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"Okay, so... Would you rather meet Ariana Grande or Justin Bieber?" I say while sitting on top of the table in front of Corpse who was sitting in one of the chairs.

"Ariana Grande obviously, I wouldn't want to meet Justin Bieber..." Corpse responded and I nodded signalling that I got what he meant.

"Would you rather date... Rae or Toast?" Corpse had a large grin on his face but I could just see the hope that crossed his eyes.

"...Um that's a weird question" I mumble awkwardly but Corpse didn't take his question back.

"If I had to pick, I would pick Toast but I would never date Toast in real life!" I say quickly hoping that he would accept that answer and not annoy me about it.

"What if it was me or Toast?" He asked looking at me with a smirk on his face.

"Huh?!" I look at him with a surprised face but he just laughed.

"I-i..." I stutter making Corpse laugh louder.

"Shut up," I said hitting Corpses shoulder in the process but apparently that only made him laugh more and he was now lying across 3 of the seats letting out a chorus of silent chuckles.

I sat in front of the hysterically laughing man, my face bright red as I rolled my eyes at his antics.

"Fine then! Who would you rather date me or Jack?" I say with a smirk on my face thinking is got him back.

He wiped a tear from his eyes whilst sitting up.
"You, of course" his deep cool sounding voice was still laced with laughter but I only made him keel over in laughter once he saw how red my face was.

"Ugh" I groaned standing on the table, jumping down and landing on the ceramic floor of the cafeteria.

"Nooo, Sykkuno! C-come bac-" he tried to shout but descended back into a fit of laughter.

I slowly walked over to a table that had some food on it for snacking on whenever we felt like it.

I grabbed a biscuit from a pile of other biscuits and unwrapped it.

Would he really pick me to date over Jack? Of course not he was just joking... Right? I could feel my face scrunch up into a confused expression.

"You thinking about how I would rather date you than jack?" I heard a voice say from beside me that made me jump.

"Oh my God, don't do that" I mumble clutching my heart that was beating 1000 miles per second.
I'm not sure if it was beating because he frightened me or because he was so close to me.

"Sorry" he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck in awkwardness.
"Hmm" I nodded accepting his apology.

"So what do you want to do now?" He asked and I just shrugged thinking about stuff we could do.

"We could play more would you rather?" He asked but I shook my head.

"We've played to too much I wanna do something different," I complained while looking around the cafeteria for something to do.

"Oh!" I said running in the direction of Lily abandoned sketch tablet.

"Pose for me!" I shout grabbing the tablet and opening an app that I assume Lily draws with.

"Draw me like one of your French girls" Corpse said putting his hand on his head and his other hand on his waist.

"What? I don't know any French girls?" I ask confused by his statement.

"Never mind, Sykkuno" Corpse chuckled and moved so his hands were flat on the table and he pulled a serious expression.

"I like it" I mumble as I start to draw what I thought Corpse looked like.

"I apologise for this horrendous drawing... I'm not an artist." I say, taking a look at Corpse and observing all his features.

He had a sharp jawline and nice cheekbones making it easier to draw him.

His eyes were a nice brown colour and when the light reflected off them it made them sparkle.

His hair was a curly black mess but he somehow still pulled that look off. If my hair was like that I wouldn't look that good looking I think to myself, laughing slightly at my self deprecating humour.

"Okay, okay, I'm done," I say and turn the tablet around to show him. He smiles and took it from my hands, his hand slowly grazing mine, in the process, which made goosebumps run up my arm.

"My turn!" Corpse said grabbing the pen from my hand and scribbling down on the tablet.

"Okay pose for me" I nodded and got into a really angry stance but failed to make my facial expressions show anger.

"Stop laughing, you're distracting me" Corpse shouted making me giggle more.

"Okay I'm finished" he handed the tablet to me, which I gladly took.

"That was quick-" I was about to say something but then looked down at the drawing and saw a small stick figure that had an angry expression and he was also wearing a lime scarf.

"I like it, it's very artistic," I say and did a stereotypical artist pose.

"Thank you, thank you... We should get these framed when we get back to Earth" Corpse suggested and I nodded.

(I have exams so I might not post for the next week or two❤)

(Love you ❤💋)

The Broken Person Among Us - CorpsexSykkunoWhere stories live. Discover now