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I sat in my room, staring at the plain white walls that surrounded me.

I felt like they were moving closer and closer every time I blinked or looked away for a second.

Pull yourself together Sykkuno, you can have a panic attack in space...
I felt all the air from my lungs leave, leaving me gasping for it to come back.

"No, no, no Sykkuno stop!" I say to myself, but it came out as just a whimper for help.

"Sykkuno?" I heard someone say but it sounded like they were miles away.

"Breath," the voice said again but this time I felt a hand grab mine.
The hand felt warm and comforting making me want to never let go.

"Sh" the voice whispered.

I hadn't noticed the tears streaming down my face till the person's other hand lifted towards my face, wiping the tears away.

(I've never had a panic attack so I'm sorry if this is wrong 🥺)

I felt the person caring hushes get closer and closer until I could feel the person next to me.

I quickly turned towards them, not looking to see who it was, and pulled them in for a hug.
My tears spilling out onto the rough fabric of the spacesuit.

The person wrapped their arms around me pulling me in tight. I don't know why but whoever this was, they make me feel safe and secure.

I'm not sure how long we sat there for but I wish that moment could've lasted a lifetime.

I slowly looked up expecting to see Rae or Poki but I was met with the face of a person I've never seen before.

He had black wavey hair and dark brown eyes.
He was very handsome... But half of his face was covered by a mask. (Just a plain black covid mask thingie)

Where had this person come from? Why didn't I see him on the spaceship here?

"You okay?" He asked and I immediately recognised this voice as the man from earlier, I looked down and confirmed my suspicions.

His suit was black.

I quickly moved back, getting sad about the loss of contact.
"O-oh T-thanks, yeah I'm f-fine" I stuttered looking everywhere but his direction.

"Are you sure? You can tell me if anything is wrong" his caring words surprised me.
My face started to heat up as I nodded, not trusting my own voice.

I looked up at him to see his eyes staring directly into mine, it felt like he was staring directly into my soul finding out all of my deepest secrets and all my emotions.

I turned my head, looking at one of the walls that caused all this.

"Hey, if you ever need to talk to someone I'm room 10," he said standing up and walking towards the door.

"Thank you" I whispered as he opened the door letting himself out.

"Fuck sake Sykkuno, do you know any other words except Thank you?" I mumbled to myself annoyed that I probably made a terrible first impression.


"Wow, I never expected the Carer and the Hypnotist," The leader of the experiment said.

He was looking through little cameras and listening through microphones that had been placed in all the rooms secretly.

"Boss? Do we stop them?" The lady that was with Sykkuno at the beginning asked.

"No, no Leslie, let this play out," the man said with a smirk plastered across his face.


"Sykkuno! We gotta go get lunch." Toast shouted from the other side of my door.

"I'm coming!" I shout back while grabbing the map of the spaceship and running out the door.

I was greeted with Toast standing outside, with a bored expression on his face.

"Finally, you took forever" I rolled my eyes and started walking in the direction of the cafeteria.

"Oh, there is Rae" I spotted her sitting at one of the tables that were scattered across the large room.

I walked ahead of Toast and sat down beside her.
"Hi, Rae" I scanned the table and noticed that almost everyone was sitting at this table.

"Oh, hi everyone" I smiled.

"Hi, I'm Jack!" A man said with a very thick Irish accent.

"Oh, hi Jack, I'm Sykkuno," I replied happily.
"You were right Rae, he does look very innocent... Too innocent" Pewdiepie said, starting at my intensely.

"Are you like a weird serial killer underneath all that innocence?" Charlie said gaining a few chuckles.

"Wha- No guys what?" I put my hands up defensively.
"They're just joking Sykkuno," Lily said while patting me on the back.

'Dinner is up the front of the room' that robot voice said.

"Finally!" Micheal said running up to where the food was and grabbing the one that said his name on it.

I slightly chuckled before getting up and going over to grab my food.

Rae...Poki...Corpse...Sykkuno! I looked over the names finding mine last on the counter.

I grabbed it and took it back to my seat.

When I sat down I looked around, spotting the person I was looking for.

Corpse, I think his name is.
He somehow always manages to blend into the background, something I wish I could do.

He sat at a table by himself, facing away from everyone else.

I couldn't help but stare at him. Why would he sit so far away? Is it because he has to take his helmet off to eat? Does he not want anyone to see his face?

I had so many unanswered questions floating around my head.

He was so mysterious... I want to know more about him.

"Sykkuno" Rae said, shaking me out of my thoughts.

"Sykkuno you gotta eat your food" she pointed out. I quickly nodded and started to eat.

"Are you okay? You kinda zoned out" she whispered to me but I only replied with a nod before finishing my food.

"Hey, guys I think I might head to bed..." I yawned, standing up.

"But it isn't even that late!" Jack pouted.

"I'm not sure if Earth time counts for space" Toast pointed out and I just agreed with him before walking off to put my rubbish in a bin.

I giggled a bit at Jacks protests but still headed towards my room.

Once I got in, I changed into my pyjamas and got into bed.

It has been a long day... I think back to when I was on Earth not that long ago... Wow I was on earth only a few hours ago and now I'm in space, that's crazy.

I felt my eyes get heavier and heavier before they shut.


I jolt awake, my breathing turned shakey and my hands were clammy.

I had a nightmare that I would never be able to see my family or friends back on Earth again... I miss them so much.

I felt my face slowly become soaked with tears for the second time today.

My body was on autopilot, it got up and ran out of my room and over to the room at the end of the hall.

I knocked lightly hoping that he would be awake.

The Broken Person Among Us - CorpsexSykkunoWhere stories live. Discover now