Chapter 15

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Elena was sitting on her bed. Kol flashed in."Can we talk."

Elena took a breath and looked up at him. She didn't want to be mad but she couldn't help but be. She wanted him to stop shutting his self out around her. There was no getting better if he he couldn't tell her things."Did Jenna send you?"

"No Blondie but she did make some really good points."

"What do you want?" She was mad and her being this far in her pregnancy was not helping her emotions."I'm still mad at you."

He came and sat next to her."I know and I probably do deserve it, I wanted to say that I am sorry. Blondie's right. I don't know how to appologize. I'm sorry that I told you last. You should have been the first person I told."

"It wasn't even that I was the last person to know. I finally got you to actually open up and talk to me then you shut everything In again." They were about to have a daughter and they weren't going to be any good at parenting if they can't talk to eachother."I get that your used to being the odd one out and everyone working against you but that can't happen. Were bringing a child into this world. Whether or not our fault we are. Do you know how hard it will be to raise a baby if we can't get communicate or get along."

"Your right."

"I may be making a big deal out a few things but if were angry with eachother how is our kid's life gonna be. And this may full well be the hormones talking but its not fair. You can't just open up and shut me out again. It can't happen."
-- A month and a half later

With her due date closer and closer everyone was trying to keep a close eye on her. Elena wanted to do a day with just her Jenna and Jeremy. She knew that once the baby came it wouldn't just get to be her and them. They were actually at the lockwood mansion which has surprisingly been left to Elena and Jeremy.

"So Tyler left this to us." Jeremy looked around the house it had been empty for months. He didn't know what they were going to use it for/

Elena looked at the shelfs of the town history."He was scared that Damon was going to kill him for hiding the fake casket. He needed an endorser. Matt didn't want it and well I was in a supposed magical Coma you were off for 6 months hunting down vampires. Apparently we were the best bet." She knew why it was left to them. He had no one else that he trusted to leave it to that was human.

Jeremy turned to his sister."Tyler, Matt, Mom, Dad, Isobel, Carol, John, Mason, George, Anna, Sheila, Rose, Lexi how many more people have to die in this town before they realize that things aren't normal."

Jenna turned to her niece and Nephew. She was surprised that the house was left to them."Don't forget Logan, Andi this town is changing to much. Its only gonna get worse and we can't even blame it on the vampires."

"Are you sure that this is where you want to raise your baby in a town of bloodshed." Jeremy didn't want to sound mean but he didn't think that this was a right place for a kid to grow up.

"I wish I could say that i want to leave. But i don't i know whats happened here but i want to stay. There not the same people they were." Elena knew it was sad but this was still her home and she didn't want to leave it. There were to many memories here.

"I know that." Jeremy said.

"They are better but even if we leave with them. This town is dangerous."

"You should listen to her."

Elena turned around to see Bonnie. She backed up."What do you want?"

"Did you find pleasure and taking his life. I mean he did love you until he realized how much of a selfish-heartless bitch you are. But now he's dead. I didn't even get to say goodbye." Bonnie was angry she didn't understand how  Elena could just do that.

"He killed Alairc Tyler Matt Jeremy people that used tobe your friends. And he didn't deserve to die. Your delusional Bonnie. Question was it worth it sleeping with him funny he would have never made a life with you. He was planning on turning human for me not you. He wanted a family with me and not you. You were just the escape while i was gone. He would have never kept you around if he got me back."

"He was trying to be a better person but you came in and you ruined it. He knew that you weren't good for him."

"No he wasn't if he wanted to be a better person he would have never killed my brother. Or slept with you. He would have left town after hearing that i was pregnant to start his own life. If he was a  better person he wouldn't have been mad about my pregnancy which was something i didn't cause. He loved me a little to much and that was why he killed them because he lost me and he knew that he did. So he wanted to hurt me."

"You slept with an original that was on you."

"I was forced to we never wanted to Kai did it to us because you pissed him off not me he tourtured me for eight months because you pissed him off you and Damon and i was the price. My daughter is only here because you two but she'll be loved she'll be taken care of but you'll be alone lets leave we can come back later."

Elena Jenna and Jeremy were about to walk out."How did he die?"

Elena turned towards Bonnie."After i went down and seen him in a chair tied up with vervain ropes I slapped him and gave him the biggest anneryiousm of his life. Kol ripped his heart out from his chest and turned him to nothing but ash. Then said ashes were thrown into the ocean. Have a good life." She turned around and walked out. She didn't have time to deal with Bonnie right now. They may have been childhood friends but most friendships don't last anyways. You'll learn who you can trust when your at your worst. And you'll know for when your at your best.

Bonnie put her hand out making Jenna and Jeremy go unconcious."Fine Kol killed him watch me take the two most important things in his life from him the girl he's in love with and the oh so precious daughter."

Then her vision went black.

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