Shorty Has A Soft Spot

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So today was yet again Monday. I was at school Early today because my alarm went off an hour early. Isn't that great? I sat on the Sports field just enjoying the breeze because I'm odd. "Hey Jen!" I looked over to where I hear my name being called. Justin rushed over to me and dropped his bag to the right of me. "Oh hi Justin." I smiled. "Listen I need some advice. About Billy." He looked down. He was so awkward and shy right now. Ha! Welcome to my world. "Just grow a pair and ask her out!" I yelled at him in a non mean way. "How though?" He shot back. I rolled my eyes. "Kiss her and then say 'Will you go out with me on a date somewhere?' And you take it from there." Justin was now sitting next to me. "But how do yo-" Justin stopped talking when a soccer ball flew right over us. My face instantly formed into one of annoyance and I started glaring. I turned my head and saw the three Demond's, and Mike a few yards behind us. I rolled my eyes. "Lets just go." I groaned and grabbed my stuff. Me and Justin were just walking off the field but no another ball went right in front of us I stopped when I heard his stupid voice. "Where are you going?" I turned around and Vic was standing further down the field looking at me. I couldn't see his facial features very well but I knew he had that freaking smirk on his face. "Away from you." I stated.

"Awe but I wanted to talk to you." He used a fake sad voice. "Sucks for you." I turned again and started walking down the field so I could get as far away from Vic as possible. Justin was following behind me. "You cant outrun me! We can do this in a civil way or we can run around the school until I inevitably catch you." Vic sounded bored like he's had to say this on more than one occasion. "Is that a challenge?" I questioned turning back around yet again. "No it was an offer. I suggest being civil." I raised my eyebrow. I thought for a moment. I gave Justin a look before telling him "get to class or whatever." And made up my mind. "Now wheres the fun in that?" I called out before turning left and running as fast as I could. I have a lead on him anyways. He cant actually catch up to me if we're just running in open space like this, but he dose have his friends... They cant be that fast. I hope.

I was running down the field trying to think of somewhere to run to. My lungs were already starting to burn but I didn't care at the moment. I was so tempted to let go of my bag because of the unnecessary weight pushing into my shoulder. My hair whipped around my face which was very annyoing if I do say so myself.

I neared the end of the feild that lead to the back parking lot. One end leads to the side of the school, the end thats right of that leads to the back parking lot, the end oposite of the school leads into the woods which also loops around most of the parking lot and the end oposite of the parking lot just leads to a road.

Anyways I was now at the car park or parking lot whichever you prefer and I'm currently running past a mini van. Vic was surprisignly close. Not that close but I honestly didnt think he was that fast. I mean have you seen his legs? He's so short! I started laughing at my own joke which is pretty sad.

I was running out of breath. I was panting and my body was on fire. Note to self take the easy way. I thought about stopping but then I remembered stopping means talking to him and talking to him either leads to emotional pain or physical pain and I'm not fond of either so I tried to run faster but instead I tripped a little. I brushed it off and continued running. "Slow down!" Jaime yelled at me. I was going to say something back but I couldn't. I barley had enough breath as it was. Gosh I need to participate more in gym. I waved my hand around as if saying "psh please." I probably just looked like a huge idiot. Oh well.

I dug my hand into my pocket and got my phone so I could check the time but it slipped right out of my hand. "Shit!" I yelled. Turning around I saw Vic Jaime and Tony. Mike wasnt with them which was a shocker. I quickly decided against picking my phone up. Big mistake. "Oh well would you look at that, we found a phone." I could hear VIc. The best part? My mom wants me to leave my electronics without passwords so she can check them. I groaned and slowed down and came to a halt I turned around and held up my finger and put my hand on my chest. I was breathing heavily and I felt so out of shape.

Maybe We're Not Just Having Fun. {Vic Fuentes}Where stories live. Discover now