It's lunch and I was walking there with all of the guys. So far they've walked me to all of my classes and it is really weird but still nice I guess.
We walked into the lunch room and they got in line while I looked for a table. "Where are you going?" Mike asked me. "I was going to go sit." I said awkwardly. "Oh okay see you at the table then."
The table? Their table? Well this is new.
The last time I sat here I was scared out of my mind, but now I almost feel okay sitting here. It's funny how things can change in a few days. And it's even funnier how things can disappear in a few days. I look over at my old table, which is now empty. I turn my attention to Justin's table which has four people sitting at it.
I glared at the new happy couple who couldn't care less about me. It was always me and Billy. She was my best friend and if I even got dismissed five minutes before school ended to catch a bus to the doctor without her knowing she would investigate me. Now I miss a whole day and she ignores me in class. Doesn't call or text me. Last time I checked that's not how best friends act toward one another. I dont even understand what I did wrong. Was it when I got her new boyfriend to ask her out? Or was it when I let her stay at my house for three days and take all my food last weekend?
I want to say something to her and I just might. Then again last time I said something because I wanted to defend myself I got shunned and laughed at.
I pulled out my phone and sent her a text. Typical girl thing. 'Hey. I haven't heard from you in a while. Are you mad at me?'
I pressed send and waited for her to get it. I watched as she checked her phone but simply put it back in her pocket. That doesn't hurt.
The guys all came and sat down. They were all talking and hanging out while I was thinking about my failed friendship. Am I over reacting? I might be but I'm just a little hurt.
No I'm actually really hurt but it isn't like I have a best friend to rant to right now. "Jen? What are you looking at?" Mike started to follow my gaze and than it must have registered what I was starring at. Apparently so didn't Vic. "I can ruin her if you need me too." My head snapped toward Vic and he looked straight into my eyes. "What? No!"
Why would he even want to do that for me? Maybe he just feels like messing with someone else now that he seems to be done with me. "Why not? Do you plan on doing something?"
I shook my head. "Why does it matter? Look this is my problem and I can handle it alright?" I tried reasoning with him but the look on his face told me it wasn't working. "Then go handle it before I do." I rolled my eyes. I may be upset with Billy but I still dont want Vic to handle it because I know what he can do. It isn't fun.
I rolled my eyes and stood up. Here goes nothing.
I walked to Justin's table and sat in the empty seat next to Billy. "Hey." I smiled.
"Uh hi Jenna." She shifted uncomfortably. She almost seemed scared? "Whats wrong?" I asked genuinely curious. "Nothing. How are you feeling?"
"Better thanks. Do you want to come over tonight. I think we really need to talk." I said. I was being as nice as possible. It was like talking to a deer. I dont think I've ever spoke to her like this before.
"I would but I'm kind of busy."
She. Lied. To me.
"Oh okay. Then goodbye I guess." I said to her. I know when she lies because she blinks a lot and rubs her arms like she just did.
I stood up and walked back to Mike's table. "So how'd it go?" Mike asked.
I sat down in my- the seat. "Well I'm back over here and not over there so how do you think it went?" I asked with a hint of sadness in my voice. "Ohhh." Mike Jaime and Tony said all at once. "Yeah. It's not a big deal. I never really liked her anyways." My voice faded into a whisper. I dont trust these guys yet so there is no way I'd tell them that I'm actually crushed. I've been friends with Billy since I could count to ten. And just like that it's over and I dont even know why. She lied to me, and she ignores me for some unknown reason.

Maybe We're Not Just Having Fun. {Vic Fuentes}
FanfictionJenna is starting her last year of high school. And when she walks into school on the first day thinking her year is going to be all good and easy, she's poorly mistaken. When Vic Fuentes, the most feared kid in school comes up to talk to her she k...