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Two days had gone by and I started to lose faith that we were ever going to get out of here...

"For goodness sake, when will these doors open?" I yawned.

As if by magic (fanfiction magic) a loud clanging noise started to come from all three of the doors, sounding like a robot that was rebooting itself.

"Corpse! Wake up the doors are open" I shook his arm lightly before standing up and heading towards the door that would take me to see everyone else.

Halfway down the hallway, I heard Corpse's footsteps following behind me.
I slowed down a little so he could catch up, before continuing.

"Where is everyone?" Corpse mumbled his voice sounding hoarse due to having just woke up.

"Rae! Poki?" I shout hoping one of them would reply.

"No! You stay away from me!" I heard a soft yet angry voice shout from what seemed to be Raes room.

"Rae?" I asked softly, slowly pushing open her room door.

"Corpse! Sykkuno! You're out of the cafeteria..." She almost whispered as all the anger dropped from her voice, leaving behind a sad sob.

"Rae?" I asked again in a more concerned tone as I slowly approached the side of her bed.

"Sykkuno. They're dead... Lily and Micheal are dead-" her sentence was interrupted by a loud sob.

"They're dead?" Corpse asked in a shocked tone.

Rae sent him a nod. "And it's broke everyone apart... We don't know who killed them, it could've been someone on the ship." She mumbled while I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, pulling her in for a tight hug.

"Who do you think did it?" Corpse asked the logical questions whilst I comforted Rae.

"It's someone on the ship... I just don't know who, so im not trusting anyone till we land back on Earth" her voice cracked as she pulled away from my hug and pulled up her blanket.

"Leave now" her voice turned stern but I could still hear the hint of regret in her voice.

I didn't say anything more, I just grabbed Corpses hand and pulled him out of the room, closing the door behind us.

"Do you really think someone would do such a thing?" I ask doubt aced in my voice.

"I don't know... But I think we should be cautious about who we talk to." Corpse mumbled in reply and I just nodded.

The silence was comfortable for a while before my mind went back to the face that Lily and Micheal we're dead.

Now the silence became deafening.
I need a distraction quickly!

"Your hands are really warm" I blurt out for a distraction.

"So I've been told," Corpse said with a slight smile on his face.

We walked into Corpses room, that we always used to sleep in together.

"Corpse? Who do you think is doing all of these... Murders?" I ask, trying to make my voice sound as soft as possible so he could see that I was scared, he sat beside me on his bed sending me a comforting smile.

"I'm honestly not sure, it could be anyone but I think we should stay together," he said and I nodded in agreement.

Spending more time with Corpse? Yes, please.

"Can I ask you a question Sykkuno?" Corpses voice sounded almost faint and slightly anxious.

"Yeah?" I mumble.

"Will we still talk to each other when we get back?" I looked at him in shock.

"Why wouldn't we? We are great friends!" I protest but as soon as I said that his face fell.

"Yeah, yeah great friends" I could hear the annoyance coming from his voice but I was confused at why?

Does he not want to be friends? I felt my mouth turn into a frown as I thought about how he might not like me.

I have no idea why the thought of Corpse not liking me makes me feel a mixture of furiousness and sadness.

I'm just not ready for Corpse to leave me yet.

"Sykkuno? I promise I'm not going to leave you" Corpse said whilst running his hand up and down my arm in a comforting manner.

I felt my face heat up as I realised I said that last part out loud.

"I'm going to keep you safe..." He mumbled, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me towards his side.

"Thank you" the slight whisper fell from my mouth as I laid my head on top of his shoulder.

I may or may not have procrastinated this chapter due rewatching all of technoblades old videos and streams?

I love you ❤❤

The Broken Person Among Us - CorpsexSykkunoWhere stories live. Discover now