Mike and I ended up beating the level, and now we're at the table. With Mike's parents, brother, Jaime and Tony.
While everyone else was having fun talking I was awkwardly sitting there shoving taco's into my mouth. These tasted amazing! "Jenna you seem to like it." Vic's mom chcukled. "Yeah... It's pretty awesome." I said with my mouth half full of taco meat.
"Mike has more class than that." Jaime muttered about me. Vic and Tony laughed while mike shot them a playful glare. "Look who's talking." I said back at him.
He just smirked at me. I smiled in return. I finished my food I cleared my throat. " I uh have to go. Thanks so much for dinner. See you around." I waved to Mike. "Wait do you want a ride?" Mike asked. I shook my head 'no' and walked out of the door as fast as possible.
My house was probably about twenty minutes from here so I might as well just call Billy. It took two rings until she answered. "Hey wanna pick me up?" I said quickly. "Uh yeah where you at?" She said in a mock 'gangster' tone. I laughed a bit. I gave her the address a few houses down from Mike's house and then hung up.
I sat down on the stairs of some random strangers house playing piano tiles on my phone to pass the time.
A few minutes later I heard a car horn. I looked up from my phone to see the familiar black mini van. I shut the screen off and hopped into the car.
"Sooo how were things with Justin?" I asked perkily. I saw a small blush creep onto her face. "Well uh good I guess." She said with a giggle. "Give me details." I urged. "So we were talking and then we were kissing and let me tell you, he is good at it! Then we talked some more and left." I hit her shoulder playfully. "Oh damn. Sounds like your unleashing your inner whore- WAIT WASNT THAT YOU FIRST KISS? OH MY GOSH." I shrieked. "Shut up." She smiled sheepishly, her cheeks burning red.
"Enough about me. How was Satan's house?" I chuckled a bit. "It was fun. Mike is actually a cool guy. But the other three were there and that sucked. I got insulted by Jaime which is always great. AND OH MY GOSH MIKE'S MOTHER MAKES THE BEST TACO'S." I yelled the last part.
"I'm glad you had fun, while I was at your house being bored and alone." She complained. "Shushies."
We pulled into my driveway and got out of the car. "We have some things to talk about tonight." I said to Billy as we walked into my house. "Such as?"
"Boys. Gossip. Jerks. I'm pregnant and do you want popcorn? Because I'm putting on Chucky."
She thought for a moment. "Ooo boys! Yus. Yup. I thought you were on birth control and Yes." She said in return. I laughed a little. This is normal. Right?
"Extra butter and please if your going to put five pounds of salt, at least make me a separate bowl." She said over dramatically. I always drowned my popcorn in butter and salt... Billy says that I make a heart attack in a bowl. Oh well.
"Yeah yeah." I muttered and walked into the kitchen. I put the popcorn into the microwave and searched the cabinets for some spray butter and salt. When I heard the 'beep' sound come from the microwave I took out two bowls and poured the popcorn into them. I then of course drowned both in butter and put some salt on Billy's and a lot more salt on mine. I put away the things and walked back out to the living room setting the bowls on the table.
"Did you at least set up the movie?" I asked plopping onto the couch. She shrugged. I rolled my eyes. "You are one of the worst house guests I've ever had." I sighed out. I picked up the remote and turned the movie on. "Bitch please. I'm the only house guest you've ever had." She said in a sassy tone. That is true. Well there was Tay but Tay never slept here or anything.
"Wait is this child's play or one of the other ones?" She asked. "The bride of Chucky." I said. "But these arent as scary!" She whined. I just chuckled in response. "Get over it."
"So what now?" Billy asked as the movie credits appeared on the screen. "Now we move the furniture, and get the mattresses." She smiled and nodded eagerly. This was a tradition of ours. When ever she slept at my house I would grab the two mattresses that came with a bunk bed I got when I was like twelve and we each rode them down my stairs.
We both pushed my couch up against the wall and moved the coffee table to the side. "Race yah!" She called out and dashed towards my stairs. We acted like five year olds almost all the time.
I ran after her trying to catch up. I tripped up the stairs but shook it off quickly. "No fair!" I whined when we reached the extra room I used for storage. "Who says I play fair?" I just ignored Billy and grabbed my mattress.
"Blondies first." I stepped aside so she could set up her mattress. "Why thank you."
"3...2...GO!" I screamed. She ran and slide down the stairs on her mattress. It was like what they did in The Princess Diaries except sometimes we fall off... And break things. Or hurt ourselves. Its still fun so we continue to doing it.
I did the same as Billy and actually didnt crash into anything this time. Score!
We set up our matresses and turned on the lights. "So what are we doing now?" She asked. "Talking. So are you and Justin a thing or...?" I questioned. "Well no. I mean we kissed but he didnt officially ask me out." She sounded somewhat sad. "Well I can fix that. Plus I'm sure he'll ask you out soon." I said. She smiled at me. "Thanks. now tell me are you and Mike..."
My eyes widened. "What? No! He's like a year younger than me and ew. Plus I-" I stopped speaking when I relized what I was going to say. "You what?" She poked my side. I could see the curiosity in her eyes, which let me know she was not going to drop it. "I uh nevermind. I just dont like him like that." I said quickly. A little too quickly.
She gave me a knowing look. "Lies!" She yelled. "Who is he? Do you have a boyfriend?! Why was I not informed? Wait no who is Jenna bear crushing on?"
I rolled my eyes. I'm not 'crushing' on anyone. "No one." She crossed her arms. "Tell me!" She whined.
"Okay I might think Vic is hot. Like really hot, but that still doesnt change the fact that he is a douche and I hate him." I stated quickly. She just looked at me with a blank expression.
It was queit for a a little whil until she finally said something. "Your ship name would be jic or maybe Venna. Ohh! How about-" I stopped her from saying anything els. "No! Shut up. Look its not happening. He is the worst person I have ever met, and I've met a lot of sucky people."
"Alright alright whatever."
This chapter is crappy and I'm sorry. I'll do better next time hopefully... ANYWAYS I ALSO REALIZED THAT THIS STORY IS A LOT LIKE IHBNTY (its harder breathing next to you) AND I DID NOT MEAN FOR THAT TO HAPPEN. SOZ.

Maybe We're Not Just Having Fun. {Vic Fuentes}
FanfictionJenna is starting her last year of high school. And when she walks into school on the first day thinking her year is going to be all good and easy, she's poorly mistaken. When Vic Fuentes, the most feared kid in school comes up to talk to her she k...