"For this part I'll need some help from my amazing girl." Vic pointed to me. That little-!
I shook my head no and he shook his yes. He ran over to me and took my hand. I cannot believe he is doing this. I'm not terribly afraid of singing in public but I have never even really practiced! "And she said..." Vic handed me the mic. Oh god.
"If you were me you'd do the same" i started off kinda shaky. He gave me a reassuring smile and I took a deep breath. I continued singing and actually found myself smiling and walking around the stage. This felt amazing. Even though only a few people were paying attention they still were giving me their attention. I made them smile. I rocked it! After my part was over I still felt myself humming some weird notes in while Vic sung and it didn't sound half bad.
Too quickly though the song was coming to an end.
When it was over I hugged Tony first, fist bumped Mike, shook hands with Jaime and blew Vic a kiss. I left the stage and went over to the little curtain area where I could sit and watch them from the sides.
The rest of the show was great. They got to play a lot more songs then I thought because someone cancelled I guess and they got to fill in.
When the guys came off the stage they were all sweaty and gross. They tried hugging me and I ran away. Before I went out the back though I asked if they needed help and they all said no. Tony threw me the car keys so I went outside and searched for the car. I could not remember where we parked. I think we parked down the street. As I was walking down to where the car might have been I heard my phone buzz. I decided to ignore it for now.
Car... Car.. Ca- oh!
"There you are." I muttered to myself as I unlocked it. I grabbed the handle and got into the drivers seat. I turned on the car and put the radio on. I slammed the door shut because it was kind of broken and if you didn't shut it tightly then it might fly open while your driving and that isn't good.
I climbed into the back and lay down with my head against the door and my feet stretched out to the other end of the car. My feet could barley touch the door opposite of me even when I pointed my toes. I'm too short!
I started getting lost in the music and just started to let my mind roam. What's going to happen when I go home? Has my dad actually changed? How does Vic really feel about me? I mean I know he says he love me but.. Does he really?
I was subconsciously tapping my toe against the air and the little hunk of car I hit because I could actually kind of reach it. I sighed and rubbed my temples with my middle fingers. "What is my life?" I groaned to myself. They were all so good with music. Vic sung beautifully as always and I did not know Tony was that amazing with a guitar. I cannot believe Jaime with that bass, it's practically heaven to my ears. And Mike! He is so talented! I wish I was that good at something. Well no I can kind of sing. But Vic is just- woah.
I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard a knock on the window behind me. It scared the frizzle out of me! I jumped and after the initial shock left I glared at Mike who had knocked on the window.
"You scared me!" I yelled at Mike as he got in. Everyone got in the car except Vic. He wasn't with them. We were all siting in the same places we did when we first came here. My phone buzzed again but this time I checked it.
It was from Billy. Maybe I could stay at her house tonight. That would be fun.
She sent me a picture and a regular word message.
My heart dropped and I made a small whimpering noise but then stopped. "Whats wrong munchkin?" Jaime asked. His voice was distant.
Everything had shattered. Every last emotion I had just felt. It had all disappeared for a few moments before everything rushed back. I was hit with anger, betrayal, and mostly sadness.
Why? Who the hell does that?
The guys were all trying to talk to me but I couldn't really hear them. Everything was so far away and it felt like it was just me and my phone. Nothing else mattered. I felt hot tears stream down my face and I couldn't stop them.
I threw my phone at the floor of the car and brought my knees up to my chest. My hands moved to my face and I tried to hide the already exposed tears. I sobbed into my hands. Jaime was trying to calm me down but I barley noticed him. I was gasping for air and I just couldn't seem to control myself. Everything was just on repeat. I cant believe him. I trusted him. I loved him. He was my first ever love. This is my first ever heart break. And it sucks.
I know this wont last forever, but until it's over this is the only forever I'll feel and I dont want to feel this but I dont have a choice.
I remembered something. Vic is going to be here soon and I dont want to be here when he does.
I picked up my phone and pushed Jaime away from me. I opened the door and slammed it. I ran down the dark street. I have no idea where I'm going, I just want to be far away from here.
"I'm sorry you had to find out this way but he's done with you. He wants me instead." What about Justin? I thought she loved Justin.
Vic is dating Billy. He wants her. Not me. I cant blame him though I mean look at me. I'm pathetic. Ugly. Damn it! How could I ever be so stupid? No one wants me. Why would I ever think he'd want me? I'm a waste of space.
My dad doesn't love me.
Billy doesn't love me.
Vic doesn't love me.
My other "friends" dont care.
My mother thinks I'm a pain.
Why am I here?
I continued to cry as I ran down the street.
That picture was stuck in my mind.
He was kissing her. His eyes were closed and you could tell they both were loving it.
I'm glad he's happy. I'm glad she's happy.
I hate myself.
I want to shut off my thoughts.
I want to jump off a bridge.
No. I have to calm down. I have to stop the thoughts. I have to stop.
I felt my legs burning. This reminds me of the time Vic was chasing me around the school and then I dropped my phone.
Too bad that wont happen again. He hates you remember?
Kiss all of those cute moments goodbye because all they are and all they ever will be are memories. They are never. Happening. Again. Get over it.
This is all my fault. Maybe if I was pretty he'd stay. Maybe if I wasn't a psycho he'd stay. Maybe if I was anyone else he'd still be mine.
But he isn't and it's my fault. I mess up everything good in my life.
I ran and I ran until I realized I knew exactly where I was going. Why did I jog here?
I pulled out my phone and texted the best option I had right now.
"Can I come over?" I sent to him.
I waited for a response and got one quickly.
"Definitely, where are you? I can pick you up." He replied.
"Outside. It would be great if you came down and let me in." I texted.
This is a good idea. Right? I mean I have nothing to lose.
This chapter is sad! I'm sorry! Breakups suck and yeah. I know thats Jenna gets really confusing but that how breakups make you (or well at least me.) feel and I wanted to make it be accurate. Anyways... I'M SORRY. AND I CANNOT THANK YOU GUYS ENOUGH. 1K? I DONT DESERVE THAT BECAUSE MY WRITING IS SHIT BUT THANK YOU CHICKADEES ANYWAYS BECAUSE THAT MADE MY DAY SO MUCH BETTER!! Anndddd I wanted to update again today because you chickadees deserve it! I love youuuu! And who do you think Jenna was texting at the end there? I mean I know who it was but maybe I'll change my mind.. Who knows? Anyways yeah.. I'm going to start writing the next chapter right after I post this so yeah.. Bye!

Maybe We're Not Just Having Fun. {Vic Fuentes}
FanfictionJenna is starting her last year of high school. And when she walks into school on the first day thinking her year is going to be all good and easy, she's poorly mistaken. When Vic Fuentes, the most feared kid in school comes up to talk to her she k...