Once again it was Saturday night. I had just got home from work. "Hun?" I heard a familiar voice call out. I shut the door and ran into the living room and was met with my mother. I hugged her as tightly as possible. "Hey mom!"
I was strangely close with my mother unlike most kids my age. I mean sure we argued sometimes but thats normal.
"Hey you. Where have you been? I've been home for hours." She told me. "Work. So what have you been up to?" I asked as she started walking towards the kitchen. "Nothing. I was just talking to your friends." I stopped in the doorway of the kitchen. "What the...?" I started. I saw four smiling faces. "Your mother is a lovely woman." Jaime said.
"Oh stop you." My mother said. I could feel my face heating. "What are you idiots doing here?" I smiled, sitting next to Vic. My mom gave me a disapproving look which I ignored. "Well Jenna they came looking for you and saw me here cooking for my little working girl." My mom ruffled my hair. "But she had no one to eat it, so we volunteered." Mike said with a grin. Saved by the bell. "I got it." I said standing up and running to the door. I opened it to see Billy and Justin. "What are you two doing here?" I asked. Billy shoved me aside. "Move! I gotta go see my mom!" She squealed. She dragged Justin into the kitchen with her. I shook my head and shut the door. I shuffled back into the kitchen and was greeted with the sound of chatter as Justin stood awkwardly, Billy was catching up with my mother and three of the boys were talking. Vic looked at my and mouthed. "Your room." Before excusing himself and walking to my room I assume.
No one was paying attention to me so I backed out of the room. When I was out of sight I speed walked and was soon up the stairs, down the hall and in my room. When I got up there Vic was busy at my desk.
Vic's POV
"What are your doing?" Jenna hissed and snatched the small book out of my hands. I was in too much shock to respond. Jenna looked furious. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked her. I only read a few pages but still what I saw was not pleasant. "My dad being a useless prick isn't something I brag about. Why the hell were you going through my stuff?" She was on the verge of crying. I stood up from the chair I was in and she took a step back. "I'm sorry it was just there and-" I stopped when she actually let out a sob.
I didn't think it was that big of a deal. I mean I knew her dad was in rehabilitation... But now I just know why.
I wrapped one arm around her waist and one around her shoulders as I pulled her into my chest. "Hey it's okay. It's only me. I wont tell anyone." I tried making her feel better. She just cried harder. I rubbed my hand up and down her back.
I planted a soft kiss on top of her head. "D-dont let-t go." She chocked out. I dont know why she said that but regardless I just held her tighter. Who knew that I would be holding a girl who is actually sober crying. A year ago I would've laughed if you said I was going to be in an actual relationship. Now I probably would shake my head and smile like an idiot.
Jenna had calmed down slightly and I pulled back a little. It was about nine which is a reasonable time to sleep I guess. "Hey come here." I pulled her over to the bed and lightly pulled her down with me so she was leaning against me. I had an arm around her waist. "Just go to sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up and we can talk." I said just above a whisper. She mumbled something and slowly drifted off.
When I was sure she was sleeping I climbed out of the bed and went downstairs. "What have you and the lady been up to?" Tony asked. He and everyone were on the couches and floor. Even Jenna's mom who was sitting on the arm of the couch. "Nothing... Hey Mrs. Wells?" I questioned. She looked at me. "Yeah?" She replied. She was way more casual than I thought she would be. She was also kind of awkward though. Dont get me wrong, she was actually wonderful. Well she doesn't know we got her little girl drunk and that I'm dating her but thats not important. "Can I talk to you?"
She nodded and walked with me to the hall way. I felt slightly weird because well talking to your girlfriends mother about why your girlfriend just had a meltdown is not the most normal thing.
"Is Jenna okay. Like no offense or anything but mentally. Is she..." I trailed off. Great that didn't sound rude at all. "Excuse me?" Kathleen, Jenna's mother's, eyes narrowed. "I didn't mean it like that! I just mean that she just had a small break down and I dont know. I just wanted to make sure she's okay." I tried explaining myself. Her eyes softened. She had more of a sad look in her eyes. "Define break down. Where is she right now?" She asked calmly but deadly serious. "She's uh in her room sleeping."
"Okay. You guys just stay down here." She ordered and walked past me. I took some time to process what was going on. Is Jenna okay?
I walked back into the living room and tried acting normal so I could avoid questions. Billy kept looking at me which made me pretty uncomfortable. After what seemed like hour but was really only twenty minutes Jenna and her mother came downstairs.
"Hey guys!" Jenna chirped. She was bubbly. She acted as if nothing even happened. "So what're you talking about?" She asked sitting on the floor. Her mom went into the kitchen. She was there a lot apparently. "Not much just how in a fight super man would win! I mean c'mon super powers vs. fancy bat gadgets." Mike said. She faked a look of disgust. "Batman would beat super man any day. Your opinion is wrong. Stop speaking." Jenna said with sass. Yup all mine.
"Your such a geek." Billy knocked into her shoulder. "You are too!" She said defensively.
We all broke into individual conversations and that was our night. Just talking and hanging out. Eventually though people started leaving. First Justin. Then Tony, followed by Jaime. I told Mike to take my car car home because thats how we got here. I planned on staying the night and talking to Jenna in the morning. It was almost midnight and just me Billy and Jenna were here. Jenna's mom decided to go to sleep a little while ago. "So I was going to stay the night but maybe I should give you two some time. Alone. You know. So you can-" Billy was cut off when Jenna smushed her hand into Billy's face. "Okay that's enough!" They both laughed. I felt my lips twitch into a smile. "Vic your so quiet and mysterious. It's hot." I was a little taken back by that. As soon as the words left her mouth Jenna was speaking. "It's mine. Back off." She said jokingly but behind it you could tell she was serious. It was kind of cute how she was protective. She doesn't have to be though because I may date a lot of girls but never two at a time. That's just not right.
"Well I'll head out. Later Jen. See you around Vic." Billy winked at me. Does she have a thing for me? No. Vic she's just being friendly. Billy finished tying her shoes and left. Once the door shut it was quiet. The only sound heard was the T.V.
"So I wanted to get this over with... Is there anything you want to ask me?" Jenna said sounding worried. "Yeah actually. What happened up there?" I asked her. She shrugged and looked down. "Sometimes I get really panicky and then I just sort of lose it. I'm not going to go into detail but if it does happen I need to take my pills. It's complicated." She was stumbling over some words. Like she didn't know how to explain it. I decided not to push the subject further. "Well let's get you to bed." I broke the silence and took her hand. I think we both could use some rest.
Hey chickadees! I know I have been slacking but I've had major writers block! I do however know where I want this story to go and I already have an idea for a sequel. This book is NOT ending soon. Well eh I dont know it depends. Also I have no idea why I named this chapter what I did... Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for reading!

Maybe We're Not Just Having Fun. {Vic Fuentes}
FanfictionJenna is starting her last year of high school. And when she walks into school on the first day thinking her year is going to be all good and easy, she's poorly mistaken. When Vic Fuentes, the most feared kid in school comes up to talk to her she k...