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I kinda stopped reading about this ship so I didn't get the inspiration to write so instead of just discontinuing it I made a short ending 🤷‍♀️

I grabbed Corpses hand and stood slightly behind him because I knew he would protect me if something went wrong.

"Hello!" The man in the dark blue suit said while taking off his helmet.

"Is that the scientist from before?" Corpse whispered to me and I slowly nodded.

"My name is Edison! And I am the one who started this experiment..." The man (that I now knew was called Edison) kept stopping mid-sentence for dramatic effect.

"Experiment?" Poki asked making the man turn towards her.

"Oh yes! This experiment was to see what would happen if all 10 of the personality types were stuck in the same space for a long time," he gestured around the room at all of us.

"The Leader," he said, walking towards Felix.

"As I expected, you became friends with the Adventurer, you kept him in line and he stopped you from making irrational decisions," Edison stood in front of Felix and Jack, telling them about how he thought they would get along.

"Now, the Fire and the Debater." He walked over to Rae and Poki who looked like they wanted to kill this man.

"You both have the same... Fire" he said relating back to his first sentence.

"Watch it" Rae growled and the man calmly walked away.

"Now you two are unexpected..." He slowly made his way over to Corpse and I.

"I dont understand, after all of these years of research I have never seen a Hypnotist and a carer get together..." I grabbed onto Corpses arm with my free hand.

"What the fuck does that mean?" Corpse said in an aggressive tone.

"Well, now that we're all here I will explain it to you" Edison walked back into the middle of the room to look at every one.

"This experiment wasn't just to see how 10 personalities would respond to each other but it was to see how they would deal with difficult situations! It worked pretty well I would say..." He mumbled the last part.

I felt a hand on my shoulder which made me immediately turn around out of fear.

I let out a small scream when I saw Lily, Micheal and Charlie all standing there with smiles on their faces.

"Oh, Jesus!" I look at them all in shock.

"Oh yeah, they were part of the experiment, I might say that their acting was atrocious but it did the job" Edison walked up behind the 3 newly alive people.

I felt someone run past me and slap Charlie in the face.

"How dare you! I mourned for you guys!" Rae shouted angrily.

"Sorry... It was our job" Lilly said sadly while Charlie stood in the background rubbing his sore cheek.

"Anyway, I have collected all the data I needed, feel free to leave the ship" Edison pointed to the cafeteria doors that we're open, revealing the lab.

"We were never in space!?" Jack shouted obviously angry.

"No, no, you were for a little, we just brought you home a while early," the woman in the orange spacesuit said.

She took off her helmet and revealed the scientist from the beginning.

"No, fuck this shit I'm out," Felix said as he started to walk to the exit.

"So you don't want the cash prize?" Edison smiled when Felix stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"It better be a fucking lot of money," Corpse said, still standing in front of me.

"Couple million," Edison said as if it was nothing.

"Head out that door and to your left to get your prize," he said with a chuffed smile on his face.

Everyone slowly started to head to the door, just in case, this was another trick they had decided to pull on us.

"Corpse, Sykkuno, please stay for a minute." His chuffed smile had changed into a normal smile.

"What?" I said.

"I wanted to say that you both confused me so much, I saw that bond-forming when you both set foot in this ship but I never expected it to turn out like this" he had a thankful expression on his face.

"Sykkuno you-" he was interrupted by a fist colliding with his jaw.

"Bitch" Corpse said while cradling his sore knuckles.

I pulled Corpse out of the room, not even bothering to look at Edison again.

I wrapped my arm around his waist and laid my head on his shoulder, trying to ignore what had just happened.

"Nevermind that guy, think what we could do with millions!" I say trying to brighten up the mood.

I earned a small chuckle from Corpse as he kissed the top of my head.

I have no idea where I was going with this look or if it even makes sense but 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Shit ending but I knew I don't have the attention span to write a good chapter or continue this book 🕺🤷‍♀️

Sorry Xx

Love you

The Broken Person Among Us - CorpsexSykkunoWhere stories live. Discover now