Vic's pov
I gave up.
She doesn't want me and I dont deserve her.
Would I say that to her? Absolutely not. In all honestly I dont really care anymore. About anything.
She wants to be a bitch? She can get "accidentally" hit with a football in the hallway. She wants to turn me down because she thinks I kiss her best friend? Hell, I'll go sleep with her.
I was sitting in the basement staring at the wall I had punched a few minutes ago. I hadn't even noticed the pain in my hand until now.
"Fuck!" I yelled. This wouldn't be happening if I knew how to control myself.
No this wouldn't be happening if Jenna wasn't such a- "Vic? Are you okay?" I heard Mikes concerned voice from the top of the stairs. I cradled my hand and grit my teeth together. "Just freaking dandy Mike." I sarcastically said squeezing my eyes shut.
"What did you do?" Mike said coming down the stairs and over to me. I didn't answer him though. "Let me see." He demanded. He took my hand and muttered a curse word under his breath. "Let's go. I'm taking you to the hospital." He grabbed my upper arm and helped me up. I tried protesting but he just yelled at me.
We are now sitting in the hospital room waiting for someone to tell us what the hell is wrong with my hand. I got used to the pain so it wasn't as bad anymore but it still hurt.
Finally the doctor came in with a frown on his face. "Well Mr. Fuentes, it seems to be you broke your index and middle fingers. We're going to get a little finger sling for it and then wrap it up. Also for the next few days I recommend some pain killers, I already have the prescription right here." He held up a piece of paper. "It was the same medication you took a few years back when you broke your foot." He added.
He looked up at me over his glasses with a look of disapproval. "Try to be more careful, Mr. Fuentes." He said before walking out. I rolled my eyes. "Try to be more careful Mr. Fuentes." I mocked making a little hand puppet thing with my good hand.
"Dude what got you so pissed off anyways?" Mike asked from beside me. I shrugged and looked away. He didn't need to hear about my stupid problems.
"Dont give me that. Tell me." His voice was getting lower. "Just Jenna I guess... I dont know man." I said getting frustrated again.
I just want to shove her in a locker so I can laugh at her, but then at the same time I want to put her in a locker and then let her out so she can fall into my arms and I can hold her while she cries.
"Well me and the guys could uh knock some sense into her?" He offered. I looked over to him. "Dont fucking touch her." I snapped. I dont know where that came from but I said it.
He held his hands up in defense. "I was just trying to help. I dont like the idea of her being sad or hurt either, but I also hate watching you do shit like this!"
"Oh come on Mike. This isn't a big deal. I'm fine." I said leaning my head back. When is this damn doctor going to come back?
"No Vic your not fine! You've been slacking off, you've been drinking, you slept with two girls in the past week and you dont even know their names do you? Not only that but at band practice you do absolutely nothing! You haven't even been writing. And whenever me and the guys ask you to hang out you blow us off and stay in your room! If thats what being fine looks like than I dont want to know what your gonna look like on your bad days." He flipped out.
"I dont need you telling me whats good for me and what isn't. Back off." I shut my eyes. "You know wh-" Mike stopped when the doctor came back. He wrapped up my fingers and everything before letting us go from the hospital. Finally. We've been there for hours!

Maybe We're Not Just Having Fun. {Vic Fuentes}
FanfictionJenna is starting her last year of high school. And when she walks into school on the first day thinking her year is going to be all good and easy, she's poorly mistaken. When Vic Fuentes, the most feared kid in school comes up to talk to her she k...