Doll Face

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After Mr. Mc Sadler explained that we had to pick up the trash around the school he left to his office and would most likely want to check on us when it's time to leave so he knows that no one left.

"Go talk to him." Billy whispered into my ear before shoving me forward a little bit towards Vic. He was bending over to pick up a sprite can. Does his arms always look that amazing in a tank top? Probably.

I pushed aside my thoughts and went over to him. I tapped him on the shoulder and he stood up and faced me. "So have you made your decision?" I asked nervously. Who wouldn't be nervous right now? He smirked at me. Typical.

He lifted my chin up with two of his fingers and then leaned down and kissed me. He held my waist as he pushed me backwards into the wall of the school. I was over the initial shock and was kissing him back. He ran his tongue across my lower lip asking for entrance which no doubt was accepted.

Things got slightly out of hand causing Jaime to come over to us. "Slow down bro. Your gonna hurt my munchkin." Jaime said and pushed Vic away slightly before wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling my into him. I laughed and put my face in my hands to hide the blush.

I gave Jaime a side hug. "Munchkin?" Billy laughed which earned a serious glare from Jaime. Then something flashed into my mind. "Shit! I gotta go." I said getting my things and was about to run to the parking lot. "Where are you going?" Vic lightly grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him. He looked down at me and brushed the hair out of my face and tucked it behind my right ear. I almost forgot he asked me a question. "O-oh well um I have to go and do that thing with Mike." I said quietly. Mike didn't need everyone knowing about his business and I get why he wouldn't want people to know.

"Fine but when I get home I think you owe me a date." Vic did a really hot little side smile. "I think that would be great. Now I really gotta go. Bye." I kissed him on the cheek before rushing out of the school and to where Mike's car is parked. Sometimes when Mike knows that we're studying he'll just bring his car instead of riding with Vic in the morning.

"What took you so long?" Mike asked when I got into the car. "Detention." I stated simply.

•An hour and a half later•

"On page 64 if you look right over there" I paused pointing to the third paragraph on page 64. "It talks about the-" Mike and I were on his bed next to each other laying on our stomaches. We had to share a book which was kind of awkward. Vic walked in and threw his back back on Mike. "Ow! Dude?"

Vic just laughed when Mike threw the back pack back at Vic. I closed the book and sat criss cross. "So we can continue this Thursday?" He nodded a yes.

I stood up and left with Vic. I waved Mike good bye and he did the same. Vic took me down the hall and into his room. "You stay put." He told me.
Oh no hello? Fine then.

I leaned back and fell onto his bed getting comfortable. I heard the door shut seconds later. I'm not even dressed for a date. This is ridiculous.

I laughed a bit at myself. I just find this entire situation strange.

Vic came back in with a pair of black skinny jeans and a read dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. How lovely. "But Vic." I whined. "I dont have anything nice to wear." I sounded like such a girl. He chuckled and shook his head. "Well to me it doesn't matter what you wear. Your always the same gorgeous girl." Vic said. I shook my head and blushed. "Your smooth, but that doesn't mean your getting laid anytime soon." I told him. He grinned at me. "Say what you want doll face but I'm very persistent."

Vic grabbed my hand and laced his fingers with mine. We walked out to his car and left. I still had no idea where we were going. Maybe to get food because I'm hungry. Buffalo fingers sound so good right now. My stomach growled thinking about it. "Someones hungry." Vic said and slid his hand over to my stomach. Keeping his eyes on the road he managed to rub my stomach with the hand he wasn't steering with. This was such a small gesture but gave me so many butterflies.

We pulled up to Fuddruckers. I love this place! When we got inside I saw some kids from school. They obviously were talking to Vic though. Even though he was insanely rude and was a huge ass, he was popular. Where as I was always a mix major geek, science nerd and hot mess. Wonderful right? How did I even end up with Vic? Oh yeah I felt bad for a freshman and then this happened. "And this is my girlfriend Jenna." Vic pulled me into him. He had his arm around my waist. Courtney reacted first. "Awe that's so cute! I'm Courtney, I go to school with Vic. Where do you go to school?" She spoke fast. Damn do you know when to shut up? My mind spoke.

"I go to the same school you do." I said in a bored tone. Her overly happy look turned to one of shock. "Since when?" I rolled my eyes and shook away from Vic's grasp. Crossing my arms I scooted away. I turned to Vic and asked him what he wanted to eat. "Whatever your getting." He said. There was slight concern in his eyes.

I walked up to the counter and ordered two sets of chicken fingers, fries and milk shakes. They gave me a buzzer and told me to grab a table and wait. I thanked them and went to sit.

A few minutes later Vic came and sat down. "What happened?" He asked as soon as we made eye contact. "I dont like them." I said.

He smiled and reached over the table for my hand. He held my hand and I felt sparks, like every other time he touched me.

"What?" I asked shyly looking down. "Nothing. Your just so cute." Now I see why girls want to date him besides the looks.

This chapter is very very very very short and I'm sooooooooo sorry. I have insane writers block! I decided to just say screw it and I posted what I had. Thanks for reading! (Also I didnt check it over so uh I'm sorry for the mistakes.)


Maybe We're Not Just Having Fun. {Vic Fuentes}Where stories live. Discover now