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Vic pulled up to my house. "Well goodnight, thanks for um earlier."

"Yeah no problem." He turned the car off and I raised my eyebrow at him. "Alright... Bye." I got out of the car and waved.

I was halfway up my lawn when I heard a door close. I looked back and saw Vic walking over to me. "Well I thought I should bring you to your door." He said. I shook my head at him. "Fine."

We both walked up to my door and I looked for the spare key. Once I found it I unlocked and opened my door. "Okay now goodnight."

He nodded at me. "Well I didn't say which door." I smacked his arm. "Vic go home." I said.

"I dont wanna." He pouted at me. I rolled my eyes and we walked into my house. "Vic leave." I told Vic who was standing behind me. "No. Cant I just stay for one night? Pleeeeeaaase?" He begged like a five year old. I covered my ears. "Okay okay just shut up already."

When I was sure he wasn't talking I uncovered my ears. "C'mon you need a shower. I'll get you some PJ's. Follow me." I skipped up the stairs and into my parents room. I went to my dad's closet and took out checkered pajama pants and a white T-shirt. It looks like it will be big on Vic but I dont really care. "Now this way."I told Vic who was waiting in the door frame for me. I skipped into the guest room that had another bathroom in it. I put the clothes on the toilet. "And here you go." When I was out of the door I faintly heard "I think this shower could have fit two people." I blushed and ran out of the guest room and into the main bathroom.

I did my showering stuff and took a towel off the rack. I took a second one that was slightly smaller and bent over, wrapping my hair in the towel. I secured the one that was around my body and left. When I walked into my room I nearly had a heart attack.

Vic was laying on my bed with only pants on. Oh shit...

I cleared my throat. Vic sat up and looked at me. "Get out so I can change." I told him. He shrugged and walked past me and out to the hallway. Once he was gone I shut and locked the door and then walked over to my pajama drawer. I took out black baggy shorts that go to my mid thigh and a really big green shirt thats just above my shorts. It was short sleeved but the sleeves still came down past my shoulders.

I unlocked the door and then opened it. Vic wasn't still in the hallway.

I went downstairs to see him in the kitchen. "I didn't know you had a cat." He said holding bubbles. Bubbles! "How did she get down here?" I yelled mainly at myself. "Shit. Ugh she's fine right? Wasn't limping or anything?" I continued.

"Nope. Looks fine to me. So what's its name?" I took bubbles from Vic's hands and said. "Her name is bubbles." I put emphasis on the 'her'.

"Well that's... Cute." Vic said making it sound like a question. "It's okay tough guy. You can say cute here." I said with a slight chuckle. Vic rolled his eyes at me. "Now why are you in my kitchen?" I asked readjusting Bubbles. "I'm hungry. Duh." He hopped up on my counter and sat with his legs swinging a little. "Well then have some cereal." I shrugged.

"Ooo! Okay." He slid off the counter and went to open a cabinet but stopped half way. "Uhh where do you keep your cereal?" Vic asked dropping his hand to his side. I walked over to the cabinet and reached up and opened it. "Here." I stated. "Now I'll be in my room." I went back upstairs, leaving the door open.

I put bubbles down on my stomach as I lay facing the ceiling. I felt bubbles paw at me and it tickled me a little. I giggled.

"Awe." Vic cooed sarcastically. I sat up, my back against the wall. He came in and sat at my desk, he placed his cereal down and spun the chair around to face me. The awkward silence was broken by his phone. He dug into his -well my dads- pockets and pressed answer. He lifted it to his ear. "What?" He snapped. Well I wonder who it is...

Maybe We're Not Just Having Fun. {Vic Fuentes}Where stories live. Discover now