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Corpse and I were sitting at the cafeteria table currently eating our breakfast which was cereal and fruit.

Everyone seemed a little off today and I couldn't figure out why.

They were either really on edge or doing suspicious things like coming from directions I never saw them go or constantly wearing their spacesuit!

It was kind of weirding me out, I wasn't sure if Corpse had noticed this yet but I don't plan on telling him since it could be nothing and that would probably just ruin his day.

"Sykkuno?" I saw a hand wave in front of my face, snapping me out if my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry" I mumbled embarrassed by the fact that I zoned out.

"It's okay, you just looked really deep in thought," Corpse said while happily eating the rest of his cereal.

"Oh yeah, I was just thinking about stuff," I said.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Corpse inquired making me look at him in confusion.

"You have a penny?" I asked and he looked at me with a surprised smile on his face.

"Darn it I must've left it in my other trousers," he said in a very sarcastic tone.
(That seemed like a very British sentence...)

"Well, no penny, no thought, that's how the world works im sorry" I smile and go back to eating my food.

"Hmm, so what are we doing today?" He asked to which I replied with a shrug, not really knowing what we should do.

"C'mon, I wanna do something" Corpse grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my chair and dragged me down the hallways till we reached navigation.

"We could watch the stars?" He questioned and I nodded excitedly.

We both grabbed the chairs that were at the control panels and pushed them close together, so we could sit beside on another.

The stars emphasized the dark sky making it look more ominous and mysterious then ever before but yet the sky looked elegant and innocent like a black cat.

"Corpse?" I asked and he turned to face me.

"Yes?" He replied.

"I'm glad we went on this trip... Because without it I would've never have met you" I smile grabbing his hand and squeezing it tightly.

"I'm glad as well, Sykkuno" he smiled and turned back to stare out at the night sky.

"Oh, a shooting star!" I exclaimed and pointed at the thing flying across the sky.

I quickly crossed my fingers and wished for Corpse and I to get back to earth safely and live out lives together.

I heard Corpse chuckle from beside me. "What did you wish for?" He asked to which I looked at him as if he was dumb.

"I can't tell you that! My wish wouldn't come true if I did." I said happily, I rested my head back on Corpses shoulder.

The silence was calm and all I really wanted at that moment.


The horribly annoying animatronic voice shouting almost angrily through the speakers frightened me.

"What the?" I questioned tiredly to no one in particular.

The loud voice seemed to have shocked Corpse who was looking around in panic.


"Oh, Jesus... This must be serious, Corpse im going to go put my suit on" I say before we ran back to our rooms and I quickly ran back to my room.

I grab my spacesuit and put it on along with the helmet before running back out of my room.

I was met with a bunch of people running towards the cafeteria.

"Corpse!" I shout looking for him in the large group of people.

I felt a hand grab mine and pull me towards the cafeteria. When I looked up I was met with a black spacesuit.

"Corpse, what's happening?" I ask, gripping onto his hand tighter.

"I don't know..." He replied while looking around at everyone.

For some reason, I thought I counted 9 people on the spaceship... But that couldn't be right.

Charlie, Lily and Michael's dead bodies were in Medbay...?

Corpse dragged me away from the crowd.
"You saw more people then there was meant to be there, right?" He asked and I nodded.

"There were 9 people there? But there is only meant to be 7?" I questioned, not really expecting an answer.

"Maybe you miss counted?" Corpse asked and I shrugged. We went back out to the cafeteria where we were met with two new people.

One in an orange spacesuit and one in a dark blue spacesuit.

I had never seen these people before...?

(I totally haven't been gone for almost a month... Listen It's not my fault, if it's anyone's fault blame Technoblade for being so addicting to watch)

(Annnnyway sorry for not updating this in a long time :D)

Love you Xx

The Broken Person Among Us - CorpsexSykkunoWhere stories live. Discover now