How do you spell heartbroken?

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"Hey Alex." I said as I walked in. "What's wrong? Do you want anything to drink? Sit down. I'm making you feel better. Who's ass do I need to beat? What's wrong? Jack hug her while I make tea." Alex spoke quickly as always. I smiled a weak smile.

My eyes must be red and I must still look like shit. Yeah I always look like shit.

Alex went to the other room. We have been talking but not very much because Vic didn't really like him. Well he cant stop me now.

I sat next to Jack who paused a movie and looked at me. "What?" I asked self-consciously. "Whats wrong bugga-boo?" What is with people and these nicknames?!

I didn't even try to hide it. I was getting it out. "Vic cheated on me with my best- well ex best friend and now I feel like hell." I said in one breath. After saying it out loud I just started sobbing again. Jack side hugged me. "You are gorgeous and anyone would be lucky to have you. Your whore of a best friend is probably going to give him STD's and then he's going to regret what he did. And when he tries to come back to you spit in his eye." Jack told me. I couldn't help but let out a laugh. He was rubbing my back slightly.

"Ow shit!" We heard Alex from the kitchen. "What?" Jack yelled. That hurt my ears a lot!

"I burned myself with this stupid tea water!" Alex screamed back.

Jack called him a moron before getting up to go and help him.

"Dont you people have parents?" I yelled my question into the kitchen. "They're out at a bar or something." Alex shrugged and walked back into the living room setting two cups down in front of us on the table.

He sat next to me and Jack sat on my other side. "By the way I wouldn't wait to spit in his eye if I were you." Alex told me. Somewhere around then the tears stopped coming.

"You guys are awesome." I stated before leaning into Alex's shoulder. I was really tired but I didn't want to sleep.

"I have someone that I think you should meet." Alex stated.

Little did I know, this 'someone' was a person that would eventually be a huge part of my life.

"Who is it?" I asked. I was curious but still wasn't completely there with them.

"Her name is Scarlett. I think you'd like her." Alex said. Well I could use some friends I guess. "Sure." I shrugged.

Everything still hurt. I was still heart broken. I still felt betrayed. I felt like shit. "Jack?" My voice was quiet but could still be heard. "Yeah?"

I sat up and looked at him. "Do you by any chance know where I can find alcohol?" I wanted to forget. I wanted to let go. I wanted to drink myself into the next day without feeling any pain. I wanted to make it through to tomorrow and I just wanted a temporary escape from my mind. He smiled and Alex snorted next to me.

"I told you when we were in the kitchen that she'd prefer the vodka! No one ever listens!" Jack shouted at Alex before standing up and going into the kitchen. "I'm all for having a fun time but I really dont think this is the best idea." Alex whispered into my ear. "Well I think it's a great idea." I snapped.

Jack came back in with a full bottle of vodka. "Never been opened." He told me. He took the cap off and to a swig of it. His face scrunched up and he shook his head. "Have at it." He handed me the bottle to drink from. Alex gave me a disapproving look which I ignored and pressed the bottle to my lips. The smell of it burned my nose. I squeezed my eyes shut and swung my head back along with the bottle. I drank as much as I could. Gulp after gulp. I could hear Jack chanted "Chug" and thats exactly what I did.

When I couldn't take anymore I put the bottle down onto the table. My eyes were still shut tight. I could feel myself slowly starting to feel lighter. When I opened my eyes things were dizzy.

I focused on the table until things slowed down and I felt more sturdy. "Well damn." I said.

Vic's POV~

I got into the car and there was no sign of Jenna. I was shaking and panicking. I was mad as hell.

"Where did she go?" I growled at Jaime who just so happened to be the one that I saw first when I ripped the door open.

"Dude calm down. What happened?" Mike told me. I flipped him off and repeated my question this time yelling.

"I dont know! She ran down the street crying! What the hell happened?" Jaime yelled at me.

I thought back to just a few minutes ago.

I walked into the lounge room so I could pick up my house keys from the table. It was incredibly dark and I could see a thing. I walked against the wall trying to find a light switch but bumped into something...

This something had hands that found their way up my arms and around my neck. "Jenna? What are you still doing in here?" I asked her with a smile on my face. I couldn't see her but that was okay. She didn't answer but instead smashed my lips to hers. When did she get so confident?

Her tongue ran across my lower lip. I grabbed onto her hips and shoved her against the wall. I kept her in place as I pushed myself against her harder. Her hand dropped from my neck which was odd but I thought nothing of it. I felt her trying to move against me but I stopped her. I smiled into the kiss. This felt different and I couldn't really put my finger on it. Maybe she just wanted to try something new.

I heard the snap of a camera and slowly pulled apart from her. "What was that for?" I asked with a goofy grin on my face. She pushed me away. "Personal reasons." I then heard quick footsteps exited the room.

That wasn't Jenna.

I tried to follow them but failed and ran into a table.

I just made out with someone who wasn't my girlfriend. How stupid can I get?

Jaime snapped his fingers in front of my face to get my attention. "Vic?! Did you try calling her?" He asked. I hadn't thought of that yet.

Without a word I pulled my phone out and looked for her contact. I tapped on it and waited for her to answer.

And thats what my night consisted of. Call, leave a message, send a text, worry, repeat.

I didn't sleep much that night. I even tried calling her mother who said that she also hadn't heard from her.

The next morning I again didn't go to school. I was a wreck.

I need to know that she's okay.


I'm getting writers block again :(

Ugh anyways thank you guys for reading these sucky chapters and sticking to this story! Umm yeah I think like 3-5 chapters left depending on how much I write per chapter so cool.

Umm yeah thanks again!


Maybe We're Not Just Having Fun. {Vic Fuentes}Where stories live. Discover now