Its been four days since my run in with Vic. So far things have been normal. I was running late for gym and I was in the hall by myself putting my stuff away, when someone grabbed me by the back of my shirt. I snapped my head and saw it was Vic. "Stand up." I did and I turned to face him. I saw that his locker was open, and empty. I was frozen. "No. No no no no no. Please dont. Dont fucking put me in there Vic." He smirked and shoved my into the locker. I was in there for a few seconds before I started panicking. "No. Let me out now. I got it. I wont fuck with you guys anymore. Get me out." I stammered. I heard them walk away. "Please! Jaime, Tony, Mike someone please. Let me the fuck out." I screamed I started crying hysterically and I just kept screaming let me out. Why wont anyone help me?
I was in there for about forty five minutes. I heard the bell ring and I heard foot steps shuffling around. I still hadn't calmed down and I was still screaming to the point where I had a head ache and my throat hurt. I heard clicking and then finally the locker open. I got out and scrambled to my feet. "Woah. Whats your problem?" Vic asked smiling. I choked back a sob and yelled at him. "Your my problem you dumb ass. I'm claustrophobic you jerk." I screamed before running out of the hall and down to the office. I ran to the secretary who gave me a sad look. "Honey what happened?" She asked. "Just call my mom. I need to go home. Now. Please." She frowned.
"I cant do that." I groaned.
"Please. Call her. I cant stay here. Not right now. I really want to go home. I have to go home now." I started crying again. "Let me talk to the principal." She got up and walked to the back room where I assume the principal is. I sat down in a chair trying to calm down. The two walked out and looked at me. "Whats wrong?" Mr. Macoon (the principal) asked me. "I-I really dont feel good. I r-really need t-to leave p-please." I stuttered out. He gave me a disapproving look. "Alright. I'll call your mother." I nodded.
>~ At Jenna's house~<
"What happened." My mom asked trying to find me my pills. "I dont know mom. I just freaked out and got a panic attack." I said casually. She handed me a pill and a glass of water. "I guess we'll have to keep taking these then." She said referring to my anxiety pills. I nodded. "I have to go shopping. You just lay down and rent a movie or something okay?" I gave her a thumbs up. "Sounds good."
And with that she left. I scrolled through the movies before I found something. Bad Words? Ive never seen this before.
I was about half way through the movie and I could not stop laughing. I paused it and got some candy. When I got back out my phone started ringing. I answered it and Oliver was on the other end. "Hey Jenna." How did he even get my number? We arent even friends. "Umm hi?" He chuckled. "I got your number from Billy." That made sense. "Ohh. Alright. Well um why are you calling?" There was a semi long pause before he spoke. "Well there just a lot of talking going on about you and I just thought you should know that tomorrow is going to suck." "Oh thanks. That makes me feel so awesome. Look I dont want to talk right now. I'll see you around." I said and hung up. I threw my phone on the table.
Well thats great. Its only been a week and now this. This is just a bad day. I need to relax. I only need to last nine months with these people and then I'll probably never see them again. Plus I'm sure this will all blow over in a week or two.
I put the movie back on and munched on my candy.
My mom got home a few minutes later and I helped her with the groceries.
"What are you watching?" She asked sitting down next to me on the couch. "Bad words." She stood up and turned around. "Yeah I think I'm going to make some dinner. I know that this isnt the kind of movie you'd want to watch with your mom." She said leaving. I smiled. My mom is so awkward, well now I know where I get it from.

Maybe We're Not Just Having Fun. {Vic Fuentes}
FanfictionJenna is starting her last year of high school. And when she walks into school on the first day thinking her year is going to be all good and easy, she's poorly mistaken. When Vic Fuentes, the most feared kid in school comes up to talk to her she k...