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:( this chapter makes me sad but you always gotta have at least 1 sad chapter :(

We walked back into the cafeteria after finishing all of our tasks, Corpse was still carrying me because I'll never tell him my secret card swipe knowledge!

But the joke is on him because this just means less walking for me!

I watched his feet walk into the cafeteria, where everything was very quiet.

Corpse suddenly put me down and I looked at him with a surprised face.
I thought he wasn't gonna put me down?

He wasn't looking at me, he was looking over my head at something behind us.

I slowly turned around to see all of my friends sitting at the tables looking at us with a confused look on their face.

I turned back around to see Corpse covering the bottom half of his face.
He wasn't wearing his mask! He must've forgotten to put it back on.

I watched as his face slowly turned to shock, regret then panic.

He ran out of the room as quickly as he could.
"What are you looking at?" I growl at everyone who looks away in shock. (Protective Sykkuno 😳)

I didn't mean to snap at them it's just they made Corpse feel upset and panic... He helped stop my panic attack so I felt bad about not saying something before he left.

I tried to walk after Corpse but Toast grabbed my arm.
"I think he's overreacting a little," he said while pulling me over to the table where everyone was sitting.
(I feel like I accidentally made Toast evil xD)

I look back at the hallway in worry.
Maybe I should give him some space... I think to myself.
I decided to give him a breather and stayed in the cafeteria.


"Corpse, are you ever gonna let me walk?" Sykkuno asked as I carried him into the cafeteria.

I was about to say something but I looked up to see everyone sitting at the table in the middle. They were all staring at us.

I slowly put Sykkuno down and looked back at them all in confusion.
Then it all clicked.

I wasn't wearing my mask.

My hands shot up to my face feeling the empty space where my mask would normally be.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck

My brain was moving at double speed, trying to figure out a way to get out of this situation or somehow learn how to time travel and go back 5 minutes.

I could feel everyone's eyes drilling into my skull.
They think im ugly?
Why Corpse? You do this every time you meet new people!
You scare them away.

I felt my feet move from underneath me, dashing out of the room and into mine, I watched as my hands locked the door but I was too deep in panic thoughts to feel or do anything.

My body collapsed to the floor as soon as the door was locked.

I could hear my heart beating at 100 miles per hour but the rest of my body had given up on me.

I couldn't lift my arm up.
It felt like all my energy had left and all that I could do was watch as my body gave up on me.

I didn't have enough energy to even think about what was going on.
All I could do was stare at the plain white wall, my mind empty.

I had no idea how long I was sitting there but I snapped out of my trance when I heard a knock on the door.

I slowly stood up, using the bed as support and walked to the door, I clung onto anything that I could to stop my legs from giving out on me.

I grabbed my mask out of my pocket and placed it on my face quickly.
I slowly unlocked my door and saw Sykkuno standing outside with a plate in his hands.

"Hey, you skipped dinner so I thought I'd bring you some," he said happily but he had a concerned look on his face.

"Corpse? Are you okay?" He asked, his arm reaching out to grab me.

As much as I would've loved to have talked to Sykkuno, my mouth would not open.

I'm not even sure if I heard half of what he was saying.

My body started to feel slightly stronger but my legs were still about to give out from beneath me, im not sure if it was the anxiety or the lack of food that was making me feel this way. Maybe it's both.

I slowly stumbled back to my bed and sat down, Sykkuno walked in and closed the door behind himself.

"Hey Corpse? Are you okay?" He repeated his question while placing the plate of food on the table beside me.

"Maybe," I say which I knew was no help at all for him.

I felt as my body started to regain energy but my mind was still blank.

"Hey Sykkuno" I mumbled and slowly realised what had just happened.

"I brought you food" Sykkuno's voice was laced with concern and a slight bit of happiness.

"Thank you" I mumbled while picking it up from the table beside me.

"Turn around," I said so I could take my mask off.
"Oh," he sounded hurt at my words but turned around anyway.

I took my mask off and started to eat the food.
"You know Corpse, no one cares what you look like" Sykkuno tried to reassure me but it wasn't working that well.

"They really don't, plus I think you look really nice" Sykkuno mumbled the last part making me smile a little.

"Thanks, Sykkuno" I mumble back and put my mask back on.

"You can turn back around now"

(I felt really bad about writing this chapter because I know Corpse doesn't really like how he looks 🥺 but I felt like it would add to the story plot. I don't care what he looks like or if he ever shows his face, I just want him to be happy)

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