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That evening, Nancy was coming down the steps of the apartment building after meeting there with the Charmings when Regina never showed up

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That evening, Nancy was coming down the steps of the apartment building after meeting there with the Charmings when Regina never showed up.

They had left about half an hour ago and left her with the key as she got changed for the party. Emma and her father had been gone all day and Stefan, Bonnie and Enzo had all texted her that they were safely across the town line and headed back home. She assumed Damon was with them.

She was coming down to the doors, ready to head to the dinner for the part, when she saw a figure leaning against the door way.

They were taller then her and seemed all too familiar even in the pale evening light.

"Damon?" She called confusedly to the figure who moved slowly into the light. "I thought you guys left."

"Stefan and the others did........I needed to stay." He replied and she rolled her eyes- realising he was staying with her.

"Because I need to make things right with you." He answered and she scoffed, "it's a few decades too late Damon......I've known you since 1854 and not once have you ever apologised for what you've done to me.....how much you've used me.....so what the hell changed?" She yelled at him.

"I've changed....I know I have........and lately I know I haven't been the friend you need....or deserve.....but that's because I didn't realise how much I needed you and cared for you until I lost you." He replied a hint of that vulnerable insecurity creeping in. "You were never second best Nancy."

"Yeah well, you already nearly lost me plenty of times. Like the time when I went missing after the young farm and you were too busy to notice until Stefan told you- then you panicked. Or the time when Klaus had me at stake point ready to kill me and all you could do was whine about Elena being safe- when she was ten feet away in her own house just fine......or the time on the island when you literally lost me and only went looking when Elena's brother went missing too!" She listed off all of his mistakes like she had some kind of mental index of them all. Then she continued even further, "or when you died, and I looked for you for four months and tried to save you when even Stefan gave up and all I got was a pat on the back- Elena had her memories of your removed and you still loved her, like it was nothing- I looked for you and broke my own heart begging for you to be ok, and she forgot you- literally, Damon." She was seething at this point, red hot tears running down her cheeks.

"I never gave up on you Damon.....even when you were ready to give us all away for a human life with Elena....I told you the day of the wedding- I told you I'd always be there for you no matter how much I disagreed with you decisions." She was full out crying.

"I didn't want to be human......Elena did." He told her, "and I knew the only way to stay with her was to take the cure with her......she knew I didn't want it....she knew I couldn't leave you and Stefan." He too was sobbing.

"Then why did you agree to take it?"
"Because I was in love with her Nancy......you should know what that feels like." He said and she gave a sharp- humourless- laugh.

"None had ever loved me like that...yes I've loved people but I've never been in-love." She spoke darkly, like all the joy in her had been ripped out and made her hollow.

"I loved you that way." He replied. And she rolled her head back in an exasperated way, "no you didn't." She told him firmly, "you loved having a skivvy."

"Nance! Navy wait!" Damon knew he had been yelling that a lot lately as she yet again stormed away from him, towards the door.

She snapped back around as they both stepped out onto the street. "Why did you stay?! What was in it for you? Other then making me suffer more?....what? Wanted someone to keep you busy while you wait for Elena for seventy years?.....are you lonely Damon?!"

"YES!" He finally snapped. "Yes I am.....I miss my friend Nancy! I miss you. I miss the girl I used to pour my heart out to and seek advice from, the girl I used to hold when we were both sad and laugh with when we were happy! I want to be a part of your life, in this new chapter with your dad and your knew family.....and in the chapters after! I want to be part of your story.......I love Little Star because she's fearless and selfless and loving! I love you Nancy! I don't care about Elena being gone! I miss her, my heart hurts, but I realise now I can't help her or be with her.....but I can be with you."

"You came all the way here to tell me you got over Elena?" She asked bitterly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I came here to tell you I was sorry." He spoke the truth- and for once in their relationship there was total transparency.

"I miss you Damon....the old you." She admitted and he looked into her eyes. All of the hurt ebbed away and was instead replaced by sadness and another emotion he couldn't detect.


Before he could comprehend she threw herself at him and buried her head in his chest. "I love you too." She whispered as she sobbed into his shoulder and he cried silently into her hair.

They hadn't hugged like this in years

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They hadn't hugged like this in years. They hadn't held one another in such an embrace since they were young- and they had missed it.

They had missed their old selves.

Like in the Fairytales. (OUAT x TVD) (Damon x OC.)Where stories live. Discover now