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As me and Billy walked into the cafeteria on this fine Tuesday afternoon we got strange looks. Which can only mean something bad.

I talked to Justin after school yesterday though and he plans on asking her out today at lunch. I just have to make sure Billy sits with him Oliver and Kellin and it wont be to hard to do that.

We walked into the lunch room and she was walking to our usual table. I took her by the sleeve of her shirt. "You know I think we should sit over there today. Lets go?" I pulled her in the direction of Justin's table. "Wait with them? I dont know Jen thats kind of a big move. We aren't even together I cant just-" I cut off her rambling and tried to reassure her without giving anything away. "Relax. Trust me he wants you to sit with him. I mean have you looked in the mirror. Girl your fine." I added a lot of stupid sass to my voice and she laughed and gave me the 'are you sure your mentally okay?' Look.

"Leggo!" I pulled her to the table. I could almost hear her thinking so dramatically about everything and you could see how nervous she was from a mile away. Aww my bestie has a crush.

The conversation at the table stopped. Me and Oliver were grinning and Kellin just had his always miserable look on his face. Does he ever smile? Damn.

"What?" Billy asked getting self conscience. Justin stood up on the table and the room got quieter. Not completely quiet but enough to make the moment ten times sweeter. "Billy Evans. Will you be my girlfriend?" A few aww's came from the room. It was such a cute moment. Billy squealed a little causing me to giggle at her. "Uh I um. Well. Yeaahhhh." She was blushing so hard and I was happy for her.

But the moment was completely ruined when we heard a lunch lady yell at Justin. "Get off the table!"

A fit of laughter erupted from the room myself included. Billy smacked my arm. "Why didn't you tell me?"

My smile grew. "I didn't want to ruin the surprise." This probably the best lunch we've had all year.

"You should come sit with us now that thats over." Scratch that. This was the best lunch we've had all year. "Why would I want to sit with you?" I spat out.

I heard a bunch of ooo's. "Mind you own business." I snapped at the random kids making the sound effects. I turned my attention back to Vic. "You know for someone who hates me, you seem to want to spend a lot of time with me." I said to Vic. His jaw clenched and he was pissed.

"You know what fine. How about you dont sit with anyone then?" He cant possibly be serious. He cant make me sit by myself. "What?" "You heard me."

I looked back and Kellin got up. "I want no part of this." And with that him and Oliver walked away. Vic glared at Justin and Billy and Justin made Billy leave. No fucking way! He cant just do this. "You have got to be kidding me!" I said getting annoyed. Tony was right. Vic is REALLY annoying. "Well now maybe you'll learn to be nice to people when they offer you things." Vic was going to walk away. "Yeah cause' you know all about being nice. Your such a bipolar fuck sometimes." I muttered.

I could practically see the smoke coming out of his ears. Whoopsie. He walked away saying not nice words leaving me to look at a table. This is going to be a long lunch. This stuff is suppose to happen in movies not in real life. Thats not how this works!

I was silently fuming when someone came over to me. "Hey Mike. Shouldn't you be with your obnoxious brother?" I looked back and glared at Vic. He was laughing and having fun with his friends. He may be hot but I hate him. So much. "Nah. He was being a dick." Mike chuckled. "Really? Vic being a dick? I couldn't possibly imagine that." The sarcasm rolled off my tongue.

"He usually doesn't spend so much time trying to make someone miserable. You truly bring out the worst in him Ms. Walsh." Mike joked. "Oh lucky me- wait how do you know my last name?" "I just know stuff." He said casually. Alright then.

"So do you want to hang out again later?" Mike asked. "Only if its at my house. No offense but I'd like to avoid those three for as long as possible." I stated. The bell rang telling me that lunch was over. "None taken. So I guess I'll see you later then. Meet me at the parking lot." I nodded as we walked out of the lunch room. "Okay."

I waited on the hood of Mikes car and waited for him. Damn it was hot out today. I rolled up the sleeves on my plain black shirt. Was wearing a black shirt, denim shorts and converse. Nothing special.

Mike walked around me and entered the car. "Well hello to you to." I slid off the hood and hopped into the passengers side. Something was definitely up with Mike. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked sincerely. "Yeah yeah. I'm fine. I'm just a little upset." A little? That was an understatement considering he was gripping the wheel so tight his knuckles were white. We drove down the rode and I gave him my address. "What happened?" I should've just dropped it but I was curious. "I failed a test. No biggie. The sucky thing is that if I dont retake it and pass then I fail science." Mike was practically growling by the time he finished his sentence. "I'm pretty good at science. Want me to tutor you?" See I can be nice. Not to Vic. But I am nice to others. "Really?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "Yeah really. Now eyes on the road!" I yelled a bit. He purposely swerved around just to freak me out. "Screw you Mike." I said playfully. We laughed and pulled into my driveway.

As we walked into the house Mike was looking around. "You live here? With who your whole family?" His eyes were wide. I laughed lightly. "No its just me, my mom and my dad but my mom and dad are out of town so its just me right now." I walked up the stairs but Mike didn't follow. "You coming?" I asked. I readjusted my backpack which was slipping off my shoulders. "Oh yeah!" He jogged up the stairs and followed me into my room. I dropped my bag on the floor and sat on my bed.

(Jenna's room to the side. The only thing is it doesn't show the Xbox) Across from my bed was a T.V. With an XBox. "So are we going to study or play video games?" I asked Mike who was sitting on the desk chair near my computers.

Maybe We're Not Just Having Fun. {Vic Fuentes}Where stories live. Discover now