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"Corpse? Are you okay? you look a little pale." I mumble as I watch Corpses face turn almost white as if he had seen a ghost or as if he was the ghost.

"Corpse?" I asked again after I got no reply.

I once again he said nothing, which made me start to worry. I grabbed his hand and slightly squeezed it in hope that he would wake up from his trance and tell me he was fine.

"Please answer me" I try, you could hear the worry that was laced in my words.

That's when everything started to move in slow motion.

Corpses eyes dropped shut and his legs gave out from underneath him, sending him falling to the floor.

I stood still, frozen in shock at what had just happened, my brain not fully understanding this situation.

"Corpse?!" I fell to my knees, trying to figure out what had just happened.

"Corpse, this isn't funny!" I say in a panic, hoping to God that this was some sick cruel joke that they were playing on me.

But when no one jumped out and shouted: "haha Sykkuno we got you!" I felt all the air leave my lungs.

"No, no, no, anyone but you!" I cry out as warm tears started to fall down my face.

His face was chalk-white, his eyes had lost all the life that used to occupy them and his chest had stopped rising and falling slowly...

I placed my head on his chest, my tears soaking into the hoodie he was wearing.

"Sykkuno?" A voice said from behind me but all I could hear was my heart thumping in my ears and my echoed sobs.

"Sykkuno" a hand grabbed my shoulder.

I turned around to see Rae standing there with a sad look on her face.

"Sykkuno, we should take him to the med bay..." She mumbled and I frowned, grabbing onto Corpse tighter.

"I'm not leaving him" I protest but it came out like a broken sob for help.

"You have to..." Felix said as he walked up from behind Rae.

"No" I whisper.

"Oh, for god sake! We didn't poison for you to just cry over his dead body! Get up" Toast shouted.

When I turned around again I noticed everyone was standing around me with anger across their faces.

"W-what? You poisoned him?" I ask and everyone just gave me bored or annoyed expressions.

"Couldn't you have figured that out?" Lily asked angrily.

I felt my heartbreak... All these people that I thought were my friends had killed the person I love.


"Why?!" My voice started to sound more and more broken as all they did was stare at me in disappointment.


I felt like my legs couldn't move, I was glued to the floor.
"No reason... All you need to know is that you're next!" Poki shouted happily, practically jumping with joy.


I started to feel my throat close up and my eyes get heavier.

Sykkuno! Wake up

My eyes closed fully and I could hear faint mumbling that sounded like it was coming from beside me and somehow miles away at the same time.

My eyes shot open again and my body jolted forward into a sitting position.
My breathing was uneven and it took a few seconds for my brain to scan my surroundings.

I was in Corpses room and Corpse was sitting beside me with a concerned look on his face.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked in his soothing voice that instantly calmed me.

I instantly threw my arms around him, pulling him in tightly.

"It was just a nightmare... You're all right." He whispered while rubbing my back in a circular motion.

"You- you, you were dead... They killed you" I let out a choked sob.

"I'm alive, see-" he pointed to his arm and I grabbed his hand, making sure he was there and my brain wasn't messing with me.

"You're not allowed to die" I mumble as I push my head into the crook of his neck.

He let out a deep chuckle but didn't say anything.

"C'mon we gotta go to lunch," he said as he got up and put on the soft jumper that I love so much.

"No..." I whisper and point to the jumper.
He sent me a confused look.

"I wanna wear it..." I mumbled shyly making him smile a little.

He took the jumper off and threw it towards me. I totally caught it! And it totally didn't hit me in the face!

"Why am I in a skirt?" I say as I was about to stand up.

"You don't remember?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Oh, it was a dare from yesterday... I think it suits you" his face turned a cute shade of red after he said that.

"Thank you..." I mumble as I put the jumper on.

Corpses jumper was a lot bigger than mine so it went down past the skirt, making it look like I was only wearing a jumper.

"You ready?" He asked, opening the door for me.

"Why thank you, my good sir," I say sarcastically.

"Anything for you m'lady" he shot back and I just replied with a small bow.

(If you could just erase the last chapter from your brain please and thank you XD)

(I have a question for you all... I've been thinking about what pet names Corpse and Sykkuno should have for each other... But I can't think of any good ones, do you know any?)

(And do you think Corpse actually gets girls as he says in his songs or? XD)

(I swear I can't decide if I want this book to be happy or sad... It changes every chapter)

(I love you <3)

The Broken Person Among Us - CorpsexSykkunoWhere stories live. Discover now