chapter 3

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Kol, Elijah and Klaus arrived in New Orleans. When they got there they went to the compound where they found Cami and Davina,

"Finally what took y'all so long" Cami asked.

"We got to talk Davina" Kol said.

"Its a girl who is she and don't say that you want to talk in private cause i won't do it whatever you have to say you can say it out loud." Davina said.

"Wait i thought that you were out of town" Cami said.

Kol turned towards his brothers."What did you two tell them"

"That you went out of town at the last minute for no reason" Klaus said.

"Where the hell did you go then" Davina shouted. She was starting to get really mad she didn't understand it.

"Second that if you didn't go out of town for no reason and come back cause there is a girl then when the hell were you." Cami asked.

"I got kidnapped then dried out then i blacked out" Kol said.

"An original got kidnapped that has to be the worse lie ever who is stupid enough to kidnap you" Davina said. She just didn't believe it that he really  got kidnapped.

"If a witch is strong enough they can take out an original and this witch he was a siphoner with an energy source and a really strong one was able to black him and her out and perform different spells on the two of them" Elijah said.

"What spells" Davina asked. She knew what people can do with magic. She seen the looks on there face and put the peices together. "She's pregnant right thats why she's not here. Cause y'all are scared to have her by me what i am that evil and physco"

"Yes you are" Klaus said.

"Your one to talk everything thing that you've done" Cami said.

"So you want your cousin near Davina" Elijah asked.

"Cousin" Klaus asked.

"Elena's my cousin my little cousin i'm 4 years older than her she's the only family i got left" Cami said. She was officially scared for her cousin.

Davina noticed the change in Cami's voice and turned towards her."Your scared to aren't you."

"Davina you have a temper and so does she it won't end well and as her cousin i agree i don't want her near you" Cami said.

"I don't care i want to meet her" Davina said. She wanted to meet the girl that just flipped her life around.

"No" Kol said.

"Why not you scared i'm gonna hurt her i want to meet the girl that just ruined my life." Davina said.

Elijah's phone started rining."I have to take this its our older sister." Elijah walked out leaving them alone.

"We are not bringing  Elena here" Klaus said.

Kol noticed Elijah's face when he walked back in."What happened Elijah,"

"Why would you asumme that something is wrong little brother" Elijah asked

"Elijah you know its not nice to lie to the physco of the family" Kol smirked.

"Its Elena" Elijah said.

"Haven't we learned not to trust Rebekah" Klaus said.

"What happened to my cousin Elijah tell me" Cami asked.

"Freya said she just almost got hit by a car she is about to faint she's having another panic attack"
Elena, Freya, Rebekah, Haley and Hope walked into the grill. She seen Damon and Alaric sitting at the counter drinking.

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