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"Would you rather... Hold a snake or a tarantula?" Corpse as me and I looked at him in shock.

"Neither they're both scary animals!" I protest but he gives me a look that said I have to answer.

"Fine I guess I'll go with the snake, they dont have an unusual amount of legs" I shivered at the thought of having to hold any type If spider.

"You don't think no legs is an unusual amount of legs?" He asked while chuckling at my reaction.

"No! Lots of humans have no legs" I point out to which he just nodded.

"Okay, my turn. Would you rather make a snowman in the alps or a sandcastle in the Sahara desert?" I ask and then giggle at his cute reaction to the weird question.

"Hmm that's a good question Sykkuno" he praised but I knew he was just stalling so he could think about his answer.

"I pick the snowman, I feel like it would be too hot in the desert for me" he looked at me sceptically in case that was the wrong answer.

"It would be fun" I agreed while flopping down on to his bed.

"If we get back from space, you have to take me to the alps! To build a cute snowman" I say, rolling over to lay on my stomach.

"Once we get back, I will do that" he agreed while giggling lightly and flopped down beside me.
It looked like he was staring at the ceiling but his mind seemed to be miles away.

I looked over at him and started to observe all of his features, his eyes, they were an elegant brown colour that seemed to sparkle when the light hit off them, his hair was slightly long and curly, it was also naturally black which I thought was cool.

My eyes slowly fell down his face to his mouth which was covered by the black mask that I hated, so very much.

My hand slowly reached up to the fabric that was keeping me from seeing his cute face.
His eyes snapped away from the ceiling and landed on me.

He didn't say anything as unhooked the mask from his ears and pulled it away from his face.

I smiled as I saw his full face for the 5th time, his sharp jawline and his cute smile all went together perfectly making the perfect person that was laying in front of me.

"Corpse?" I question, my eyes still darting around his face until they settled on his eyes that were staring back at me.

He hummed in reply signalling that he was listening.

"Thank you" I whisper.

"No problem, Sykkuno" he smiled.

I had no idea what I was thanking him for but it just felt like it was the right thing to do.

I broke the eye contact to grab a jumper off the floor.
"Imma go get some juice, you want some?" I questioned and he looked up at me and nodded.

"Okay, be right back!" I say while putting the jumper on over my head and running out of the room, almost running into the doorway by accident.

"Sykkuno?" I heard a voice from behind me say that scared the life out of me.

"Yes, Toast?" I turned back to face him with a smile plastered onto my face.

"Where are you going?" He questioned suspiciously.

I rolled my eyes "im going to get some juice, you can come if you want?" I asked and he nodded and started to walk beside me.

"So... Where'd you get that jumper?" Toast asked me and I looked down to see what he was talking about.

"Oh-" that's when I realised I had put on Corpses jumper instead of mine, I don't know how I didn't realise! It was much bigger than mine.

"I brought this with me!" I say defensively but Toast still looked at me sceptically but didn't say anything further.

We walk into the cafeteria and I grab two bottles of water and a small biscuit for myself.

"Why do you need two bottles of water?" Toast questioned again.

"Why are you asking me so many questions? Maybe I'm just thirsty?" I groan in annoyance at the fact that he was interrogating me.

I walk out of the cafeteria not waiting for Toast.

"I'm back," I say walking into Corpses room.

Corpse sat up, resting his back on the headrest of the bed.
I climbed onto the bed and sat down beside him, handing him a bottle of water.

"You got a biscuit?" He looked down at me and pulled a sad-looking face.

"I did but it's all for me!" I say with a victorious tone in my voice as I ate half of the biscuit.

Corpse reached out and grabbed the remainder of my biscuit and held it above his head so I couldn't grab it.

I sat up onto my knees and tried to grab it back but he held me back with his other arm and placed the biscuit further away.

"Corpse! Give me it back!" I fake pout.

He laughs "say please first"

I groan but said please anyway. He kept his word and gave me it back but once he did, I split the remaining bit in half and gave half to Corpse.

"Aw, thanks" he mumbled while he ate the half I gave him.
"Shut up" I giggled and got under the covers, Corpse followed my actions and got in beside me.

"Sleep time?" He questioned and I just nodded and got cuddled into him.

(It's almost 5 am so this is probably not great xD 😂)

The Broken Person Among Us - CorpsexSykkunoWhere stories live. Discover now