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"Corpse! Put me down right now" I squealed at Corpse who had decided to pick me up and put me on his shoulder.

"Or what?" He teased leaving me quiet while I think of what I would do.

"Got nothing?" He asked, looking over his shoulder at my confused facial expression.

"No! I'm just thinking, give me a minute" I protest.

"Aha! Put me down or I will go back to my room and you won't get any hugs for the rest of the trip!" I say triumphantly.

"That seems very unfair" Corpse sighed in fake sadness, placing me back down on his bed.

"Okay, okay, now I want a hug" I laughed and stand up on his bed and wrap my arms around his neck tightly.

"Oh so now I can pick you up?" Corpse chuckled at me wrapping my legs around his waist so he was carrying me.

"It's okay when it's hugs" I mumbled burying my head into his soft black jumper that seemed very comfortable, the jumper had a cool pattern on it as well. It was a red outline of a boy that looked very similar to Corpse.

Corpse pushed his hands underneath my legs and pushed me up more so that my face was now slightly higher up than his.

"Sykkuno? Has anyone ever told you that you're really cute?" Corpse almost whispered causing my face to go bright red.

"I-er I mean probably a few times..." I mumbled back while playing with the sleeves of my lime jumper.

"Well it's true" he managed to hold me up with only one of his hands while the other one came up to rest on my chin.

"T-thank you" I whisper.

I looked at his beautiful brown eyes that were filled with hope and happiness, they looked like they were glistening because of the reflection of the lamp in the corner of the room.

He really was amazing...

His thumb caressed over my chin making me smile slightly.

He grabbed onto my chin lightly and started to manoeuvre my face so it was just above his, he sent me a small smile before leaning in.

His eyes flickered back and forth between my eyes and my lips.

Was this finally going to happen? I felt the sides of my lips move up into a small smile.

Our lips met after what seemed to be days of build-up for this one moment in time, but at this moment of time, it all felt worth it.

It felt like fireworks had gone off in the back of my head making me smile into the kiss.

After a few moments, we pulled apart.

Corpse had a massive grin plastered on his face that seemed like it wouldn't ever go away.

"I've been waiting so long to do that," he said I could hear the happiness that was laced in his voice.

"Really? You could've done it before..." I mumble suddenly going back to feeling slightly awkward.

"I didn't think you liked me... You called us just friends earlier" his face was now a light shade of red.

"Oh Jesus, I didn't mean it like that" I hide my face in my hands, realising how that must have sounded.

He let out a deep chuckle before placing me back down on the floor.

"Hey um- I'll be right back!" I awkwardly shout before running out of the room.

I quickly speed walked over to the room that was next door.

"Rae?!" I whisper shouted while knocking lightly on the door, praying that she would answer.

"What?" I heard the door unlock and open revealing the shorter brown hair girl with a small smile on her face.

"I need to talk to you," I say quickly and walk into her room, pulling her inside with me.

I closed the door behind us and immediately start to pace around the room.

"Sykkuno? What happened?" Rae question with a concerned tone.

"I don't know what to do or say!" I reply knowing that she has no idea what im talking about.

"What to do or say, to what?" She said getting slightly annoyed with my avoidance of her questions.

"Will it be awkward? Will I have to go back to sleeping alone in my own room?" I frown, trying to avoid answering her question for as long as possible.

"Sykkuno?" She said.

"Will he stop liking me? I kinda just ran away, so it's justified if he doesn't like me, right?" I question.

"Sykkuno!" She shouted a little louder.

"But what if he has changed his mind already? I mean I know it hasn't been that long but he could still change his mind." I mumble.

"SYKKUNO!" She screamed making me stop pacing back and forth and look at her.

"What happened?" She asked angrily.

"Corpse kissed me-"

(Yeah im not good at writing love scenes because im very asexual xD but I tried)

Love you ❤❤

The Broken Person Among Us - CorpsexSykkunoWhere stories live. Discover now