to hate him big time. I thought in one of my fits of anger i threw everything away. I've done that before you'd be surprised. My deepest secret I wanted to be popular when i was a freshman so i befriended head of the cheerteam my now longterm best friend. Then when she quit because of her parents died i took all her roles every one of them."

"Wait." Klaus looked at Elena."Her form that."

"Was all originally mine i was Mystic Falls golden Girl. All the parties planner meetings i said go to hell when my parents died and quit them all. My parents were doctor."


"It's true." Jenna shook her head."They didn't pressure her but it was more they put her in most of it. All the different activities and the fundraisers her mom praised cheerleading and Miss Mystic Falls and all of it."

"Miss Mystic Falls," Caroline took a breath."Elena was my one and only competition i won. She didn't want it."

"Rebekah your turn. I want to hear this." Marcel smirked.

"Damn it. Umm i have a few. Umm i was considering killing Elena Jeremy." She cleared her throat."Caroline and Hayley."


"What? Why?"

"Umm my brothers. Umm so Caroline had all Klaus' attention he was so focused on her his obsession with the hybrids Elena's blood Hayley was pregnant Elena was pregnant Elijah has a better brother sister relationship with Elena then with me. Kol and his parinoia over the hunters curse. Klaus and the cure no Hunter no cure. I wanted a kid so bad and they got pregnant."

"That makes sense." Elena shrugged. 

Caroline nodded."She's not wrong i mean they did seriously neglet her. Elijah made sure she didn't kill Elena. Klaus kept giving me gifts and drawing me pictures. Taking Elena's blood. They have Riley they have Hope and she had no kid and she's the one that wanted one."

"But he was right to be parinoid Silas was a pain."

"Literally," Caroline shuddered."Happy he's dead."

Elena went and took Riley from Hayley."I need to go feed her." Elena walked upstairs back to the nursery. She was happy with how things turned how she couldn't imagine it differently. And honestly she didn't want to. This was more than she could ever asked for. She may have lost a lot but she gained a family.

"She seems to be taking it better." Caroline smiled. She was happy that things had turned out better. They had been through a lot and now they were finally get peace from it all.


Elena Kol and Riley were in the Lockwood Mansion. Kol looked over at Elena."What are we doing here?"

"I want to make this place into a museum there's so much history in this town and over the years there was so much death. It deserves to be talked about what we can reveal. At least." She knew that they couldn't tell everything that went on in this town but the stuff that they could needed to be talked about more.

"Alright. I got something i want to show you."



They were back in the caves Elena noticed a new carving."You did this."

"When you two went to sleep the other day." 

She stepped closer holding Riley to her chest."You added our names."

"Yours Freya, Riley, Hope Hayley Caroline Jenna Alaric Jeremy Cami and Marcel's. Y'all are apart of this to now."

"I love it." She turned to him."I'm happy with how things are."

"I am to."

"I guess in some twisted way Kai is to thank for this. She wouldn't be here and we wouldn't be together."

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