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(I had to edit this because I forgot to add my 'I love you' at the bottom 🥺❤)

Back on Earth

"Oh for God sake! They're taking so long!" I groaned in annoyance and I watched Sykkuno and Corpse from the cameras.

"Leslie!" I shout and my cute second in command, came running in.

"Yes, sir?" She asked slightly out of breath.

"Kill another one," I say while waving my hand in dismissal.

"A-already? Shouldn't we start plan B instead?" She asked worriedly.

"Hmm... Okay, Leslie, start plan B but if it goes wrong, you'll be fired before you can even say sorry." I hummed and turned to face the cameras, ignoring her.

"Yes, sir!" I heard her heels click as she walked away hurriedly.

I've been watching the carer and the hypnotist... And I'm starting to like what's happening between them but I'm getting annoyed at the pace they're going at, they're really slow.

So we're just going to give them a small nudge, Aka locking them in a room together for a day or two.

It might work or it might fail horrendously.


Once Corpse and I walked into the cafeteria we ran straight over to the food, not noticing that everyone else had already had lunch.

I grabbed a sandwich and a bottle of orange juice, heading back over to our usual lunch table.

I watched Corpse look around the cafeteria, looking for people before grabbing an apple and a bottle of water and heading over to me.

"Where is everyone?" I ask while stuffing my face with a sandwich.

"I didn't want to wake you up, so it's a little while after we were supposed to eat." Corpse mumbled and I saw as I face turned a cute shade of pink.

"Thank you," I whispered in a happy tone making him send a small smile in my direction.

"Corpse? Can I ask you a question?" I asked and he didn't protest so I went on to ask my question.

"Do yo-" I was cut off by a loud banging sound coming from the three doors.

My head shot around, looking at the nearest door as a cold steel metal door stood where the once empty hallways were.

"What the-" I mumbled panicked.

"We seem to be having some trouble with the doors at the moment, everyone please stay calm and this will be fixed as soon as it can be." A robotic voice said almost as soon as it happened like this warning had been prepared beforehand.

"Oh..." I sent a confused glance in Corpses direction which he returned.

"It'll only take a few minutes to fix... Right?" I ask Corpse hopefully but he just sends me a look that tells me he has no idea.

I try to ignore the doors and I continued to eat my sandwich, then suddenly I remember the question I was going to ask.

"Oh, Corpse, my question!" I say as I felt my face slowly heat up.

"What's your question?" He asked while taking a bit out of his apple.

"This might be a weird question but do you like girls? As in like like?" I stutter out awkwardly.

"I mean- you don't have to answer if you don't want to! I was just asking, I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked!" I let out a series of apologies all while Corpse was staring at me with a smirk plastered across his face.

"It's fine, Sykkuno. Yes, I do like girls." He smiled and went back to eating his apple.

I felt a part of my heart, break when he said that... But what did I expect, why wouldn't Corpse like girls! He looks like he gets a lot of girls.

"But I also like guys" I look up at Corpse in surprise.

"Wait, really?" I mumbled trying and failing to hide my excitement.

He hummed in response and I couldn't stop myself from smiling.
So this means I have a chance??

"That's... Cool," I say, mentally slapping myself for being such an awkward mess during these last few minutes.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, while we both finished our food, I stood up from my seat and walked over to one of the steel doors, knocking on it as if someone would knock back.

My brain knew that no one would answer but I still continued to do it for some unknown reason.

"How long do you think we'll be in here for?" I huff, my back sliding down the door so I was now curled up in a sitting position, on the floor.

"You know, you kinda remind me of a kitten..." Corpse mumbled as he watched me for the table.

"W-what?! No, I d-dont!" I protest.

"You're inpatient, friendly and let's not forget really cute." My eyes widen at his words.

"Shut up" my face turned a dark shade of red while he just smirked at me. He knew what he was doing.

"Aww is my little kitten embarrassed?" Corpse said as he got up from his seat, walking over to me.

"I'll fight you, I know karate!" I lied but continued to hold my hands up in the generic karate pose.

"Sure, sure, kitten" he walks up to me and pats my head, forcing me to karate chop his hand away.

(I love you!)

The Broken Person Among Us - CorpsexSykkunoWhere stories live. Discover now